

WARNING: Contain sexual scene and strong language. WHEN YOU END UP WATCHING YOURSELF. "I know you aren't in love with her, but if you aren't in love with her then why are you getting married to her" he looked me in eye stroking my hair. "I'm in love with you Cleo, I have always been in love with you, and not your sister". 19 years old Cleo meets Stephen a 26years old multi million on the streets where Cleo spilled coffee on his $10,000 Amar suit, embarrassing her in presence of her crush. With a broken heart, she leaves home for 2years on getting home the stranger responsible for her heartbreak is the one getting married to her sister. But will their hate turn to love or will the wedding become a disaster?

qdee_oj · 都市
10 Chs


Crystal eye widen as she eyed Carter from head to toe.

"Hmm mama likes"

"Rissa claws off my man" I poked her by side joking.

"Awww come on, can't you share besides there is love in sharing"

I rolled my eyes and bounced up from the chair

"This way I will give you a tour"

Carter excused himself from my parents and sister presence and followed me.

"So where we left now was the sitting room. We have the game room , over there is the gym " I pointed at the gym room by the corner.

We climbed up and opened the first door which led to my room

"So this is my room, ignore the stuffed animals."

"Hmm" he placed his hand on his cheeks checking my room.

"So did you bring me to your room so you can have your way with me?" I gasped and slapped him playfully on his hand.

"Your dirty mind"

"Cleo you're such a violent person, I should have checked if you haven't assaulted anyone" I placed my hand on my forehead.

"Can you run?" I asked Carter sweetly.

"Of course I can run, why did you ask?" I narrowed my eyes at him looking him square in the eye.

"Get ready to run because I'm going to so kill you" he took before I stood up from my bed I was laying on and ran down the stairs laughing. I chased after him with one intention to tickle the hell out of him. Two step before I could catch him I slipped on my heels and fell.

Carter stopped running. He came to me with concern written on his face.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. He seemed so worried.

"I smiled and jumped on his body making him land on the floor and tickled him, he was laughing so hard making me laugh too.

"Okay okay I'm sorry please stop" I stopped watching him catch his breath. He looked into my eyes, my breathing caught in my throat. This was the first time I noticed his eyes were sea green in colour.

"Your eyes are beautiful" I whispered with my face drawing closer.

"Thanks they are my best features"

I smiled, watching his eyes. Our face was an inch apart. my eyes flew from his eyes to his lip. For Just a second i wondered how his lips would taste.

"You are more beautiful without makeup" he whispered. My pulse racing so fast. He brought his hand to my hair and remove the clip holding it up.

"Stop wearing your hair up, you look more beautiful with it down" I knew if I move my head it would close the distance between us and I would finally get my first kiss. How would it feel like?

I heard someone clearly their throat making me jump. We both look like we had been caught with our hands in the cookie jar.

"What the hell! You startled me Rissa" she rolled her eyes. That was when I noticed my dad, mom, Rissa and Stephen were watching us. I quickly jumped up from Carters body, my cheeks burning in embarrassment.

"Dinner is served" my mom said. I knew she was trying to lighten the mood and I noticed my dad staring daggers at Carter's head.

"This way please" I lead Carter to the dinning room and we all sat.

"Are you expecting more guests?" Carter whispered into my ears.

"Nope, this food is barely enough and you think more people are coming, no way. It annoying that Stephen is here to shorten my ration" I grumbled.

We all ate silently

"So Carter, what are your intentions towards my daughter"

"Dad, Carter is my boss and nothing more. We are friends"

Carter looks totally uncomfortable

"Friends don't do what you both did there, without minding our presence. Are you sleeping with him? Is that why you left Stephen company to work with Carter?"

Oh shit. My dad just crossed the line

"Excuse me..." I raised my hand and halted Carter as he was about to explain to my father.

"Carter don't explain anything" I turned and faced my dad. "Dad I'm no longer a child, but I'm not dating Carter neither sleeping with him just trust me"

"Yes dad trust her, she hasn't even had her first kiss for her to think of giving up her virginity to a guy she barely knows" Stephen cough louder clearly chocking on his food. Okay that was awkward

We remained silent. Once dinner is done by that I mean once I was done eating all the food, Carter has been staring at me since we finished eating.

"Why are you staring at me" I asked as I continue playing episode on my phone. "You ate all those food?" I laughed at his comment.

"That was barely enough, I will order pizza and probably some cookies"

"How are you not looking like an elephant?" I rolled my eyes.

"Workout duh" I said like it's so obvious. One thing I knew was that I have a big appetite and I have a great body.

I walked Carter out of the house to where his driver and his car was waiting for him.

"So how does an ordinary life seems like?" I asked him as we got to his car. He smiled and shrugged, "not so bad. I had fun and it was all thanks to you. Its late you should get to bed" I smiled gave him a big hug before I turned and walked into the house.

I saw Stephen waiting by the door when I got there. Great just great. I have been avoiding him since I stopped working for him and that's two days ago.

"So Carter huh?"

"Moron what do you want?" I asked getting impatient

"Let's call a truce" I raised my eyebrows at him

"A truce to what. If I may ask why are we calling a truce?" He looked taken aback. I know he never expected this kind of question from me.

"You destroyed my suit without paying?"

"oh please, you can afford it 10times but did you know what you did ? You destroyed my potential relationship, my reputation. I had to leave for two years, two whole years before I could see myself and get my family back so don't you dare say a word about a ten thousand dollars suit" I walked out on him.

I was exhausted physically and emotionally. I got into my room and I saw my sister sitting on my bed.

"Rissa, what you doing in my room?" I asked as I jumped on top my bed making me bounce up and down.

"Clear bear!" I knew what she wants to talk about but I pretended not knowing.

"Crystal....!" I stressed her own nick name.

" Come on, don't make me stress about it, tell me what's going on between you and Carter" I rolled my eyes as I chuckled.

"Like i said, he is my friend and boss that's all"

"Come on Clare bear not with that kind of chemistry I saw today"

"Pssh. That was no chemistry" I tried to put her off.

"Come on, admit you like him?" I laughed

"No, he is just my friend. Besides, your fiancé is waiting for you" she jumped up from the bed and ran out of the room. I laughed lying on my bed thinking of the day's events.

Maybe I do like him, or maybe I don't. Women are the most complicated species on earth. Oh right I'm a woman

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