

WARNING: Contain sexual scene and strong language. WHEN YOU END UP WATCHING YOURSELF. "I know you aren't in love with her, but if you aren't in love with her then why are you getting married to her" he looked me in eye stroking my hair. "I'm in love with you Cleo, I have always been in love with you, and not your sister". 19 years old Cleo meets Stephen a 26years old multi million on the streets where Cleo spilled coffee on his $10,000 Amar suit, embarrassing her in presence of her crush. With a broken heart, she leaves home for 2years on getting home the stranger responsible for her heartbreak is the one getting married to her sister. But will their hate turn to love or will the wedding become a disaster?

qdee_oj · 都市
10 Chs


"oh shit, I thought these kind of things happens only in the movies"

He looked at me with a hint of smile playing on his lips

"What are you talking about?" He asked me with his eyebrow raised slightly. "You know, where the girl meets the boss and they have a disagreement, you know the usual and soon they both fall in love with each other trying to hide but couldn't and then have sex and the girl gets pregnant and they are destined to be together forever."

He looked at me then burst out laughing. I placed my hands on my waist tapping the floor with my shoes slightly.

"That's hilarious. Hahahaha. I'm sorry but aren't you cute" he tried to tease me

"Oh please, I'm a fan of romance. I mean who doesn't want to meet their one true love and live happily ever after" I twirl as I was talking and landed on my butt. He burst out laughing.

"That's not funny" I scowled at him as I rubbed my butt.

"I'm sorry but you are so funny. It's been awhile since I laughed this hard."

"Why?" I asked him still rubbing my butt

"People tend to pretend around me but you are just yourself, even after finding out who I am, you were still your self and that's a change for a start" I was surprised at his comment.

"Oh poor thing, what a sad life, you are so lucky I came into your life. I can't imagine all those stuck up people with their fake accent trying to impress you" i grabbed his cheeks and squeezed it like you do to a child.

"Yes, so you think I'm hot?" He asked looking so sure of himself. I rolled my eyes.

"Hmm maybe, now that the sugar is wearing off, my eyes can actually see more clearly. although I can see a lots of flaws, you are not that hot. I mean on a scale of 1-10 I will give you a 2.5" the expression on his face was priceless as his mouth literally dropped opened staring at me with disbelief.

"Hahahahahahahaha, the look on your face is priceless, omg hahahaha. You are cute so cute like a panda"

" Take that back" he shouted standing from his chair

"No" I told him sticking my tongue at him. All of a sudden he grabbed me making me stumbled landing on my butt again.

"Take that back" he told me again.

"I won't because it's true, you are a cute as a 5year old in a princess costume" he narrowed his eyes at me and said. "Well you asked for it" the next thing I knew he started tickling me.

"Haha okay okay I will, you are hot" he stopped tickling me, but he was still on top of me .

"Just hot, won't you praise my godlike nature" he asked leaning closer, making my breathing quicken.

"Okay, you are so hot that I literally wetting my panties just looking at you" I told him almost breathless. He looked at my lips and licked his lips leaning closer to me. Our gaze locked and I knew without a doubt that this is how I will have my first kiss. Our lips were almost touching, when mean lady barge in looking mortified.

"Kids of nowadays are so rude. They do it anywhere possible. God have mercy on their soul." She murmured as she walked out making the sign of the cross on her way.

We both looked at each other and brust out laughing, but I was disappointed, what was I thinking anyways we literally just met.

"You did what?" My sis asked, clearly being surprised and over dramatic about the fact I just told her I almost got my first kiss from my new boss.

"I got a new job" I told her while rolling my eyes.

"Wait you got a new job" seriously haven't you been paying attention.

"Yes I said that a few minutes ago" I looked at her and she shrugged.

"Don't blame me, you dropped a bucket load of surprise it's hard to keep up" I smacked my forehead mentally.

"Clarissa Crystal Thomas, I'm not going to repeat myself again so pay attention" I said slowly while she watched me like I was crazy.

"Cleo Clare bear Thomas, my brain has the capacity to understand English so speak up, starting with the kiss" I wrinkled my nose.

"Almost kiss and why the kiss?" I asked clearly not ready to talk about it.

"Jeez, why not" she told rolling her eyes.

"So what's his name? Do you like him? Oh oh is he hot?" She winked at me and i rolled my eyes

"One day your eyes will get stuck at the back of your head and all you end up seeing are brains" she said making me giggle

"Do you want to know who it was or not" i asked clearly can't wait to spill everything.

"Okay okay fine, go on" she raised her hands in the air.

"It was Carter" she looked confused hearing the name.

"Whose Carter never heard of him" she squint her eyes trying to remember him, making me roll my eyes again.

"Carter as in the owner of Carter's group of companies"

"Holy fuck" she screamed.

"Spill everything now"

"There's nothing to spill, we almost kissed and that's that. I am hungry"

" What am I going to do with you?"

She asked making me smile.

"Food?" She rolled her eyes and stood up. I followed her singing on top of my voice.

"Shut up! You sound like you swallowed a frog" i giggled, sisters!