

WARNING: Contain sexual scene and strong language. WHEN YOU END UP WATCHING YOURSELF. "I know you aren't in love with her, but if you aren't in love with her then why are you getting married to her" he looked me in eye stroking my hair. "I'm in love with you Cleo, I have always been in love with you, and not your sister". 19 years old Cleo meets Stephen a 26years old multi million on the streets where Cleo spilled coffee on his $10,000 Amar suit, embarrassing her in presence of her crush. With a broken heart, she leaves home for 2years on getting home the stranger responsible for her heartbreak is the one getting married to her sister. But will their hate turn to love or will the wedding become a disaster?

qdee_oj · 都市
10 Chs


I have been working for 6 hours straight without a break. I smiled as I finished the last work on my table. I jumped up dancing, someone cleared their throat, I turned to see Stephen the moron looking at me. I stuck my tongue out to him as I took the files and the laptop to his desk. He scanned through what I did, he raised his head and looked at me.

"This is stupid, even the janitor could come up with something better than this." I could feel the tears about to form in my eyes. I have been working on this for 6 hours with no water break and I knew I did well so why does his words hurts. Why do I need his approval.

"Are you deaf as well? Why will you choose a family park to a club?"

"Fuck you and go to hell. I don't care what you think but fyi for a cruise ship it's better as a family park than a club. I don't think you want to be on a cruise ship relaxing and be loud music playing. Excuse me but I know you are moron and I have no idea what my sister sees in you"

"Cleo behave yourself and remember I'm your boss" I glared at him and walk towards the door opened it and I was about stepping out.

"If you step out of that door, please make sure you don't come back"

"Then go to hell because I am sure that's where you're from" I walked out straight to the car park and entered my car. Tears streaming down my face. I picked up my phone and call Rissa.

"Clare bear whats up?" I could hear pot clinking, I knew she was cooking. Strange I haven't eaten anything today and I'm not hungry...

"Are you there? Hello!"

" Your fiancé is a moron"

"You said it before"

"I am not working with him ever again."

"What happened,are you crying"

"I don't wanna be a cry baby, but.." I sniffled cleaning my eyes "I worked for six hours, and he condemned my work without looking at it, he just skimmed through it and he condemned it without looking at details. I hate him so much sis, I hate him" the tears flowing faster.

"Oh Clare bear, I'm so sorry. I am going to talk to him"

"No sis, I don't really know why I care about what he said to me but don't worry, I will go out for a while and drown my sorrows in pizza "

"Promise me one thing"


"No making out with the pizza guy for free pizza" I giggled

"Sis that happened just once and I was high"

"Yes high on sugar" I laughed louder

"Thanks sis. I love you"

"Love you too Clare bear. Be home by 8"

"Yes mom" I rolled my eyes as I hung up. I felt so much better. I opened my mirror and I look like a homeless clown. I am sure a mess. I took the face wipe from my bag and cleaned my face. Looking at my reflection damm I am hot. I put the key in the ignition, start the car and drove off the pizza parlour. I would drown my sorrows in pizza and tomorrow I would start looking for a job. I will prove to everyone including my parents that I am my own boss. Damm that was hot. After having pizzas, lots of it with smoothie, I decided to drive around then I saw what changed my life forever. Okay too much exaggerating, all I saw was a job ad. An opening for a manager position at Carter's group of companies. Just what I need. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and my make up were all smudged around the edges.

I took a wipe from my bag and cleaned my face making me look younger. I got out of the car and walk straight to the receptionist.

"I know I'm late but I am begging you, pls pls pls pls pls let me go for the interview" she raised her eyebrow and stared at me. She called and it seems the conversation was to my benefit because she gave me directions to the elevator. I was dancing mentally. As the door slid close....

"Hold the door" I heard a voice. Omg I just died and went to heaven. Is this human? Damm cutie at 5 o clock.

"Thanks, this things take a while to come back down" he said and I smiled

" It's okay, doing my job as a good citizen. Sooooo, I'm Cleo by the way" I told him and stretched my hand towards him for a handshake, I just wanted to know how his hands feel like. He stared at my like he doesn't know the concept of shaking hands.

"This is awkward, and this is where you shake my hand back and introduce yourself" i told him and he chuckled

"Sorry bout that. I'm Cater" he took my hand and shook it making me smile. He hand is so soft like feathers I want to hold them forever.

"So Cater you work here?"

"Yes I do" he stopped, I looked at him hopping he continue but he didn't.

"Okay. I am here for the Interview and I am nervous as hell"

"Interview, isn't it too late. I mean the interview ended an hour ago"

" I know, I didn't find out on time. This is the opportunity i need to prove to my parent and sister that I do not need them looking for a job for me" i rambled and he smiled at me

"You should smile often, it makes you looked hotter" he raised his eyebrow at my comment and smirked

"So you think I am hot?" He asked

"Yes. But I'm not going to raise your ego more than it already is by telling you that seeing you alone has already gotten my panties wet" he burst out laughing.

"Are you always this straight forward?" He asked me.

"Yes especially when I'm on sugar rush. I tend to say what I am thinking about all the time"

He turned and faced me.

" I like you, I will keep you around" with that he walked away. That was when I regained my senses and noticed I was standing in a lobby with a red hair girl typing furiously on a keyboard.

I walk towards her slowly.

"Hello, please I..."

"Sit!" She ordered. Okay rude much.

After some few minutes or hours it hard to tell when you been trying to keep a correct sitting posture.

"You are all the same, after his money nothing else you never cared about his feelings. At least you are dressed decent than the other ones that have been coming." she was muttering under her breath.

"Excuse me?" She glared at me before replying.

" Go in, the boss is ready" finally.

"Thanks" I got to the door and knocked on the door. I heard something from the other side so I walked in.

Now I'm going crazy I shouldn't have eaten too much sugar since it's causing illusion. I mean I can literally see Cater sitting on a chair. Then it clicked, Carters group of companies. Shit he is the boss. I called my boss to be hot.

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