

WARNING: Contain sexual scene and strong language. WHEN YOU END UP WATCHING YOURSELF. "I know you aren't in love with her, but if you aren't in love with her then why are you getting married to her" he looked me in eye stroking my hair. "I'm in love with you Cleo, I have always been in love with you, and not your sister". 19 years old Cleo meets Stephen a 26years old multi million on the streets where Cleo spilled coffee on his $10,000 Amar suit, embarrassing her in presence of her crush. With a broken heart, she leaves home for 2years on getting home the stranger responsible for her heartbreak is the one getting married to her sister. But will their hate turn to love or will the wedding become a disaster?

qdee_oj · 都市
10 Chs


"No, you are the first girl that I've brought here". He replied he looked a bit sad. I raised my head from the food I was eating. He had been quiet since were eating and this was the first time he spoke to me since the food was served.

I sent him a big smile and winked at him.

"I knew you had a crush on me" I tried raising my eyebrow to make me look cool but with the way he was laughing I knew I must have looked odd. Good at least he was smiling.

"So you have never had a girl friend huh?" I asked still eating my food.

"I did, but she was after money so I broke it off with her" I might be after your money but trust me I'm after your body

"And how did you know she was after your money?" I asked still eating my food.

"You are the first lady I have seen eat this way in front of a guy. Don't you ever get fat with this much food you're eating" I placed my hand on my cheeks pretending to think.

"Umm, No now tell me how you knew" he was trying to change the topic.

"Okay, she stole a hundred grand and was planning on stealing more."

My mouth was opened, take a deep breath Cleo. "That's huge, a hundred thousand dollars damm.."

"It's nothing, the fact that she was dishonest about it hurts alot. If she had asked me I would have given her" I raised my eyebrows at him

"So Carter, if I should ask for ten grand you will give it to me?" I asked in disbelief

"Of cause not, you are not my girlfriend" I placed my hands on my cheeks and smiled. "We can remedy that, all I have to do is to accept your request. I know you want me" I made kissy face, and looked at me with disgust.

"Eww you have some greenish things stuck in your teeth" I quickly closed my mouth. I took a small mirror from bag and I saw my teeth was clean, I glared at him. You are do dead I screamed mentally in my head, if looks could kill he would have been dead now.

I smiled sweetly and looked at him. I have so many revenge plot scheme planned and the best revenge walked in.

A beautiful brunette girl walk up to Carter and gave him a hug. She kept on chatting with Carter totally ignoring me.

I cleared my throat and Carter look up and saw me.

"Oh this is Cleo my new Manager, I know she will make a great addition to the team" Carter winked at me while miss fake boobs and fake ass glared at me.

" Oh!" She turned and faced Carter "I have missed you so much" I could see her eyes ranking down his body.

I cleared my throat and stood up.

"Sir, we have to leave. It's almost 3pm and you need to take your shot for the STDs you have. Next time you won't sleep with a random stripper. Who knows if she has AIDS, well we will have to wait for 2months to find that out" her hand immediately flew from his shirt. I held my laugh till I got to the car. I burst out laughing that the body guards were eyeing me.

Carter looked angry, he stormed into the car and shut the door. I thought he was going to leave me so I quickly jumped into the car.

"What was the meaning of that?" He asked clearly angry. I looked him in the eyes clearly holding my laughter. "That's revenge baby" I laughed again

"Oh my God, she left you as if you had Ebola." I kept on laughing and Carter glared at me muttering to himself clearly angry.

"come on Carter, I'm sorry, I promise not to chase your potential suitors sorry suitorers ever again."

"There is no word like suitorers"

I burst out laughing again.

"Carter I'm sorry please" I begged him pouting.

"You lips look like that of a pig" I gasped my hand over my chest showing a fake hurt expression

"Ouch that hurts. I guess I deserve it, so I'm going to do you a favor I'm going to quit now so you don't have to deal with someone like me" I turned facing away from him.

As we got back to the office, I went straight to carry my bag. I stepped out of my office when I saw Carter standing by the door.

"And who asked you to leave?"

"I told you I was quitting, since you hate me?" I tried faking a tear.

"Common I was joking, I don't hate you. Beside you are the only one who acts real around me"

"Yes I knew you will fall for it. You can't do without me, you love me too much" he placed his hand on his head

. "Oh God what am I going to do with you Cleo" he muttered under his breath.

"Nothing, you can't live without me" I kissed him on his cheeks and went into my mini office and continued working. I closed by 7pm.

I knocked on the door to his office. I heard come in and I popped my head into his office.

"Hey Carter, you still working?" I asked as I noticed his was still typing furiously on his laptop.

"Yes" he replied without raising his head.

"Come on, you are not going to be poor if you close early today beside my mom invited you for dinner"

"Cleo as you can see I'm very busy" I rolled my eyes, walked up to his table, shut his laptop and sat on his desk table. He raised his face and looked me in the eyes.

"Cleo get off my table" I rolled my eyes

"You have to stand up form your chair and have to carry me from your table" he stood up and he placed his hand under my leg and the other one behind my back, he lifted me from this table and dropped me on the floor.

"Ouchhhhh! That wasn't sexy at all"

I whined.

"Why can't you leave me alone" he complained making me roll my eye.

"Because you look 40 instead of 30"

"I'm 27 Cleo"

"You see, the white hair couldn't have been wrong" he sighed and stood up.

"Let's go" I jumped up dancing. Okay I should probably behave myself. We walked out and I got to my car. "I'm driving"

"You know I have a car right and I'm your boss" I rolled my eyes again for the hundredths time.

"Just admit you have a crush on me and get in the car"

"What am I going to do with this woman" he muttered as he got into my car.

I drove and got home under 10mins.

"Next time I'm driving you almost killed me,"

"Awww you such a pussy" I walk straight to my front door.

"I'm home people and I brought a guest" I screamed

"I thought your mom invited me" Carter asked me

"Did I say so....?" I stressed scratching the back of my head.

"Clear bear"

"Rissa" I screamed so loud as I jumped on my sister's arms as we hugged each other.

"I missed you so much"

"You two saw each other yesterday" I heard mom say. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh mom sorry! Uhm this is Carter my boss"

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