

WARNING: Contain sexual scene and strong language. WHEN YOU END UP WATCHING YOURSELF. "I know you aren't in love with her, but if you aren't in love with her then why are you getting married to her" he looked me in eye stroking my hair. "I'm in love with you Cleo, I have always been in love with you, and not your sister". 19 years old Cleo meets Stephen a 26years old multi million on the streets where Cleo spilled coffee on his $10,000 Amar suit, embarrassing her in presence of her crush. With a broken heart, she leaves home for 2years on getting home the stranger responsible for her heartbreak is the one getting married to her sister. But will their hate turn to love or will the wedding become a disaster?

qdee_oj · 都市
10 Chs


"There is no way I'm going with that moron, and there is nothing anyone can say about it to make me change my mind." I shouted as I ran up to my room. I can't believe Rissa wants me to travel with her fiancé. I swear I would be arrested for murder if I spend just two hours with that moron. It's been a month since I have been working with Carter and our friendship has grown in such a way that rumors were being spread that I was sleeping with Carter. Oh well, if only that were true.

"Clare bear, I know you hate it, but just do it for me, I need to know, you are the only one I trust."I rolled my eyes at her statement. Typical Rissa, always worried about the wrong people. I mean if he is cheating on her, I don't care, at least it will be the end of the relationship and I won't walk down the stupid isle pretending that I do not want to kill him when all I really want is to murder him, bring him back to life and kill him again.

"Rissa, I will not follow your fiancè to Vegas" I told her for the hundredth time.

" If you love me you will do it. Besides, I don't want to bring a child into this world when its father is cheating on me with another woman."

" Holy fuck" I screamed. "Rissa, you are pregnant." It was more of a statement than it was a question.

" I just said so, please, don't let me bring my child into the world if its father is nothing but a liar". I took a deep breath and sighed.

" I'm doing this because I want to be its godmother, that's all" Rissa screamed, jumping on my body.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..." I smiled at her childish behaviour, look at who calls me a child.

"When are we leaving?"

"Tonight" I snapped my head, looking at my sister.

"Sis , there is no way I am getting on that plane, tonight, with that moron you call a fiancé. I mean I literally have nothing to wear and I do have a job, you know." I whined.

"Stop being a baby, I already spoke with cater and he's given you two weeks emergency holiday from work and I packed a bag for you, and while you are there please have fun and don't come home with that v card intact" she shouted over her shoulder as she walked out of my bedroom. Sisters, they are there just to annoy you.

I walked down dressed in black jeans and a yellow crop top. "Please don't tell me you are wearing that and you are going to sit on a plane for seven hours" I looked at what I was wearing from my trouser to my cropped top. " Of course not I'm wearing boots along with it." Rissa glared at me, clearly starring daggers at me. I heard the horn of a car outside and ran out to avoid my sister's anger.

"Oh hi Carter, what are you doing here?" I halted as I saw Carter standing there with his hands in his pockets.

" Did you forget I'm your boss?" he asked, clearly looking angry.

" What's going on, I don't understand."

"You can't just wake up and decide to go on a vacation without telling me" Shit I totally forgot to tell him.

"Stop taking advantage of the fact that I like you, because that's what you are doing now and it's hurting me. People already think we are dating but you don't take..." I walked up to him, grabbed him by the collar and kissed him. His lips were soft just as I thought it, the butterflies in my stomach were dancing so wildly and stopped rapidly as soon as I heard the voice of an idiot.

"Stop making out, we are going to be late." I'm so going to kill him, with my bare hands.

"I'm sorry Rissa told me she told you and I didn't call to know if you were comfortable with it. We will talk about everything when I come back, but I promise you. I'm not taking advantage of you, I like you too." I told Carter, hoping he would see the truth in my eyes.

"Okay" he sighed. I turned and walked towards that imbecile, clearly glaring at him.

The car ride to the airport was quiet and long. All I could think of was the kiss with Carter. The butterflies were still dancing in my stomach. I looked at Stephen who was watching me clearly, like a science project. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at the endless clouds from the window.

Arriving in Vegas dressed in a shirt and shorts was not what I planned for. I turned to see Stephen watching me. I rolled my eyes and faced him, placing my hand on my waist.

"Dummy, are you going to keep on watching me or are you actually taking us to our hotel rooms?" I asked, snapping him out of whatever trance he was stuck in.

"Well, I didn't plan for you to come along, so I didn't book a room for you but I'm sure we can sort something out", he turned and walked out of the airport's exit, making me chase after him.

Does this man have robot legs because he's sure as hell can walk so fast? As soon as we got out, he hailed a taxi and we headed straight to SLS Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. He's rich, so I had no idea why we were taking a cab. I mean I see how rich people operate in a movie. A black car security around then not taking a cab.

My mouth was hung down when we got there. It was beautiful and had a beautiful view. This hotel must be fucking expensive.

"I'm sorry there's no more available room but we can share mine" I was taken aback.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean?" I asked, clearly confused.

"The hotel, there's no more available room"

"Oh that's what you meant." I must have been lost in my thought that I didn't notice him talking to the receptionist. Oh, I was supposed to keep an eye on him not get lost in the beauty of this place.

"Are you alright?" He asked, waving his hand right in front of my eyes. I didn't think I just punched him straight on his nose.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry, I didn't.... I mean you startled me.... I thought you wanted to attack me". I hurried my words, worried that I must have broken his nose.

He waved his hand, clearly brushing me off.

"It's okay I'm stronger than I look". Okay, there's something strange here. He is nice to me. Too nice. I narrowed my eyes towards him. I'm going to watch him like a hawk. He must have something planned.

We stepped out of the elevator and walked out to the hallway that led to the room. As soon as I entered the room, my jaw landed straight to the floor.

This isn't a room, it's a suite. It was decorated in an old theme of black, white and gold. It had two rooms with a master's bathroom attached to it. Don't get me started on the bathroom. It looked amazing. I was speechless, I wish I was here with Carter not Mr grumpy over there. I smiled, looking around the suite. I could stay in Vegas forever.

"Clare bear your luggage should be beside the bed in your room. You need to shower so you can sleep. We have a long day tomorrow." I raked my eyes from his head to his toe and burst out laughing.

He looked at me as if I had grown two heads. I kept on laughing till tears were coming out of my eyes. "Okay, Okay" I tried to catch my breath. I cleared my throat before I began.

"See here, mister". I pointed at him First don't call me Clare Bear only my family does that." Oh wow I sound cool. "I don't care if you have a long day tomorrow. I don't work for you. I only came because of my sister. This is Vegas and I intend to have fun as much as I like, so you better go take a bath and go to bed while I go have fun."

'I hope diamond packed a dress' I muttered to myself as I looked for my bag.

"Stephen, where's my bag?" I asked, looking around for my bag.

"I don't know you are an adult find it, besides you are here to have fun." Yep i knew it too good to be true, he could never be nice even if his life depended on it. I checked the hotel room and I couldn't find my bag.

"Did you get my bag out of the taxi?"

"Was I supposed to?" He asked me back.

"You fucking moron", I jumped, grabbing him, causing both of us to fall on the floor.

"You were supposed to be a gentle man and carry my bag since I'm a lady."

" hahahhahahhaahha. Wait" he held his hand in front of him, stopping me from any comment I had. He kept on laughing.

"You call yourself a lady. Oh please, I'm more of a woman than you". If looks could kill grumpy pants, he would have been dead. I looked around for what I could use for revenge. I smiled as I spotted his bag there sitting in the corner.

I smiled sweetly at him and shrugged. I turned towards my room, got on the bed, took off my boots and pretended to sleep. Tomorrow you are in for a big surprise. Rissa has been helping you but right now she is not here. I'm going to kill him or make his life a living hell.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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