
27. Chapter 27

Despite all attempts to deny that her life resembled a stereotypical romantic comedy, at this moment, the scene in Erin's bedroom would have fit right in on the big screen. Numerous dresses had been modeled and discarded onto her bed under the evaluation of Kim or herself. After an afternoon finding nothing in her own closet that would satisfy her, Erin had called in for reinforcements from Kim. She had arrived her arms full of possibilities.

The black dress was too formal. The flowered dress was too summery. The red dress was deemed too slutty, although Kim actually didn't see that as too much of a real problem. Erin, while optimistically hopeful that her and Jay would finish what they started the night before, didn't want him to think that was all that was on her mind. The memory of his mouth trailing along her neck, while his hands roamed her body had led to a restless night of tossing and turning for Erin. She'd had her best friend back for the last month. Now she wanted her lover.

Erin's eyes drifted back to the red dress. Maybe that was the right choice.

"So, why is this date so important?" Kim asked from her lounging spot at the base of Erin's bed.

Erin slipped on a navy two-piece outfit. It had a short tight skirt, with a flowy over shirt that showed off most of her back. She adjusted the skirt a bit before answering. "Well, it's our first date?"

Kim raised an eyebrow questioningly. "You two have been inseparable since Thanksgiving."

Erin stood in front of her mirrored closet door studying her appearance in the dress. Her legs looked pretty good, but she wasn't sure about the top. She twisted a bit to check out the back view. "We weren't together though." Erin replied. She looked to Kim for an opinion on the dress.

Kim cocked her head to the side. "It looks better on you then it does on me, but I think I still like the red one better." Kim changed the subject back to what she was more interested in, "What do you mean you weren't together? He brings you coffee and snacks. He stares at you adoringly. You hang out all day…" she waggled her eyebrows at Erin, "…all night, too."

Erin took one last look in the mirror, before agreeing with Kim on the dress. She dug through the pile on the bed for something else. She spotted a gold sparkly dress, and held it up. Kim shook her head, "Too tacky! You'd look like a hooker." Kim replied.

"It's your own dress," Erin laughed holding up the offending clothing item.

Kim just shrugged, "Everybody has to have a few hooker dresses. I just don't think that's the look you are going for tonight. Try the dark green dress. It'll probably look good with your eyes."

Erin nodded and found the suggested dress, "Jay and I don't hang out all day. We are working. It's not like we sit around flirting and discussing our personal life." She gave Kim a pointed look. "In fact, we go out of our way to not get personal on the job."

Kim snorted a bit. "Yeah, right. You forget. I'm up there every day now. I see everything."

After Thanksgiving, Kim had been promoted up to intelligence. Sadly, Antonio had taken an investigator's job at the district attorney's office and left an opening. Voight had always been impressed with Burgess's dedication, intuition, and enthusiasm and had made the offer. Erin had been sad to see Antonio go, but was happy to have another woman on the team. It had been years since it had been anyone but her and the guys. It was nice to have someone else to back her up when the testosterone levels got a little too high. Although, the downside was that Kim had a front row seat to Erin's personal life and felt entitled to discuss it with. Up 'til now, it had mainly been raised eyebrows and knowing looks, but with Erin calling her over to help with a fashion disaster, apparently, Kim felt it was open season.

Erin gave Kim a patronizing look, "You must be blind because nothing has been happening between Jay and I." She gave a beleaguered sigh, "Ab-So-Lute-Ly nothing!"

Doing a double take, Kim looked at her in disbelief. "Seriously? Nothing?" She eyed Erin suspiciously, "Cause I see you two together, and you most clearly have something going on."

"No, I mean, we are good. We aren't fighting or anything anymore, but he had thought it was a good idea to take some time and space. Think about what we really each want." Erin took a second to slip the blue dress off and pull on the green dress.

Kim eyed her. "You look like you are a bridesmaid. That dress won't work." Kim glanced back at the remaining dresses, sifting through them to see if there was one they had missed. "So? What do you want?"

Looking at her reflection in the mirror. She saw her wavy hair that Jay had wound his hands through. The pale expanse of her neck that he had set on fire with his kisses. Her lips that had been swollen from the pressure of his own. Her chest that had heaved with passion. She hadn't cared last night that her nephew had slept ten feet away. Meeting her own eyes in the mirror, Erin spoke honestly. "I want Jay."

Kim was quiet for a moment, "Then wear the red dress." She met Erin's eyes. "It will definitely get you what you want," she added solemnly.

Switching quickly back into the red dress that she had tried on earlier, Erin spun around in front of Kim. "I love it, but it's a little too revealing don't you think?" It was very short, revealing her toned legs. It fit tight all the way to her shoulders. It wrapped around her neck in a halter style, leaving her shoulders bare. The back was completely open, and small cut out in the front revealed a hint of cleavage. With that much skin showing, she knew that Jay would be unable to keep his hands off her. And that's what she wanted, right? She knew they needed to talk, but there wasn't anything that Jay could say to her that would change her mind about what she wanted. She just wanted him. In her life, in her heart, and most definitely in her bed.

"You look hot, but it's like thirty degrees outside. Do you have a coat that will look good?" Kim

Erin nodded and disappeared into her closet. She reappeared with a long black coat. "I think this will work." She slipped it on, then disappeared back into the closet for shoes. "Ummm, heels, boots, or ankle boots?" She called out.

Kim thought for a minute, "Maybe, ankle boots?" Erin reemerged wearing some low ankle boots that had high heels, and a sexy little wrap that wound around the top of the shoe. Kim let out a low whistle, "Perfect! Why do you have shoes like that? I swear I have only seen you in work boots and sneakers."

"I dress up." Erin replied indignantly. "Just not that often. It's not like I would wear this outfit into the squad room or something."

Kim laughed, "The guys would lose their minds if they ever saw you in that outfit." Kim surveyed Erin's outfit. With the high heeled boots and short dress, her legs looked amazing. The sexiness of the dress's top was hidden, but it didn't matter. She looked amazing.

"Well, there is only one guy that I want to lose his mind. I think this might do it, too." Erin made her way over to her bathroom vanity mirror and worked on touching up her make-up. She had already been partially ready before Kim had arrived. She twisted her hair into an up do, and dabbed on a little more make-up and lipstick.

"So you and Jay are gonna get down and dirty tonight. Hmmm… you know it is a school night and we have work tomorrow? Should we expect you all to be late." Kim leaned back on the bed and eyed Erin humorously.

Erin rolled her eyes. "We are just going out to a nice dinner. Maybe we will come back here for a night cap or something."

"Or something…." Kim muttered under her breath. "Well, I expect you both to be extremely tired tomorrow. Anything else, and I will be disappointed in my dress."

Erin glanced at the time, it was getting close to six. Jay was known for being prompt, so she started herding Kim out of her bedroom. "Okay. He is going to be here soon, and you need to leave."

Kim grabbed the remainder of the dresses that had not made the cut, and started walking to the door. She paused in the entry way, and looked back at Erin with a thoughtful look in her eye. "I really hope you and Jay can make this work, Erin. You two were always goals for me. I mean, as partners and detectives, I always looked up to you and Jay. You are good at your job and work so hard for the department." She looked embarrassed for a moment. "Once I started to know you two as a couple, I still admired you. Love, respect, loyalty. I know you have had a few bumps along the way, but if I ever have a guy who looks at me and treats me the way Jay does, I will know that I am the luckiest person in the world."

Erin smiled lightly at her words. She was the luckiest woman in the world. She felt like an idiot that it had taken her so long to realize it. The fact that she thought it was something she could move on from or replace was laughable now. Hearing the words from somebody outside the relationship was heart-warming. "Thanks, Kim." She reached forward and gave her a quick hug. "Thanks for everything. Now get out of-" She broke off when she heard a rapid trio of knocks on her door.

Erin's eye widened with anticipation when she realized Jay had arrived. Kim's filled with mischief. She turned from Erin and swung open the front door.

Jay leaned against the door frame, a sexy smile warming his face. A small bouquet of daisies in his hand. His relaxed stance and the soft expression, dropped immediately upon seeing Kim, and he jolted to an upright position. "Hey, uh, Kim!" He stammered out.

"Well, hell-o, Jay! You look mighty fine tonight." She scanned up and down to check out his appearance. Like Erin, Jay had clearly spiffed up for their date. He had on dark pants, a dark gray button up shirt, and a winter coat. His hair was slicked back, and he was freshly shaven. Kim wanted to laugh at these two knuckleheads. They'd been together off and on for years, and here they both were nervous like a first date.

Jay was eyeing Kim anxiously, his eyes darting past her to look for Erin. Deciding not to let the boy off the hook too easily, Kim moved passed him, stopping to whisper into his ear. "Treat her right, Halstead. She's a gem."

"I know." He replied, but said no more because as Kim had moved out of the door frame, he had got his first real look at Erin. His mouth went slack, as his eyes roamed down to her feet and then back up again. "Hey," he greeted her, his voice was warm like honey, and his eyes showed that he clearly appreciated what he could see. All questions about why Kim was there left his mind as he just looked at Erin breathlessly.

She smiled shyly at him, and took a few steps close. They locked eyes for a minute, each just happy and warm to be in each other's company. Excitement at the night to come, and pleasure at the fact that they'd get to spend it together.

Finally, Erin glanced down at the flowers that Jay still held in his hand. She looked up at him expectantly, and she raised her eyebrows questioningly. "Daisies? How'd you know they were my favorite?"

Jay narrowed his eyes humorously, "Hmmm, well I have spent the better part of the last few years by your side. I think it would be more concerning if I didn't know your favorite flower."

Erin smiled, "True, but I don't think you ever bought me flowers before." She took the bouquet from Jay's hand, missing a slightly sad look that crossed his features. She turned to walk into her living room, and then looked back over her shoulder when she saw that Jay hadn't followed her. He lingered at the door, just watching her walk away. "Aren't you going to come in?" She queried.

Jay let his eyes trail down the expanse of her legs, "Ah, I think it's a better idea that I just wait here. Might not make our reservation if I come in."

Erin smirked at him, "Really? For three weeks, you've have no issues keeping your hands off me, and now you can't control it for five minutes."

Jay just grinned at her, "I broke the seal last night. I got a taste, and I've got to admit it's almost all I have been thinking about."

Rolling her eyes, Erin disappeared into the kitchen to quickly put the flowers into a vase. As she filled it with water and quickly arranged the flowers, she noted that she had a stupid grin on her face. She couldn't help it. She was happy, she was excited, and she was filled with nervous anticipation for the night ahead.


Jay lifted his glass and lightly touched it to Erin's raised glass. "To us." He met her eyes warmly, "To new beginnings."

Erin sipped her wine slowly, not really wanting to drink too much. She already felt light-headed, just being with Jay tonight. The restaurant he had chosen was amazingly romantic. The darkened room was romantically lit with soft globes of glowing lights. Erin knew that a place like this usually needed reservations weeks in advance. Erin wondered who Jay knew that had got them in tonight. Sunday nights weren't the busiest night of the week, but it also was the holiday season. She imagined he'd had to call in a favor or grease somebody's palm. Erin didn't care though. It was perfect.

Jay reached across the white linen table cloth, and grasped her hand in his. "You look amazing, tonight." His eyes had widened in appreciation when they had reached the restaurant and she had removed her coat. Once he'd got the full view of her dress, he'd been unable to keep his eyes off her. His hands, too. Their table was intimate enough, that his legs kept brushing hers.

"Well, it's been a long time since I had a reason to get all dressed up. It was fun." She gave him a teasing grin, "Obviously, Kim stopped by and helped me get ready. It was nice little bonding moment." It had been fun, too. It had been so long since Erin had had a girlfriend. Someone to confide in or talk about relationships and guys. Truly, since Nadia had lived with her. Kim was fun to be around. She had a light-heartedness to her that was refreshing. Erin knew that at some point tomorrow, Kim would corner her and press for a run down on Erin's date, and while she normally guarded her privacy, she just might share a few details.

Jay's fingers slightly stroked the back of hand. "I'm sorry that I never took you out before." He had a slight frown on his face as he looked intently at her.

Erin's brow creased in confusion, "What do you mean? We always went places."

Shaking his head, Jay gestured to the elegant room, "Not places like this. I didn't bring you flowers, plan romantic dates, allow you to get dressed up."

Erin almost laughed out loud, instead she just smiled sweetly at him. "I don't need things like this, Jay. You know that. Our time together was always good." Jay had to know that while this place was beautifully romantic, she didn't want or need this lifestyle.

"Yeah, but you deserve it. You deserve to have someone to take care of you, put out the effort, take you nice places." Jay said, and Erin could tell he wasn't convinced.

Realizing that he was actually serious, Erin squeezed his hand. "Jay! You know me better than anyone. Yes, it was fun to get dressed up tonight, and this place is amazing, but I don't care about any of that. You think I don't know that you put in the effort?" She laughed lightly, "The effort you have put into being a part of my life is immeasurable. The ways you have shown me you care over these last few years could fill this restaurant ten times over. Camping trips, nights on the couch marathoning Netflix, sharing a drink after work, and just being there for me. That's what I deserve. Not all this." She waved at the opulence of the room and her fancy attire and shook her head. She then pointed between her and Jay. "This is all I need."

Jay looked at her with a light in his eyes, "But I like the dress."

She smiled playfully at him, placing her hand gently on his knee, "I can wear the dress anytime…or not wear it."

Jay nodded slowly, "Oh-kay." He cleared his throat and took a deep gulp of his wine. She could see a slight flush spread from his neck up to his cheeks. She inwardly laughed. He was so easy.

The waiter appeared to take their order, and when he left them alone again, the sexual tension between them had eased a bit. Jay was staring at her with eyes that seemed so relaxed and comfortable. "I am glad we came out tonight. I've been thinking a lot about what went wrong at the end of summer, and I really want to fix some of that."

Erin nodded silently, kind of confused by what Jay meant when he said he wanted to fix what went wrong. He had proposed, and she had said no. They hadn't been broken, they just had been thrown off course.

She watched him glance away for a moment and take a deep breath, before looking directly into her eyes. "I was wrong, Erin. It was way too early for me to even be thinking about marriage. We hadn't really been together that long. You were in a difficult place, and I think I thought that I could fix you, or help you, by giving you this dream life, a family. All the things you'd been struggling with losing."

Erin saw regret in his eyes as he continued, "I can't believe I just walked away from you. You were hurting and I just gave up on you…on us. I didn't even try to see if there was a way we could still make this work." She could see sadness reflected in his eyes, and she could tell that regret had been weighing heavily on him.

"You were hurting, too, Jay." Erin brought up. It pained her that he was taking all the blame for what had happened between them.

"I was being stubborn. I didn't want to compromise. I was just was certain that if I wanted it enough, somehow you'd want it, too." He looked deeply into her eyes, "I'm sorry. I won't do that ever again. I know what I want, and it's what you want"

Erin blinked a few times at his words, she didn't really know what he meant. She glanced down at their entwined hands. "What do you want?"

He gave her a slight smile, "Just to be with you. Marriage isn't important. You were right. It's just a piece of paper and it doesn't have to be the way we show that we love each other. Being with each other, supporting each other, and just living life together every day is what makes a relationship."

Erin was filled with confusion. Everything Jay was saying seemed to be exactly what she had presented him with when she had rejected his marriage proposal. Why didn't hearing those words, a promise of a future together, fill her with a sense of joy? Instead, she felt a tightening in her stomach, and felt a sense of dread.

"I'm okay with not having kids, too." Jay suddenly burst out.

Erin looked at him sharply. "What? I thought you loved kids. You've always talked about having a family." It was something that Jay had openly talked about from the beginning.

Jay shrugged, "Spending time with Daniel made me realize that I don't have to be a father, to have that connection. I can be a good uncle. Maybe Will might have kids someday. Even after Olive comes back, we can still steal Daniel for a weekend here and there." She saw him sit up almost excitedly, "There is also a lot of need for mentors. I was looking at the Big Brothers of America, and they have a special program for cops called Bigs in Blue. It matches a police officer with a kid in the community. I talked with one of their organizers, and I am going to go in after the New Year and look at signing up. I think it will be really rewarding." He gave her a quick grin. "You don't have to worry about me pressuring you to do or be something you're not. Just do your thing, babe, and I'll do mine." He squeezed her hand and flashed her that smile of his that always melted her heart.

Erin was quick to school her features into a pleasant smile, that hopefully showed that she was pleased with his declarations. It seemed he had worked it all out. He had reevaluated their future, and found a way in which she didn't have to compromise one bit. He didn't need marriage. He didn't need kids. Four months ago, it was all she had wanted from him. Then, why did it feel like her heart was breaking?

Author's Note: Don't worry. Date Night has a part 2... coming soon.