
18. Chapter 18

Author's Note: This chapter is really long! I think it's the longest I've ever written, and I still cut out stuff. Hope you all enjoy it!

Erin tapped rapidly on her keyboard, filling out the paperwork from their bust earlier that afternoon. It had been a quick morning with the case they had just got. They'd been called in early that morning to a homicide that was a relative of one of their CI's. It probably should have been a homicide case, but since the victim had connections to Intelligence, they had taken over. Fortunately, the case had ended up being pretty clear cut and they had arrested the likely suspect without incident within about four hours. It was so rare that a case shook out so smoothly, that Erin almost felt like it was a bad omen. With Thanksgiving on Thursday, the whole team was just holding their breaths that they might not get a new case between now and then. Voight had mentioned this morning that if they didn't have a case by noon tomorrow, they could leave for the holiday. Since Erin was cooking, she had a dozen things to prep tonight and tomorrow night in preparation for Thanksgiving dinner. Erin glanced at the clock on her computer screen and noted that they only had 20 hours before they were in the clear. Erin picked up the pace on her paperwork. If she hurried, she might actually be able to head out early tonight as well. She really wanted to get to the store to get some of the last minute ingredients she needed. She knew that tomorrow night the stores would be packed. Not to mention that she couldn't wait to pick up Daniel from Mrs. Deante's. She had missed the little guy last night, and she couldn't wait to see him tonight.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Jay emerge from the breakroom carrying two mugs of coffee. He leaned over her desk and placed one of the mugs on her desk. "Just made a fresh pot. Thought you'd want one." He murmured quietly before turning to head back to his seat.

"I'd like a cup." Atwater called out from his desk, a sly grin on his face.

Jay looked up at Kevin in surprise. "Uhhh…" He glanced back and forth between a surprised Erin and grinning Atwater.

"I mean, if you're delivering, I'd like some, too." Kevin explained with a smirk on his face, clearly enjoying Jay's discomfort.

Ruzek popped his head out from around the corner where his desk was at. "What are you delivering?" He asked curiously tipping back in his chair.

Kevin spun around with a mischievous grin on his face. "Halstead's delivering coffee now."

Ruzek grinned, "Cool." He directed his attention toward Jay, "Two sugars, light cream."

Erin sat dumbfounded by the conversation going on around her. The team had always pretty much ignored the fact that Jay and Erin had coupled up last year. Sure they'd make the casual comment here and there, but for the most part, they left them alone. After the break up, none of them had said anything to her, although the sideways glances they had given her told her that they clearly knew it was over. Erin wondered if being guys, they'd asked Jay for any details. Especially Ruzek. He and Jay had been hanging out a lot. Erin wondered how much Jay might have actually shared with the guys. She doubted he'd shared that he proposed, but you never know. Things have a way of getting out.

Atwater's comment led her to think that they had noticed the recent shift in their current relationship as well. Erin hated that her and Jay's relationship was fodder for the gossip circles, but she knew that was the consequence of dating someone you worked with. The blush on Jay's cheeks was a telltale sign that he was embarrassed by the guy's teasing as well.

He just muttered, "Assholes." Before sitting down at his desk, ignoring the looks from the rest of the guys.

Ruzek, clearly confused by the encounter, looked around, "Wait. I thought you were getting coffee?" He glanced at Kevin who just chuckled quietly to himself as he resumed his work.

Erin threw him a dirty look before looking over at Jay. He was looking down at some papers on his desk, but feeling her gaze, he gave a quick glance up. Erin lifted her steaming coffee cup to him in thanks. He rolled his eyes at her, but she saw a small smile cross his lips as well.

Last night's conversation still weighed heavily on her mind. Jay had been pretty honest about what he wanted. Erin knew he was willing to get back together if she just gave the word. Of course, the magic word was if she was willing to reconsidered marriage and family. Erin didn't truly understand why Jay just couldn't be content with what they had. These last few months apart had confirmed to her that she was just completely miserable without him. He just made everything better, and she knew that they could build a great life together. Could marriage be a part of that, too? Marriage just seemed so archaic and rigid. So permanent and forever. Yet, the more Erin thought about it, she kind of wanted Jay in her life permanently and forever. Did that mean she did want to get married? It wasn't something she could wrap her head around, but she also was determined that this time she didn't want to lose Jay. She would do almost anything to make him happy.

She hadn't been sure what Jay's reaction was going to be this morning, but so far it had been pretty casual. Their conversation last night had been strained to start, with neither being really sure what the other wanted. Once Jay had revealed that he still wanted that future, Erin had worried that the tension between them would be back. When they had met on scene early this morning, she had been pleased to see that Jay was still in what could only be described as a good mood. Well, as good of mood you can be in while at a homicide scene. He'd been making his usual smart ass comments that usually lightened the mood at crime scenes.

Even when they'd been alone he'd been chatty. In the car this morning, he had a long tirade about traditional Thanksgiving foods and the current trend of fusion meal. He kept talking about a pumpkin cheesecake that his mom made each year, and Erin had an overwhelming desire to try and find a recipe for one to make. Everything seemed normal. Well not the normal that Erin had gotten used to, but the normal that they'd had before everything fell apart. Being able to have fun on the job and just be with each other throughout the day had been one of her favorite parts of their past relationship. She knew Jay was trying to keep the pressure off and she appreciated his effort.

Oh, and let's not forget about the touching. Erin knew it was more than just incidental contact. His hand skimming her back. The brush of his hands against the back of hers as they walked. Erin didn't know if she was just hyperaware of his presence, or if Jay was trying to drive her crazy.

Then there had been the vest incident.

When they had suited up for the arrest of their homicide suspect, Jay had helped her with her vest like the partners usually did. Except he hadn't done that in months. It wasn't like she couldn't gear up on her own, it had just been their routine as partners. Helping each other, a bit of a reassurance and connection before they knowingly put their lives on the line. This time however, it had been a little different. His fingers brushing ever so lightly against her collar bones. Lingering a few moments too long to not be considered a caress. His hand carefully pulling her hair to the side, his fingertips dancing along the sensitive skin at her neck. He leaned in close, and she had felt his warm breath behind her ear. For a brief moment, she had thought he was going to lean in and kiss her neck. Had they been alone in the room, she might have begged him to. Even so, she had allowed her head to fall to the side in a clear invitation for more. His hand had dipped to the side strap of her vest and he'd firmly reattached it. His fingers somehow brushing the skin at her waist. That thin sliver of skin that sometimes was revealed between the bottom of her shirt and the top of her jeans. Apparently, also a new erogenous zone for Erin, as she about melted right then and there.

"I've got you," was all he'd whispered against her ear. Erin had swallowed hard, but then he'd been gone. Across the garage planning their tactical entry with Antonio. Erin on the other hand had been left shaken. Her emotional connection to him had been what had pulled her towards him the night before, but today, it seemed like Jay was trying a different approach. Their sexual chemistry had always been on fire, and apparently Jay was choosing today to remind her of that. Not that she really needed a reminder. She worked with the guy every day, and you'd have to be blind to not notice how attractive he was, and Erin had perfect eyesight.

Lost in a bit of a daydream, Erin almost didn't notice her phone buzzing until Jay called her name. He pointed to her phone which was clearly vibrating across her desk. Noticing it was Mrs. Deante's number, she grabbed it up instantly.

"Hello," she said.

"Erin, I'm so glad I got you. I wasn't sure if I should call you first or Hank since he dropped Daniel off this morning." Mrs. Deante's voice had a worried tone to it.

"It's fine. What's wrong? What's going on with Daniel?" Erin knew Mrs. Deante wouldn't be calling if there wasn't a problem.

"I think Daniel is sick. He's been really fussy all day, and won't eat. I've been checking his temperature, and he's definitely running a high fever." Even while Mrs. Deante was talking, Erin got up from her chair, her phone at her ear as made her way into Hank's office. He looked up at her curiously. She mouthed to him that Daniel was sick. "With the holiday's coming up, I thought you might want to get him into the doctor as soon as possible. Was I wrong to call?"

"No, Mrs. Deante. Thank you so much. He's been fussy for a few days, so I am not that surprised." Hank motioned for her to go. "I'm leaving now. I'll be there soon."

Erin disconnected the phone and gave her attention to Hank, "He's got a high fever. I'm going to run him over to urgent care."

Hank nodded, "Yeah. He had a hard time settling down last night. I thought he was just missing you." He stood from his chair. "Go. Don't worry about your paperwork. I'll get Halstead to finish it up."

Erin sighed gratefully. "Thanks. I'll call you later and let you know what the doctor says."

Erin moved out of Hank's office and made a hard left to go to the locker room to grab her stuff. She felt someone move in right behind her as she entered. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw it was Jay. He was looking at her questioningly.

Erin started pulling her stuff out of her locker. "Daniel's sick. I've got to take him to the doctor."

Jay's brow furrowed in concern. "What's wrong? Is it the teeth thing again?"

Erin shook her head, "Doubtful. He's got a high fever."

She saw worry all over his face. "Do you need anything? Do you want me to come with you?"

Erin was surprised by the offer, but shook her head. "No, I'm good, but…ah, actually," She looked up at him hopefully. "Maybe you could finish my part of the paperwork on the case."

Jay waved her off, "Of course. No problem." As Erin hefted her bag onto her shoulder and started to move past Jay, he reached out to grab her shoulder. "Call me when you leave the doctor. Let me know what he says."

Erin paused and looked up at Jay, surprised by the obvious concern. "Yeah, sure." She gave him a nod. "I'll call you later." It felt weird to have someone else who was concerned. She gave him one last lingering look before she left.

Two and a half frustrating hours later, Erin was cursing the medical industry as a whole. After over an hour in the waiting room, followed by another half hour wait in the observation room, Erin was now waiting again at the crowded pharmacy next to the urgent care. During these three hours Daniel had been miserable, whining and crying almost nonstop. Ear infections in both ears were the cause of the fever, and the doctor had prescribed some antibiotics that the he said should have Daniel feeling better in just a few days. He'd given her a few other tips to help with the ear pain, but until Erin got home there was nothing she could do. She still needed to stop at the grocery store for some Pedialyte and some suggested food. Since Daniel had continued to refuse to eat, the doctor was concerned about dehydration.

Suddenly her phone rang, she shifted a squirmy Daniel to her other hip and pulled her phone out her pocket. She saw Jay's name flash on the screen. "Hey, Jay." She answered.

"What's the verdict?" he asked.

"Ear infections," Erin responded. "I'm at the pharmacy waiting on his prescription."

"You're not home yet?" Jay asked in surprised. "It's been hours."

"Trust me. I know." Erin lowered her voice a bit. "It's like half of Chicago is sick and most of them are in here with me right now. I'm worried Daniel is going to catch something worse waiting in line here. I still need to run to the store, too."

"What do you need? I can swing by and pick up whatever it is." Jay offered helpfully.

"Oh, no. I couldn't ask you to do that."

Erin could hear Jay's sigh, even over the phone. "You didn't ask, Erin. I am offering."

Daniel took that moment to let out a lusty cry. Erin saw the pharmacist motion to her that it was her turn. The idea that maybe she could be home in just fifteen minutes instead of running another errand was too tempting. "Thanks, Jay. I appreciate it."

"I'm headed out now. Text me a list of things you need." Hearing Jay's voice was reassuring, and Erin was grateful for the help.


It was closer to another half hour before Erin finally turned the corner to her apartment door. She almost sighed with relief when she saw Jay sitting against the wall playing on his phone. He scrambled to his feet and scooped up the collection of bags he had next to the door. Erin started to set Daniel down for a moment, so she could get her keys, but Jay had already reached out and pulled the now sleeping baby from her arms.

"Thanks," She murmured appreciatively. She dug through her purse for her keys, and finally found them, unlocking and opening the door.

Jay followed her in and asked quietly, "He finally fell asleep?"

Erin nodded, "Yeah. I think he just tuckered himself out with all that crying. As soon as I was driving back from the pharmacy, he passed out."

Once she set down her purse, she reached for Daniel and carefully moved into the other room to put him down in his crib. When she returned to the living room, Jay was in the kitchen unpacking the bags he had carried in.

"Okay. There are like twenty different flavors of this stuff. I got grape, cherry, bubble gum, and then the unflavored in case he doesn't like anything. Although I think that it probably has to have some sort of flavor." He set up all the different bottles in the array of colors and flavors. He started unscrewing each of them and sniffing each of the rainbow colored liquids.

Erin leaned over the counter to take a look. "Hmm. They look…colorful." She paused briefly and gave him a sneaky smile. "I know they look delicious and all, but I am pretty sure that amazing smell is not children's Pedialyte."

Jay grinned at her. "Well, I knew that there no way you had stopped and gotten anything to eat for yourself. Since I know the last time you ate was lunch, I figured you'd be hungry." He pushed a white take out bag her way.

Erin gleefully peeked in the bag, anticipating what she hoped was inside. "Burritos from Oscar's?"

Jay pulled the bag back across the table. "They are a little cool. I'll heat them up." He pulled the two burritos out of the bag as well as a smaller bag of tortilla chips. He passed the chips and salsa container toward her. He nodded toward the bedroom. "How's the little guy going to be?"

Erin slid on to one of the bar stools she kept at the counter and started munching on the chips. She was suddenly ravenous. Jay was right, it had been almost seven hours since she ate, and she was starving. She watched as Jay moved around her kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out a couple beers. He popped the top off both and passed one to her. He then got busy unwrapping their food and getting plates. Microwaving and rotating each to make sure they were evenly heated. Erin smiled at the domestic side of Jay taking care of her.

"He should be okay. He'll be on the meds for about a week, but the doctor said he should have some relief in a day or so. He recommended some drops, too. Warm compresses on the ear can help as well if seems like his ears are bugging him."

Jay looked at her in concern. "You cancelling Thanksgiving?"

Erin shook her head, "No! I can't cancel Thanksgiving. Where would everyone go last minute?"

Jay studied her carefully, "Okay, but if you need to, just give us the word. Everyone will understand."

Erin nodded, "Okay. Hopefully Daniel will just sleep through the main event anyways."

The microwave beeped and Jay resumed his food preparations. Finally, he placed a burrito in front of her. Erin sighed in relief as she took her first bite. It was so good. Jay always knew the best take out places. Partially because he was not detoured by questionable exteriors and occasional heath department inquires. Erin had learned not to consider too closely where the food came from, and she just focused on the taste. They sat in silence for several minutes, just appreciating the meal.

Finally, full, Erin dropped her napkin and pushed her plate away. "That was so good."

Jay eyed her plate, "Yeah, I can tell. You decimated that thing."

Erin laughed, "I was hungry. You know stress makes me hungry."

Jay smiled and grabbed her plate. He dumped the remains into the trash can along with his own trash, before setting the plates in the sink. "So is he going to sleep the night away?"

Erin shook her head. "No, I actually need to wake him up. She eyed the clock. He needs to take his first dose of meds, and then I want him to try and eat or at least drink some of that Pedialyte."

Almost on cue, the sound of an awake Daniel from the bedroom made its way into the kitchen. "Be right back," Erin commented.

When she returned a minute later carrying Daniel, Jay had already chosen one of the bottles of the drink and was pouring it into a sippy cup. "I chose grape," Jay announced. "I remembered loving grape juice when I was a kid."

Erin grabbed the sippy cup from Jay and passed it to Daniel. "Can you take him for a moment? I need to figure out how this medicine works."

Jay nodded and walked around the kitchen breakfast bar to grab the little boy. He made his way over to the couch, and sat the little boy on the cushion next to him. Daniel looked up at Jay with big eyes, and waved around his cup. "You've got to drink that, little man." Jay mimicked the action of drinking the medicine. Daniel threw the cup onto the floor. Jay leaned over and picked it back up, passing it to Daniel again. Daniel repeated his toss, which resulted in Jay having to grab it again.

Erin laughed from her vantage point at the counter. "He's just going to keep doing that."

Jay spun his head around to look at Erin in exasperation. "So what am I supposed to do? Just leave it on the floor?"

Erin just chuckled and returned to reading the label on her prescription bottle. When she looked up again a few moments later, she saw that Jay had figured out a new strategy. He was currently drinking out of Daniel's sippy cup.

"Uh, Jay. That's for Daniel." She called out.

"Shhh. Shhh. Just watch." Jay dramatically tipped his head back and pretended to gulp the drink down. Sure enough, Daniel reached up to try and grab the drink. When Jay relented and let Daniel grab it, Daniel brought it to his lips and drank several sips by himself. Then Jay took it back, and pretended to drink some, before Daniel had his turn again.

Erin smiled as she made her way over to the couch. She sat on the coffee table facing the boys. "Okay. I've got a dropper full of meds for him. Hopefully this is going to work. I need him to open his mouth so I can drop it in." Erin studied Daniel, hoping for a good moment, where she thought she could get the meds in his mouth.

Jay sat forward on the couch. "Hey, why don't you pretend to give it to me first. He liked copying me. Maybe he'd still do it." Jay tipped his head back and leaned forward, so Erin could pretend to put the dropper full of medicine into his mouth. Erin leaned over and placed the dropper next to his mouth. As Jay had predicted, Daniel climbed forward a bit and opened his mouth as well. Not waiting for a second chance, Erin moved the medicine drop and squeezed the liquid into his mouth. Daniel made a funny face, but Jay laughed and rubbed his belly to show it was yummy, and so Daniel copied him.

Erin looked back and forth between the two boys. "Wow! This bromance developed quickly."

Jay sat back with a smug look on his face. "I'm a natural. What can I say?"

Erin's heart sped up a bit at the remark. Erin knew that Jay didn't mean anything by the comment, but Erin still kept thinking about how much she knew that Jay wanted a family. He really was a natural. Maybe he didn't spend much time with babies, but he had the fun loving personality that kids just naturally were attracted to. Erin knew that she could never deny him this opportunity. Even if she hadn't been keen on having kids herself, she knew that Jay needed to be a dad. The idea of him fathering a child to someone else made Erin feel sick. Unaware of Erin's current thoughts, Jay sat on the couch with a huge grin on his face, trying to tease Daniel into drinking more. Rattled, Erin jumped up from where she was sitting on the table and took the medicine back to the kitchen, rinsing the dropper out and placing it next to the sink to dry.

"So, what do you guys usually do in the evenings?" Jay asked.

Erin moved around the kitchen, putting away the other food items that Jay had purchased for her. "I don't know. Play with his toys I guess. Usually read some books. Occasionally watch a game on TV. He usually goes down by nine, but with him being sick who knows when that will be. I usually shower and do all that once I am sure he is out." She gave Jay a shake of the head. "Nothing is worse than being two minutes into a shower with a head full of shampoo and then hear him screaming bloody murder."

Jay laughed, "Well that explains a few choice hairdos I've see you with lately."

Erin walked back into the living room and threw a couch pillow in Jay's direction.

He caught it easily before setting it down and giving Erin a look. "Seriously. Why don't you go take a hot shower or bath? I can watch Daniel for a bit."

The offer was tempting. "Are you sure?" She looked at Daniel fondly. "He looks cute right now, but he can be a handful. Especially, with him being sick."

Jay waved her off. "Come on. I deal with criminals and scumbags. How much trouble could a one-year-old be?"

Erin shook her finger at him, "Famous last word...famous last words." She bent down and dropped a kiss on Daniel forehead. "Okay. Be good for Jay. He's new at this." She whispered.

As she walked passed Jay, she resisted the urge to drop a kiss on his head, too. Instead she just ruffled his head, just like she would with Daniel. He caught her hand as she lifted it, and stared at her with a bit of a question in his eyes. She just pulled her hand away and started to walk out of the room. She knew she was walking near fire. Flirting and having fun with Jay was so easy, but she knew it couldn't be just innocent with them. She was so thankful for him at this moment. Not for the groceries or the help with the medicine. She was just thankful that she was going to have an uninterrupted shower. All kidding aside, his help tonight had been much appreciated. Erin noticed that Jay's eyes followed her as she moved into her bedroom, and she wished she knew what he was thinking.

Despite being grateful for the opportunity to wash without keeping one ear listening for crying, Erin still hurried through her shower. She really just wanted to get back with Jay and Daniel. After just towel drying her hair and slipping on some yoga pants and an old T-shirt, Erin made her way out to the living room. As soon as she turned the corner into the living room, she halted. The scene in front of her was just too much for her fragile heart to handle.

Jay was kicked back on the couch with his feet up on her coffee table. (She'd yell at him about that later.) Daniel was propped up on his lap, and both boys were studying the TV screen in earnest. Jay was leaning towards Daniel, and pointing out the different players on the screen and what their job was. Whether Daniel was mesmerized by the movement of the players on the ice, or just enraptured by Jay's attention, Erin didn't know. Regardless, the scene was adorable. She padded over to the couch, and sat down next to Jay.

"I see someone is getting their first hockey lesson," Erin smiled over at Jay. Hearing Erin's voice, immediately caught Daniel's attention, and he wriggled out of Jay's arms and toward Erin.

Jay mocked rejection, "Daniel! I thought we were bros!"

Erin flashed him a grin, "Boys always choose the ladies, despite their "bro" connections." She messed Daniel's hair a bit, as the boy became fascinated by her still wet hair.

"I don't blame him." Jay eyed her slyly, "I'd trade places with him right now."

Erin was flustered by the comment since Daniel was pressed against her chest, his head tucked into her neck. Of course the image of Jay flush against her sent all sorts of inappropriate thoughts racing through her head. Erin chose to ignore the comment and focused her attention on the hockey game. After a few more minutes, Daniel got restless again, and she reluctantly let him down onto the ground. He immediately waddled over to his basket full of his favorite toys. Erin split her attention between the game and watching Daniel explore his toys. She noticed Jay doing the same. Erin relaxed against the couch and was aware of the picture that they must present. Her and Jay on the couch watching the game and Daniel. It was just so domestic that Erin felt it was unreal.

Erin tried to keep her thoughts on the game, but it was hard with Jay's leg pressed up against hers and his shoulder brushing her arm every time he lifted his beer. Every time he shifted, she held her breath in anticipation. She didn't know what she was waiting for, but she couldn't relax.

"You're so tense, Erin. Relax." Jay lifted his arm and wrapped it around her shoulders, squeezing and massaging her neck. Erin closed her eyes and let her chin drop to her chest at his touch. The massage actually felt amazing, and Erin could feel some of the tension and stress seeping out of her. She let out a soft sigh.

Jay laughed, "Come here." He shifted sideways, so that Erin could present her back to him a little bit more easily. He swept her damp hair to the side, and he placed both his hands on her shoulders and began kneading firmly by gently. "Wow, Erin. There are knots the size of golf balls back here.

Erin laughed, "You try carting around a sick one-year old to the doctor all afternoon."

"Oh, come on, he weighs like twenty pounds max."

"Yeah, but it's like carrying a sack of flour around with you all day long." Erin complained.

Jay just kept up the massage, his fingers moving from her shoulders down her spine. Erin could feel the heat of his hands through the thin material of her cotton shirt. The warmth of his touch spreading through her body and settling in her stomach, causing butterflies that rested there to riot in reaction.

"Nice shirt," Jay commented lightly. "It was always one of my favorites."

Erin's eyes flew open, and she looked down at the shirt she was wearing. She grimaced when she realized that he was right it was his. Truthfully, her drawers were filled with several of his old t-shirts. She had just always loved sleeping in them, so much so that, she barely even thought of them as his anymore.

Erin tossed a glance over her shoulder at him, "It's very comfortable."

He narrowed his eyes at her in mock annoyance, "I can barely remember. It's been missing so long."

Erin twisted to look at him and smirked, "Did you want it back?" Her tone was teasing, but there was huskiness to her voice that made Jay pause.

His hands changed their movement, and dropped to the bottom of the shirt in question. He fingered it thoughtfully, his fingers rubbing the material. "Maybe I should try it on and see if it still fits right." The tone of the conversation definitely shifted. Jay's voice deepened, and his eyes traced her face, then dipped lower to trace the shape of her body under the shirt. He let out a frustrated sigh, He quietly groaned, "You're killing me, Erin." His voice showed the desire that he was trying desperately to keep down.

Caught up in the moment, Erin took the initiative, leaned forward, and brushed her lips against his. Her light contact apparently was all the invitation that he needed. Jay's arms wound around her, rotating and pulling her against his chest as his mouth slid across hers. One hand tangled in her hair, holding her close as his mouth slanted against hers. His other hand found its way up her back under the discussed t-shirt and stroked her bare back. At his touch against her bare skin, passion reared up in Erin and she shifted her position to lay more against him, wanting more contact. One hand gripped his neck to help maintain the contact, while her other lay splayed against his chest, just above where Jay's heart was frantically beating. His mouth worked it's magic and soon all Erin was thinking about was wanting more. So much time had passed, and for so long she had desired to have him again in her life and in her arms.

Suddenly a large plastic truck ran itself along Erin's leg and back. Followed by the hum of an engine sound. Erin felt Jay smile against her mouth, before pulling away, to look at the boy over Erin's shoulder. "Come on, kid." He groaned. Daniel just continued with his makeshift roadway, continuing up Erin's back and moving onto Jay's arm. Erin heard the rumble in Jay's chest as he laughed, and she reluctantly pulled herself off Jay's chest and up to a sitting position. Daniel scrambled up onto the couch in the space between where Erin and Jay had been laying and started proudly sharing his favorite toy with Jay.

Erin saw Jay take a steadying breath, trying to get his desire under control. He grabbed the toy and showed interest in it, while lifting his eyes to meet Erin's. She saw an odd mix of hunger and laughter there that was so attractive. She moved a few more feet away on the couch, trying to put a little space between herself and Jay, or else she might just toss Daniel off the couch and climb on top of Jay. She tucked her feet under her, and looked at the two as they played.

Erin was so confused right now. That moment, no matter how brief, had felt absolutely perfect to Erin. It scared her so much. She knew she wanted Jay, and she wanted this closeness with him. She just wasn't sure what kissing him meant. Did he think it meant she was committing to what he wanted, or was it him willing to compromise to be with her? Or did it even matter anymore as long as they were together?

Erin watched the two play for a few minutes, then stood up. "Okay, Daniel. I think it is bedtime for you." She saw a small smile play on Jay's lips. She knew he was thinking that they just might resume their activities after she put Daniel down. Trying to think with her brain, and not her body, she gave him a stern look. "Why don't we walk you to the door?"

Jay's mouth dropped open in surprise, but he quickly closed it and stood up, his eyes twinkling. "Chicken…" he muttered under his breath.

"No," Erin replied with a laugh, "Just probably being smart."

"I don't know about that." Jay disagreed vehemently although he still started to make his way to the door, with Erin following him. Once there he stopped with hand on the doorknob. He gave her sexy smile. "I think we could talk some more after he goes down."

Erin gave him a little shove, "No, I think we actually need to talk some more before we 'talk' again."

Jay's forehead crinkled in confusion, but the laughter in his eyes let Erin know that he knew exactly what she was talking about. They needed to talk and work things out before they let themselves get physically involved. The last time they had indulged in a night of passion, the next morning had been full of regrets. Erin didn't want that again. She wanted them to figure this out right.

As Jay opened the door, he paused one last time to look at her. "Last chance." He grinned.

Smiling, she leaned up and brushed a light kiss on his cheek, "Thank you for tonight."

Jay wiggled his eyebrows at her, "Anytime." He leered jokingly.

"Shut up, you idiot!" Erin shoved him out the door, but couldn't stop the laughter.

He grinned widely, "No, seriously. Anytime." He dipped his head to look at Daniel and tap him on the chin. "This guy's great. Anytime you need help. Just ask."

Erin's throat was suddenly tight, and she just nodded as he turned to walk away. She walked him turn the corner, and for the first time in a long time, Erin was hopeful. She felt like maybe they actually could work this all out and find a way to be together and have everything they both wanted.

Author's Note: Well, I hoped this satisfied a few of you who have been dying for them to "maybe" get back together. But… don't forget the name of this fic! Keep reviewing and I'll keep writing. (I've got the next three planned out in detail)