

WARNING: Contain sexual scene and strong language. WHEN YOU END UP WATCHING YOURSELF. "I know you aren't in love with her, but if you aren't in love with her then why are you getting married to her" he looked me in eye stroking my hair. "I'm in love with you Cleo, I have always been in love with you, and not your sister". 19 years old Cleo meets Stephen a 26years old multi million on the streets where Cleo spilled coffee on his $10,000 Amar suit, embarrassing her in presence of her crush. With a broken heart, she leaves home for 2years on getting home the stranger responsible for her heartbreak is the one getting married to her sister. But will their hate turn to love or will the wedding become a disaster?

qdee_oj · 都市
10 Chs


Running towards the table of food, laughing happily, getting there, I took a seat, picked up a bacon about to put it in my mouth, when I heard Ding dong! Huh, what was that?

I tried putting the bacon in my mouth again and I heard Ding dong! This time it seemed to be coming from the beacon. I looked at the beacon closer and it rang louder. Ding dong! Making me jump and I fell on the floor.

"Ouch!" I rubbed my butt where I had hit while falling. Ding dong! Shit, I was dreaming and there was no bacon, that my phone buzzing and it was an alarm.

Shit its time for work.

I stood up, went to shower,and got dressed. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, nodding my head confidently, damm I look good.

I applied a little makeup, making my eyes bolder, giving me a badass look. I looked at the time and noticed it was 6:30. I need to be in the office by 7am or a so-called ass will have my neck.

After yesterday's conversation with my sis with lots of threats, I mean threats about not having turkey for Thanksgiving. I mean who uses Turkey as blackmail. Clearly, no one except Rissa.

I took mom's car keys and drove straight to the office. I arrived at about 6:45am. I still had a few minutes to spare.

I reapplied my lipgloss, making my lips look so kissable. I got down from the car and walked in, headed straight to the elevator. I used the I.d card my sister gave me to access the top floor. As soon as I stepped into the office,

"You are late?"

"No I'm not", I shot back.

"It's 7:01am, which means you are late." God please help me or I will commit murder.

"I was here at 6:45am"

"And you decided to reapply your lipgloss, which wasn't even necessary, you still look like a-bamboo with over-sized lips" Pain flashed in my eyes. I'm not going to cry for this idiot, I'm not going to cry.

I opened my mouth to say something when he held up his hand, halting me.

"Do yourself a favor, keep shut and go get me coffee"

"Excuse me?"

"I said go get me a cup coffee" I was so going to murder him.

"I am not your personal assistant, we are equals in this office", he ignored me and continued reading a file he was reading. The only thing stopping me from jumping across and slapping his face was Turkey. Thanksgiving turkey was at stake.

I turned and strolled out, bumping into a cute ebony girl.

"Sorry" my habit of bumping into people

"It's alright" she told me, giving me a warm smile.

"I'm Taylor, by the way."

"I'm Cleo"

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl". At least someone sees me as beautiful. Why do I even care what he thinks

"Please do you know where the lunch room is, I need to make coffee for the boss." I cringed, calling him the boss, he is an idiot.

"You are his new personal assistant, damm, you are way hotter than the previous. I mean she was a total slob. He fired her yesterday. Come right this way, I will show you."

"Thank you". I didn't correct her when she said I was his personal assistant. I wanted to find out what she knew about him and ways for me to plot my revenge. And this chatter box here is the best way to get it.

"Let's get this straight before you start working here, he is mine" I raised my eyebrows at her clearly showing my confusion.

"The boss is mine."

"I thought he was engaged" I asked, clearly hiding my anger.

"We all know she's a slut and a gold digger." I was pissed. You can call the idiot anything you want but never talk about my sister like that.

"And aren't you one, you are here lusting over someone else's fiancé that will not even look at you or doesn't know your name? If he wasn't rich would you have noticed him? And next time you talk shit about my sister, let's just say you better watch your back because revenge is my second name." Her mouth hung open with fear in her eyes. With that, I set to work on the coffee.

" Here's your coffee", I told him, dropping the cup in front of him.

"There's no cream in it."

"You are the first man that drinks his coffee with cream."

"Don't be a smart ass, get me my coffee"

"Go get it yourself. I'm not your slave", he glared at me and I gave him full eye contact, letting him know how pissed off I was.

After a few minutes of eye contact without blinking, he backed down.

"Can't you do whatever you are told?"

"Not to you. I can't even stand your presence."

He ran his hands through his hair.

"How in God's name are you related to Clarissa?"

"And how in God's name were you born? You should have been aborted."

"You are frustratingly annoying."

"Right back at you mister". He opened his mouth to say something and closed it back. He just focused on the file in his front, totally ignoring me, which I was okay with.

I picked my phone from my bag. There I noticed a new message from my sister. Great just what i needed.

R: Behave, Turkey's life is at stake.

C: Come on sis, you know I'm trying my best.

R: Aren't you working why texting?

C: Ask your Idiotic fiancé and sis. Don't worry about Turkey, just think of a way I can get away with murder.

R: Oh oh who do you want to kill

C: A bitch

R: Literally rolling my eyes now, you do have a tendency of being a killer, you always wanted to be on but don't worry I will watch how to get away with murder so you can escape

I laughed so loudly, making the moron raise his head and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

C: Thanks sis, let's start with your fiancé. Please I will be quick, he won't feel a thing I promised.

R: No way, not my fiancé

C: Awww, am pouting now with big bear eyes saying please

R: Bye sis and go to work.

I laughed so loudly, making the boss finger quote, raise his head glaring at me.

"Since you are jobless, why not take these and actually get to work."

"So I have to annoy you to get something doing" I asked in a challenging form.

" For Christ's sake woman, just get to work and stop disturbing me"

"Say please", I teased.

"You got to be kidding me."

"Do it or...."

"Or what Clare bear?"

"Let's see", I placed my on my cheeks.

"Oh I know", I picked up the cup of coffee.

"I will pour this on your files, your laptop and everything here"

"This woman, you will be the death of me" he groaned.

"Say please"

"Please" he probably said that, so i would leave him alone.

"Now that wasn't so hard" and then I dropped the coffee and picked up the files on his desk.

Today is going to be a long day.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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