
Complicated Sex Life Of Ben

Follow the Life of A teenage boy learning about love and sex with his cute classmates, gorgeous cheerleaders, friends at summer camp, a beautiful neighbor, and even his own sisters. INSPIRED BY TRUE STORY. .... DISCLAIMER ..THE PICTURE AND THE STORY IS NOT MINE. I JUST WANT TO SHARE THIS WONDERFUL STORY TO ANYONE WHO IS WRITING SMUT AND HOPE THEY LEARN FROM IT. AS I FED UP READING SMUT NOVEL WITH DUMB LOGIC AND VERY BAD H-SCENE WRITING. WHICH DOESN'T MAKE ME HARD AT ALL. ........ !!WARNING!! IT'S NOT FOR KIDS.. THE SMUT SCENE AND THE PLOT HERE IS VERY ADDICTIVE AND MORE REALISTIC... SO BE CAREFUL WHEN READING THIS... ............ Here's what to expect in this novel. A Lot of Drama, A Lot of Breakups, Incest, Almost every chapter has H-scene, Casual Sex, Age progression, Open Relationship, NTR is debatable like i said they are in Open relationship, but expect Cuckold, maybe Netori. My advice to the readers when reading this is to read this novel like you are reading a Diary of other Person. Just don't think yourself as ben. It will Hurt Less. ...................

Fireces · セレブリティ
269 Chs

Expectations l


I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into Adrienne's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into my adoptive sister's sucking pussy. The stunningly gorgeous blonde, fully naked with a fine sheen of sweat coating her skin, stayed on all fours in front of me until I'd finished busting my nut inside her, and then both her arms and legs collapsed as she fell face-down on my bed.

Even though I was standing on my own two feet next to the bed, my hands had been on Adrienne's hips and I went down with her, my sweaty chest dropping onto her equally sweaty back, both of us panting after the exertion.

We lay like that for a few minutes, groaning in mild pain as our muscles woke up and realized the exertions we'd just put them through. And eventually, I rolled off and flopped onto my back while Adrienne folded her arms beneath her head and turned to lay one cheek against them.

I glanced over with a goofy grin to see the matching smile on her face. And I chuckled. "Twice in one week. You having problems with Grace?" I joked.

Her eyelids immediately drooped and her irises darted away. I realized that I'd struck close to home and quickly turned onto my side, an apology on my lips.

Adrienne beat me to it, "Funny you mention that..."

My face fell and I took on an expression of concern. But Adrienne shook her head. "It's nothing serious. At least, I hope it isn't."

'What's going on?"

Adrienne sighed. "It's this Tri-Delt thing. We're still pledges and while the sisters are pretty cool with sexual relationships between members, they don't really want anyone who's strictly lesbian. Socializing with guys is part of the ideal Tri-Delt personality, even in a place as liberal as Berkeley. Grace and I aren't butch and they know we're not, but Grace is getting worried that our relationship might keep us from becoming full members."

"You serious?" I arched an eyebrow.

Adrienne nodded. "We didn't break up or anything. But..." Her voice trailed off and I saw the moisture forming in her hazel eyes. "I don't know ... Grace wants to spend more time planning social events with the sisters and with our brother fraternity. This whole sorority thing is really important to her. So we talked today about just letting things cool off for a bit."

"Cool off?" I queried, with a warning in my voice.

Adrienne read my tone. "I know." She took a deep breath. "Once we cool off, I don't know if we'll ever get back to the way we were. And when I asked her about the future, do you know what she said?"

I shook my head. "No. What?"

Now Adrienne did break into tears. "She said, 'What did you expect? Did you think we were going to be together forever?'"

I winced and stroked her golden hair while Adrienne whimpered. Her lips were quivering and she stared right back into my eyes, and as easily as if she'd verbalized the words out loud, I understood that yes, Adrienne had let herself believe that she and Grace might be together forever.

Maybe I should have been upset that despite our love, Adrienne had never felt that permanent about our relationship; but I'd already figured out that she had a different kind of permanent in mind for the two of us. And as if to symbolize that, I pulled her head to me and tenderly kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry, Adrienne," I said softly.

She just whimpered and squeezed her eyes. Then shaking her head, she continued. "Grace said, 'We've had a lot of fun together, A.D. And I don't want to lose you. But I'm not really a lesbian.'"

I pinched my lips together and grimaced in sympathy to the anguish in Adrienne's voice. And as the tears rolled down her eyes, Adrienne looked up at me pathetically and asked, "She's going to break up with me soon, isn't she?"

Based on what little I'd heard, I thought so. I answered out loud, "I don't know." But Adrienne looked into my eyes and sensed how I really felt about it. She started bawling and feeling bad, I immediately rolled over to hug her. Adrienne was still on her belly, burying her face in her folded arms while I more or less draped myself half on top of her, squeezing her shoulders tightly.

"I'm sorry, Adrienne..." I soothed, stroking her arm. "I'm sorry..." Despite her nudity, I didn't feel any fresh arousal. She was a sister who was hurting. And I'd learned to support her without sex.

"It's my own fault," she wailed. "I'm the one who told you that every relationship hinges on its expectations. I expected more from Grace, and I'm disappointed because of it."

"You're allowed to expect, Adrienne," I said softly while rubbing her back. "Why be in a relationship if you can't expect the best?"

Adrienne didn't answer, simply turning her face to my chest and hugging herself against me. And I spent the next half-hour just holding her in my arms.

"So I don't know. They aren't broken up ... yet ... but even if they stay together, I don't think their relationship will ever be the same," I sighed.

"That's too bad," DJ replied over the phone line. "Adrienne really seemed to love her. Remember all the drama at camp we went through, just to get her to sleep with us? And after saving herself and being so resolute, she's still going to lose her girlfriend."

I nodded, even though DJ couldn't see me. "Yeah. I wish there was something more I could do for her."

"You're doing everything you can," DJ said encouragingly. "And like you said, they aren't even broken up yet. Maybe they can still work it out."

"I hope so."

"Do you really?"

I wasn't expecting that response, and I frowned as paused to assess DJ's last question. Feeling confused, I sputtered, "Wait, what?"

DJ exhaled, sounding nervous. "I'm sorry. But I have to ask: Do you really hope Adrienne and Grace work out?"

"Sure I do," I said clearly, although I felt a bit confused. Why was DJ asking this? "Well, for Adrienne's sake I do. But if Grace isn't right for her, then I suppose it's better Adrienne find out sooner than later ... Why?"

DJ was quiet for a few seconds before answering, "I dunno. I'm sorry. I'm just being paranoid. But there's a part of me that thinks you're still in love with her. And if her relationship falls apart, and you're there to catch her when she falls, then one thing might lead to another and then poof, I'm out one boyfriend."

"DJ, no," I insisted. "I love you. I really do. And Adrienne and I have figured out we're better as brother and sister."

"You sure about that? You sure you wouldn't welcome another chance to be closer to her?"

"We're already as close as we want to be," I explained. "Or is that the problem? Do you want me to stop sleeping with her?" I bit on the end of that question, desperately hoping DJ answered 'no'. Even if Adrienne and I were no longer romantically involved, she was still a dynamite lover.

Thankfully, DJ drawled, "No ... It's okay, it's okay. I already told you that you had permission to sleep with anyone you want. As long as it's just sex. I guess I needed to know that you weren't gonna break up with me for her. I just had to hear you say it."

"I have no intention of breakup up with you, kiddo," I said sincerely. "I love you, and I can't wait for you to graduate and get up here so we can spend every day together as a happy couple."

She giggled and then immediately groaned. "First, I have to get accepted. Gawd, this is SO much work and I'm under SO much pressure."

"I know, Deej. I can't wait to see you this weekend and help relieve you of that pressure, too," I chuckled with more than a little innuendo in my voice.

But DJ just groaned. "Ben, please. You know I've got the SAT this Saturday."

I nodded. It was the mass November 1 test date coming up. "But you still want me to visit Saturday night, right?"

"Of course. Of course."

"I love you, DJ. And I'm sorry. I don't want to put any more pressure on you than you already have."

"No, it's fine, honey. I love you, too."



"Oh, what a day," Dawn sighed as we turned the last corner to the apartment she shared with Ryan. "I cannot WAIT to just flop face-down in bed and get Ryan to give me a massage."

"C'mon," I chided, sliding myself back and falling into step right behind Dawn as we walked along. I moved my hands up to her shoulders and started kneading. "No need to wait when you've got Ben Magic-Hands here for you."

"Stop that," Dawn giggled and slapped at my hands. "I've got a boyfriend for that and he'd be very upset with both of us if you usurped one of his chores."

"Well if he thinks it's a chore, then you can let him know I'd be happy to take over for him. No way would I consider any opportunity to put my hands on your body as a 'chore'."

Dawn chuckled at that and reached back to pull me alongside her. And once she had me where she wanted, she wrapped herself around my left arm and snuggled in closely, humming happily.

"Hey, we're getting close," I warned, my playful mood evaporating. "Thought you didn't want Ryan to see us quite so intimate anymore." Ever since last week when he'd caught us kissing, Dawn had needed to do damage control with her boyfriend to reassure him that we were just friends.

"I know..." Dawn sighed, but didn't let go. Instead, she just squeezed my arm tighter. And by the time she let go to stand up straight, we found that it was too late.

"Hey," Ryan said darkly from about twenty feet away. He was coming down the sidewalk from the opposite direction, apparently just returning from class himself.

Dawn immediately let go of me and hurried up to her boyfriend. She tried to keep her voice down but I still heard. "Relax, babe. I'm just holding his arm. It doesn't mean anything."

"Well if it's nothing, then why don't you stop?" he practically growled.

Dawn just looked up at him, no doubt giving the guy the same puppy dog eyes that the twins flashed at me whenever they wanted to get their way. And predictably, the handsome blonde guy softened.

I could get where the guy might be jealous. Heck, if Dawn was my girlfriend, I'm not sure I'd want her being so touchy-feely with anyone but me. On the other hand, I knew for a fact that Dawn and I had kept our word of just being friends and not doing anything sexual together. When I'd broken up with Adrienne and with Paige, Dawn had stayed with Ryan instead of leaving him for me. And when he invited her to live with him this year, she'd moved in.

So for now at least, Ryan took Dawn at her word and simply nodded. Then the two of them headed up the stairs to let themselves inside while I followed after.

Gwen, Robin, and Bert were already there. The beautiful blonde couple had given Gwen a spare key to make their place our new hangout. Dawn and Ryan said their hellos as they entered. I waved as well while putting down my bag. And like she had every day she'd seen me for the past week, Gwen winced when she looked at me and the bruise that was still fading away on my right cheek.

"I'm sorry about Rick," Gwen said for the umpteenth time.

I waved her off. "No problem. Then I pointed at the bullet scar on my left cheek and joked, "At least he didn't try to shoot me. Right?"

Gwen paled and didn't look amused. Dawn herself looked queasy at the reminder of me getting shot. I resolved not to make that joke again. And looking to change the subject, I asked, "How is Rick these days?"

Gwen sighed. "Still trying to win me back. He actually got some shop to deliver a dozen roses to me in class. Made quite the scene. I don't get it. Our relationship wasn't THAT good."

"Rick's not thinking of the 'relationship'," Robin quipped.

Dawn nodded. "Face it, Gwen. You're the hottest girl he ever had."

"You mean the best fuck he ever had," Robin clarified, causing Gwen to immediately blush and look away in embarrassment.

"Hey, hey, lay off," I snapped at Robin. The sarcastic brunette just rolled her eyes.

Gwen actually smiled at me in thanks. She was used to Robin giving her a hard time about her sex life, but right now she just wasn't in the mood.

And then Bert cracked, "Don't mind Robin. She's just PMSing."

Robin immediately glared at her boyfriend and punched him — hard — in the chest.

"Oww!" Bert grimaced and rubbed his chest. But he was grinning and as I glanced back at Robin, I found that oddly enough, she was grinning as well.

"Then you'd better take me home before Aunt Flo comes to visit," Robin giggled, a naughty grin on her face. Bert's eyes popped open and he grinned knowingly as well.

I shook my head and chuckled wryly. With my separation from DJ, Adrienne's issues with Grace, Ryan's little jealousies, Rick's futile pursuit of Gwen, and the abject failure of Brandi and Matt, strangely enough, Bert and Robin seemed to be the happiest couple around.

The house was quiet on Thursday night when I returned home. It was a stark contrast to last year, when the combined groups of both my crew and Brandi's and Dayna's friends practically lived there from 2pm to 10pm, if not later. But with Dayna spending most of her time at her boyfriend Kevin's place, and Brandi and Matt having their breakup, the Seniors had relocated to another house not too far away where Kerri Trainor, Julie Carpenter, Ashley Tran, and Erica Jackson were splitting the rent. Plus, with my crew hanging out at Dawn's and Ryan's apartment, my own house had become a ghost town.

Tonight the house was even more deserted. Dayna was once again with Kevin. Brandi was out working on a project. And like most evenings, Adrienne was with her sorority. I quite literally had the entire house to myself, and as I trudged into my bedroom with a sack of fast-food grease, I ruminated on how I'd come to feel so alone.

I used to feel like there were TOO many people around. When dating a girl as gorgeous as Adrienne, I felt like spending every moment of every day in bed worshipping the lush curves of her naked body. But the way the house was NOT soundproofed, we'd mostly had to limit ourselves to our daily midnight screwings before falling asleep, with the occasional morning romp thrown in. There were just too many people in the house during the intervening hours. And most of my playtimes with Brandi and Dayna had been on the weekends.

Things hadn't changed all THAT much when I'd started dating Paige as well. And since I always had the presence of one or the other girlfriend, I never once felt truly lonely. If anything, I felt slightly smothered.

I had loved my girlfriends. I'd absolutely adored Adrienne and I'd really, really enjoyed spending time with Paige. But sometimes, a guy just wanted to be alone, you know? Bad day at class, some minor frustration, whatever. You go to your room and shut the door, right? Well, how do you do that when there's somebody IN your room? And it wasn't like I could ask Adrienne or Paige to leave. Both girls would know I was feeling grumpy and they'd offer to help. Sometimes, a blowjob was EXACTLY what I needed. If not that, a willing shoulder to lean on ... Well, maybe not the shoulder.

But anyways, there were times when I didn't even want the blowjob or anything. I'd just wanted to be alone, to have things quiet for a few minutes, you know? But I couldn't ask my girlfriends to leave.

On the flip side, sometimes Adrienne or Paige had needed privacy. Paige would just go to her dorm room, problem solved. But Adrienne could never ask me to leave if she'd needed the space, either. I wouldn't realize this until it was too late, and by then my girlfriend's mood had already fouled. And more often than not, she didn't want me to leave, she wanted me to LISTEN.

Hell, if I was in the middle of a chapter or whatever, the LAST thing I wanted to do was listen to my girlfriend vent. I would, of course. I AM a good boyfriend. But if I'd had my own room and I was studying with the door closed, then maybe, just maybe, Adrienne would have gone to Dawn or Brandi or Dayna or whoever to talk it out, instead of coming to me.

That was then. But today ... right now ... I would have given my left nut to have Adrienne or Paige come banging down my door, wanting to vent about their day. I felt THAT lonely. Well, maybe not the left nut. I liked my left nut. It had been doing a very good job for me. Maybe my left pinkie toe. I could live without that.

Of course, I might be feeling better if I'd gotten laid in the last 72-hours. I am a sexual creature after all. Adrienne and I hadn't boinked since she came to me on Monday, needing what turned out to be a sympathy fuck after her "cooling off" discussion with Grace. And Brandi and I had yet to find the time. Thursday nights had become our regular stress-relief session, but this project had come up. And of course, I wouldn't actually be with DJ tomorrow this week, having to wait until Saturday night after her SATs. The fact was: it was lonelier not knowing the next time I'd get laid after what felt like years of getting more pussy than I could handle.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling, my sack of fast-food grease momentarily forgotten. All around me was the sound ... of silence. Just dead air, and the creaking sounds of an old house settling in the rapidly cooling weather.

I needed to get laid. I needed my girlfriend. I missed DJ.

Maybe she wouldn't mind if I drove down to visit?

But then maybe she would. Already, I'd seen the energizer-bunny of a hot blonde girl get more and more tired as the months rolled on. Papers were piling on top of midterms, which were piling on top of her SAT preparations. She already had a decent score from the previous Spring, but she was on the cusp of not getting accepted to Cal and the pressure to improve was simply EVERYWHERE.

Her parents expected her to get in, pure and simple. Her siblings expected her to get in. And I'm sorry to say, I expected her to get in and join me. For DJ, to not get in would be a monumental failure of epic proportions.

DJ had already given up most of her social life, keeping in touch with only her closest friends and not going out on school nights. She'd already given up her weekends to spend time with me. Yeah, we spent a lot of our time with stress- relief fucking, but I also knew DJ was putting pressure on herself to "make up" the lost time in our relationship, cramming a week's worth of boyfriend/girlfriend- bonding into only a couple of nights. That meant she wasn't spending nearly enough of her weekend time with her friends, which had to put even more stress on her.

I owed it to DJ not to burden her with anything more. She had her life to live in High School. She had her studies to deal with. The least I could do was not become a needy boyfriend just because I felt a little lonely.

So in the end I just rolled over and sent her a quick text: Thnkn of U kiddo. Luv U and Mss U. TTYL.

Then I dropped the phone onto the nightstand and rolled onto my back again.

I stared at the ceiling.

All alone.

And then my phone lit up, the ringtone blaring. It wasn't a text message; I had my cell phone just set to chime if one of those came through. This was an actual call.

For a second I thought DJ did have time for me, and was calling me back to chat and fill my evening with love and brightness. I eagerly snatched up the phone and glanced at the screen just as my brain finally recognized the ringtone. It wasn't DJ. It was Adrienne. And I felt no less happy that someone was calling me.

"Adrienne! Hey!" I said brightly.

"Hiii, Tiger," came the sweet voice that had filled my dreams for years now. Behind her was quite a bit of inaudible chatter, most likely from the other sorority sisters Adrienne was hanging out with.

"What's up?" I asked perkily.

"You sound happy. Got a girl there with you?" she laughed.

"Naw, only me. I'm just happy you called," I said sincerely, and I knew she could tell I meant it as well.

"That's sweet. Anyways, I'm calling because I need a last-minute favor."


She giggled. "Figured. No really. Uh, do you still have that Prince Phillip costume from last year?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "The Prince Charming costume? From Sleeping Beauty? Uh, yeah ... Somewhere..."

"Can you be my date tomorrow night? We're having a Halloween party and I'm suddenly dateless." Adrienne's voice trailed off, clearly not too happy with the turn of events.

"What happen? Grace not going anymore?"

"Uh, no." I heard a muffling as Adrienne turned away from the crowd and probably cupped her hand over her mouth. "She's going, but she's bringing a guy. You remember what I said about lesbians? Well, she promises me that we're still together. But she doesn't want people to get the wrong idea if we show up as each other's date."

"Wrong idea?" I arched an eyebrow. "Isn't that exactly the right idea?"

Adrienne sighed. "Tell me about it. Anyways, please?"

"Adrienne, you already know I'm going to say 'yes'. Of course I'll be there for you." I grinned as I said it, and I'm sure she could hear it in my voice.

"Great! Meet me back at the house at six tomorrow! I love you, Ben."

I smiled happily. "I love you, too."


"It's too bad the party had to be today. Since you weren't going to DJ's, I had something special planned for you tonight." Brandi said seductively from my bed, where she was watching me get into my costume. My beautiful sister was wearing a long-sleeved sleep shirt that had a wide-scooped neckline, one side hanging loose to bare her left shoulder. Her bottoms were cutoff sweats, torn short enough to reveal the lower curves of her perfect buttcheeks. And her dark brown hair was pulled back and clipped up while she propped up her chin with both hands, a saucy grin on her face.

Even though she was fully clothed, Brandi looked so alluringly sexy that I thought about jumping her right then and there. Even the solitary bare shoulder stirred my lustful imagination.

Or maybe I was just horny after not getting off in FAR too long. By now, the time elapsed since last getting laid was approaching 96-hours, and would have been even longer if it weren't for my one encounter with Adrienne on Monday.

"Well, today IS Halloween. Hence the 'Halloween Party'," I drawled with a smirk, looking back at the mirror as I adjusted the costume. And then I let my lust creep into my voice as I added, "Besides, we still have tomorrow since I'm not heading down to DJ's."

Brandi giggled and then abruptly stopped, biting her lip. "Uh, Ben? About that."

Something in her voice made me turn around in concern.

"I talked to Matt today."

My eyebrows shot up and I automatically leaned back against the dresser, which was holding up the mirror I was using. My heartbeat had spiked hearing Matt's name, and I found myself desperately curious to know what had happened.

"He agreed to meet me tomorrow," Brandi explained.

"What, like a date?" I arched an eyebrow.

"Kinda." Brandi nodded. "I mean, it's a Saturday. We're going to go to lunch. We'll talk. And I don't know what's going to happen after that."

I quickly moved back to my bed and sat down beside my sister, reaching out to stroke her back. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah ... yeah, I'm fine," she replied, sounding anything but 'fine'. "This was my idea. I've been trying to get him to sit down and talk with me forever."

"But you're nervous."

"Of course. Wouldn't you be?"

I sighed and kept stroking her. "Is there anything I can do for you? Do you want me to skip the party? I can totally stay here."

Brandi rolled up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "No, it's okay. Really. I was gonna fuck your brains out tonight, but it's not like I need to. Right now, just hugging like this is good enough for me."

"You sure?"

"Of course. I couldn't steal you from Adrienne, anyways. She needs you tonight, too."

I sighed, feeling caught between the needs of my two sisters.

Brandi just squeezed me a little tighter. "I mean it. Go. I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Just ... lemme hug you for a little bit longer."


Brandi got her fill of hugs just as Adrienne emerged from her bedroom, stunningly gorgeous as usual, although in a rated-G sort of way. Her pink Princess Aurora gown was just as beautiful as it had been the previous year, and since I'd just been fantasizing about Brandi's bare shoulder, the way Adrienne's dress left both shoulders bare was causing quite the stirring in my shorts.

Thankfully, my own Prince Phillip tunic had what amounted to a short skirt over the crotch, which I hoped would hide my erection nicely.

"Ready to go?" Adrienne beamed.

I simply stepped forward, took her hand, and kissed the back of it while bowing low. "You are exquisite, my Princess," I said theatrically.

Adrienne just giggled and tugged me upward, pulling me to her for a chaste kiss. "Let's go."

I sighed at the touch of Adrienne's lips against mine, still feeling quite horny. But this wasn't a time for sex. Yeah, I was missing a night with Brandi and we probably wouldn't be able to make up for it tomorrow. But I would be with DJ again tomorrow night and I was positive my little blonde nymphomaniac would be eager for the both of us to blow off some steam. I could last until then if I had to.

So I let my stunningly gorgeous date wrap herself around my arm while Brandi led us out of the house and headed for the Mustang. It wasn't that far to the Tri- Delt Chapter House on Warring Street, but Brandi had offered to drive us the several blocks over so that Adrienne wouldn't have to walk that far in her heels.

On the way to the car, my cell phone went off. It took me a second to remember where the pockets were on my costume, and since I recognized the ringtone as DJ's I was scrambling extra fast.

"Hello?" I said breathlessly.

"Hi, honey," DJ said softly, but with a trace of hesitance in her voice. "You at that Halloween party yet?"

"No. We're just leaving. What's wrong?" I immediately asked.

"Nothing, nothing," she replied in way that did nothing to reassure me. Clearly, something was bothering her. "It's just, uh... , you know, I probably shouldn't even ask this of you."

"No, really. What's up?"

"It's about this weekend," DJ said apologetically. "Would ... uh, would you mind not coming down?"

I stopped dead in my tracks, causing Adrienne and Brandi to turn and look at me in surprise. "Huh?"

"I know you've been looking forward to it. But my friends invited me to go out with them tomorrow afternoon after the SATs. And then on Sunday they're planning another get-together at Shawn Preston's house. I really want to go."

"Oh, okay..." I started morosely.

"Oh, you're upset!" DJ whined.

"No, no!" I quickly interjected. "I mean, of course I'd love to be with you. But I know how little time you've had to spend with your friends. The parties sound great."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," I said reassuringly, hiding my disappointment. I WAS pretty horny. "I take up too much of your time as it is."

"No, you don't. I don't see enough of you, honey," DJ insisted.

"That's okay. I'm okay, really. You deserve this after all the hard work and studying you've been doing. I'm serious. Go have fun."

"You sure you'll be okay without me this weekend?" she asked hesitantly.

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

"I'll make it up to you. I promise," DJ giggled with a sultry innuendo. "Nail Brandi extra hard for me, okay?"

I nodded. Now wasn't the time to tell DJ that Brandi had an outside shot of reuniting with Matt this weekend. "Sure thing."

"Bye, honey," DJ sighed wistfully. "Enjoy the party tonight. I love you."

"I love you, too."

And then we hung up.




There are few things in this life more entertaining than some 80+ beautiful sorority girls screaming enthusiastically. Not all of them were screaming at the same time, but the house was absolutely packed with hot babes looking for a good time. Some 60 of them were full Tri-Delt members. Another 23 were pledges, hoping to earn the right to join.

The pledges, identifiable by their prominently displayed pledge pins, seemed to be the ones doing the most whooping ... AND the most flirting. And with only about 50 guys around, the ratio was definitely in my favor.

That ratio suddenly shifted when Adrienne left me to join the other pledges in filing into the Chapter room; a snooty, brunette Senior sorority sister had called them in for some instruction or ritual or something. But despite the loss of the 23 pledges, I was suddenly surrounded by more girls than before as the rest of the hot sorority babes descended upon us guys.

I quickly found myself in a flirtatious conversation with a couple of them, a world of innuendo in their voices. And then a third sexy babe was next to me, edging in as well. With three girls to flirt with, I didn't even notice ten minutes later when the pledges all returned.

"Hiii, Prince Charming," a familiar voice suddenly said from my left, interrupting my conversation. I turned and my eyes popped open in surprise to see Misty Madsen, Grace's roommate and still close friend. The 5'8" slender brunette with smoky-gray eyes was dressed as an Airline Stewardess from the 50s, albeit a sexy-costume version of the uniform. The powder blue dress had a scooped neckline to show off her tits and a white necktie that drew one's attention down into her cleavage, her Tri-Delt pledge pin attached to the left lapel. The dress hem ended just barely below her ass, and the cute hat on top made the whole ensemble quite kinkily erotic.

My eyes yo-yoed down to her tits before flashing back up to her face. Misty just grinned and said, "I've already told you: If I didn't want you staring, I wouldn't have worn this outfit."

I just grinned and dropped my eyes, taking the time to ogle every inch of exposed titflesh before scrutinizing the dress itself, looking for any signs of a bra. There weren't any, and right before my eyes I saw the pebbly bumps of her nipples expand and begin to push out the fabric.

"Aww, c'mon, Misty. Don't hog all the good-looking ones," a new voice rang out from the side. I turned to see a pretty Indian girl, dressed in a Princess Jasmine from Aladdin costume, sidling up to us. Her pledge pin was right at the fastening between her two big, round breasts. "After all, between the two of us, I'm the Disney Princess."

I swept my eyes up and down this new beautiful girl, relishing the sight of her bare shoulders and skimpy blue top. Disney's animators really knew what they were doing with this costume. And with a smile, I replied, "Well then. It only seems appropriate that you dance with me next."

Her dark eyes glittered and she moved closer in to me, but Misty pulled me back and barked, "Back off, Lakhi. I've got dibs on this one."

"Dibs? There're no dibs tonight, sister," the other girl giggled, sending her big tits to wobbling in the strapless pale blue top of her costume. Despite her words, the dark-haired babe nodded and backed away, but not before fixing me with a saucy grin and saying, "I'll be waiting for that dance, stud."

Princess Jasmine twirled away and I realized that another guy was now entertaining the first three girls that had come up to me. No matter, because Misty started tugging me toward the kitchen. "C'mon, Big Ben. Buy me a drink."

I chuckled, knowing full well that drinks were free. I let her lead me to the kitchen where we grabbed some cups and I poured us a couple of beers. Then taking a sip from mine, I hoisted it in the direction from where we came and asked, "What did she mean by 'no dibs tonight'? There seemed to be more to it than just the usual 'girls being territorial'."

Misty's smoky-gray eyes flashed for a moment. "Oh, nothing..." She giggled mysteriously and clutched herself a little closer to my arm. "C'mon. Let's go dance."

I spent the next hour and a half with Misty by my side. While we'd never been close friends, we'd definitely been casual acquaintances all through Adrienne's romance with Grace. And the conversation flowed easily between us as if we'd been friends forever.

Of course, I didn't only spend that time with Misty. Not with a house full of sorority girls who seemed to really, really want to get to know me.

One such girl was Lakhi, the Princess Jasmine who did come around to collect on her promised dance ... three times. I'm not sure if she had a drop of alcohol, but the girl was certainly giggly and flirty and forward. Comments like, "I'd love to let you take me to a whole new world" just didn't leave much doubt as to what her intentions were.

And she wasn't the only one. Jocelyn was a slender Filipina girl with a pretty face, great legs, and a French Maid outfit designed to induce boners, her pledge pin attached to a white lapel. She managed to find a dance with me while Christina Aguilera's "Dirrty" was playing, and the sexy babe ground herself against me while singing along, showing off a beautiful voice that fit right in with the noise of the party. "Sweat drippin over my body // Dancing getting just a little naughty // Wanna get dirrty!"

Jocelyn was staring right into my eyes while singing this. And if looks could move, she'd have crawled inside my skin a long time ago.

I was in a boy's paradise. I was surrounded by eye candy of the highest quality, with hot babes absolutely everywhere. Even beyond the beautiful creatures flocking directly to me, there were babes sashaying around, wiggling tight asses and prominent busts in skimpy costumes for my viewing pleasure. There was the stereotypical naughty nurse and the sexy cat. I saw a Princess Leia gold bikini. And there was even a green-painted Orion girl.

But one girl who really caught my attention was the butterfly. Seriously, she was a butterfly. Big, translucent wings were mounted to the back of what seemed to be a skimpy bikini, showing off her big tits and tiny, tiny waist. The girl was tall; in her heels definitely taller than me. Her hair was strawberry- blonde and piled up to surround a set of colorful costume antennae. And she had the angular, pretty face of a fashion model: tiny, pointed nose; sharp cheekbones; and big almond eyes that tilted upwards at the corners. I don't know if I'd say she was as pretty as Adrienne or Dawn, but there was definitely something uniquely sexy about her face.

There was one time when she looked directly at me that make me freeze, unable to do anything but stare right back. Her irises were a brilliant green, bewitching in their intensity and surrounded by a striking mélange of multi-colored eyeshadow and other makeup to enhance the butterfly motif. She had the definition of bedroom eyes, and right in that moment I knew that I just HAD to have her.

After such an intense look, the butterfly turned and moved on, gliding across the room imperiously as if hunting for a perfect flower on which to land. Adrienne passed by in the other direction and I quickly reached out to take her arm. "Hey, who is that?" I asked while keeping my eyes riveted to the butterfly.

Adrienne turned to follow my gaze and then smirked. "That's Cadence, another pledge. She's really, really picky. Guys have been trying all semester to land her. So far none have succeeded."

I arched an eyebrow at my adoptive sister. "That a challenge?"

Adrienne chuckled. "By all means, go for it. Especially tonight."

There was something in Adrienne's voice and I turned to her, asking, "What's that supposed to mean?"

My gorgeous blonde grinned at me. "Nevermind. Not supposed to talk about it." She moved along and I turned to look for the butterfly. But despite the big wings on her back, I couldn't see her anymore. Perhaps she'd gone out to the back patio.

I started hunting around just a bit, but then Misty returned to me and quickly latched onto my arm. "Hey, miss me?" She petted my arm and I was quick to slide it around her waist.

"Always," I smiled at the slender brunette. And then we continued on. But I didn't quite get the butterfly out of my head.

Still, I was wondering what Adrienne had meant about tonight being special and her not being allowed to talk about it. So I found myself in observation mode. Just like any party, girls flirted with me and I was happy to flirt back. But during this hour and a half, I began to notice that there was something more going on than the usual socialization. I didn't know if it was because the women were sorority girls, but they definitely seemed more aggressive than normal. Almost every sister, and certainly all the pledges, appeared to be on the prowl, even Adrienne.

At first, I felt just a little jealous watching Adrienne flirting with other guys. After all, I was her date. Plus, if she was supposedly mostly lesbian, and guys didn't really turn her on, why was she hunting for dick? Surely she knew she could use mine whenever the hell she wanted. But I tamped down on the spark of jealousy whenever it flared up. Adrienne had every right to live a life of her own, the same as any of my other sisters. And since we were no longer together, it wasn't my place to interfere. If I thought she needed protecting, that was one thing, but I couldn't interfere just because I wanted her to myself.

Not only was almost every girl on the prowl, but they were pretty vicious about it. More than once, I saw a guy starting to get pretty cozy with one of the girls, only to get dragged away by another girl or otherwise "stolen" by someone else aggressively pursuing him. It was as if there was a competition of sorts going on, a flirting competition. And even with Misty almost perpetually next to me, her fellow pledges and Tri-Delt sisters seemed to have no moral compunctions against trying to lure me away.

I didn't really mind being lured, either. Many, many times throughout the night, a hot babe in a sexy costume would come up to me and ask for a dance. Even though I wasn't WITH her or anything, I looked to Misty for permission the first couple of times. And while she seemed a little reluctant, she always waved me on.

As the party went on, I found that three of the girls seemed to always come back to me: Lakhi, the Indian pledge in the Princess Jasmine costume; Jocelyn, the Filipina pledge in a French Maid costume; and Bridget, a Senior sister in a Playboy Bunny costume. Those three other girls flirted with me outrageously, dropping hints and sexual innuendoes left and right. But the fact that they were each also flirting with a few other guys kept me from feeling too overwhelmed.

Only Misty stayed almost permanently by my side. It was as if she'd staked her claim on me, even though we both knew I had a girlfriend. I figured it was because she knew me and felt comfortable around me. She enjoyed the flirting, but it's not like we were going to hook up and have sex or anything; we were just friends. I was a safe companion she could spend the evening with, and perhaps carry out her flirting competition duties with. And at the end of the night, we would go our separate ways.

That concept started shrinking like a leaky balloon though after a dance I had with Bridget. The Senior sister was a pretty bottle-blonde with big tits and nice curves. She had been grinding up against me during our dances, humping herself on top of my thigh or turning around and rubbing her ass against the bulge in my pants. I had been perpetually horny since well before I even came to the party; and dancing with girls like Bridget ensured I wasn't going to go soft anytime soon.

But at the end of our fourth dance, the sultry Senior reached up to wrap her arms around my neck, moving her face in close to me. Her nose rubbed against my chin and we were both breathing heavily from the exertion and from arousal. And ever so gently, she tilted her head and moved her lips to mine for a kiss.

Instinctively, I moved in to press my lips to hers. It would feel so gooood. But just before we met, I jerked my head away. Yeah, I was horny; but I didn't need this. I didn't need another casual hookup with a near-stranger, not when I had a girlfriend like DJ who loved me and a sister like Brandi who adored me intimately. And even if Bridget wasn't looking for sex, I didn't need a kiss, either.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled from less than an inch away.

"Not interested?" Bridget whimpered pleadingly. Her eyes were big and bright in my face, her lips puckered. She was sexy and desirable and she knew it.

"Oh, I'm interested," I groaned and shifted my weight forward. My erection pressed against her belly where I was sure she could feel it. "But I don't even know you."

"So? Isn't that part of the fun?"

"I've got a girlfriend," I said seriously. "I'm sorry, but she means more to me than this."

Bridget furrowed her eyebrows. "I thought you came with Adrienne."

I nodded, pulling my face away from hers and pulling my erection away from her belly. "I did. She's my ex. We're still friends. My girlfriend doesn't go to school here."

Bridget blinked and then sighed, nodding. "Fair enough." Then before I could pull away, she got up on her tiptoes and stole a kiss from my lips anyways.

My eyebrows went up and she giggled cutely. "I at least had to have that. You're delicious." And then she took my hand and led me off the dance floor over to where Misty was standing by herself.

"Don't put all your eggs in one basket," Bridget warned Misty mysteriously. "This one seems like a monogamist." And then the Senior bottle-blonde turned, copping a feel of my bulge before sashaying away.

Frowning in confusion, I arched an eyebrow at Misty. "The heck did she mean by that?"

Misty bit her lip nervously and sighed, her shoulders slumping. Then she wrapped herself around my left arm, looked up at me, and asked in a deadly serious voice, without any seduction, "Will you go upstairs with me? I think we need to talk."

I followed Misty up to the second floor and to one of the bedrooms. There was a whiteboard mounted to the outside of the door, and what looked like a simplified version of the three-Deltas pledge logo marked on the outside. Before we went in, Misty grabbed one of the pens and quickly wrote her initials "MM" below the logo. And then with a darting glance up and down the hall, she pulled me inside.

I was on alert, being dragged alone into a bedroom with a girl who wasn't my girlfriend or one of my sisters. But Misty made no immediate moves of seduction and simply crossed over to the bed, turning and sitting down heavily onto it. "Can you close the door?" she asked.

Nodding, I turned and closed the door, but didn't lock it. I looked around and realized that this wasn't Misty's bedroom. After all, she was living in an apartment with Grace Choi elsewhere. The photos on the walls and flat surfaces were that of other sorority members. And as I realized that Misty had not taken me into her own bedroom, I started to relax. It really did seem like she just wanted to talk to me about something. What it was, I didn't know. And why me, I had no clue.

When I looked over to her, the pretty brunette simply leaned back on the bed and patted the seat beside her. "I need to ask you something."

Feeling relaxed by her casual demeanor, I moved to sit beside her; and when my ass hit the mattress, she reached out and took one of my hands in hers. For a few seconds, she simply stared at my hand, holding it firmly as she gathered herself together. Clearly, she was working up her courage, and she even took a sip from the beer cup she'd been carrying with her all this time.

Then without warning, Misty grabbed my head and gave me a searingly passionate kiss.

As always, my body reacted to the attention of a pretty girl before my brain did. My lips pressed back and parted to allow the entry of her tongue. My dick stood up in salute. And a moan escaped my throat and I tilted my head to get a better angle.

As it turned out, my brain was even more sluggish than normal because of the number of beers I'd already consumed. And we kissed for a good few seconds before reason reasserted itself and I pulled away. "Wait-wait-wait..." I stammered, looking down and holding my hand up.

"Please," Misty groaned and tried to kiss me again. But I managed to get a hand between us and pouting, she finally backed up. "Sorry. I'm sorry."

"No, uh, it's okay," I said, not wanting Misty to feel bad. I was used to girls throwing themselves at me.

Misty just took a deep breath and asked, "Do you love your girlfriend?"

I arched an eyebrow in surprise at the question. But looking Misty dead in the eye, I answered, "Yes, I do."

"Do you have the kind of relationship with her that you did with Adrienne?"

I frowned, not quite understanding. "What do you mean?"

"I mean: do you guys have a pretty open relationship? Would she be okay with it if you slept with me?" Misty leaned forward, her eyes shining as she made clear that she would very much like to sleep with me.

"Well ... uh... ," I stammered, staring back into Misty's lust-filled gaze.

"I just sort of assumed when you arrived that you were fair game," Misty said, searching my eyes. "And when this pledge task came down, I knew I wanted to do it with you more than anyone else. But if your girlfriend wouldn't be okay with it, then I won't do this. I'm not that kind of girl."

My eyebrows furrowed as her words started to percolate into my brain. "Wait, what? Pledge task?"

Misty's eyes popped open and she slapped a hand over her mouth, as if that would somehow undo what she'd already said.

"Misty? What's going on?" I asked insistently, gripping her hands in mine.

The pretty brunette bit her lip nervously and her smoky-gray eyes clicked left and right in mine. They were a little unfocused from the number of beers she'd consumed. And she crooked her mouth to the side while trying to figure out just what to do.

But a few seconds later, she took a deep breath and canted her head. "Right after the party started, our Pledge Mistress pulled us all into the Chapter room. You remember that?"

I nodded, not yet sure where she was going with this. But I did remember when Adrienne and the other pledges were ushered into a separate room back at the beginning of the party.

"Well, we were all given a pledge task to complete tonight. We don't have to participate, but it's a way of getting pledge points."

I looked at her like she was speaking Martian.

Misty sighed and explained, "Pledge points determine our status and whether we get invited to join or not at the end of the semester. Even if we all get invited, we also get ranked by our points, and the highest get extra status going into the following years. Status is a big deal to us girls."

I started following, and arching an eyebrow, I asked, "So what is your task?"

Misty bit her lip and looked at me seriously. "Seduce another pledge's date."

My eyebrows shot up. "Excuse me?"

Misty nodded. "They didn't tell us the exact scoring system, but we get points for seducing one of you. We get bonus points if we can keep you overnight. And it all gets multiplied by a hotness factor. I already know the sisters rate you very highly. So if you spend the night with me, I'll probably get more points than any other pledge."

My eyes were wide. "You want..." I began in disbelief. "You want to have SEX with me ... for ... for points?"

Misty's eyes were wide open and she shook her head, a look of innocent honesty on her face. "Actually, no. I want to have sex with you because I WANT to have sex with you. Ever since last year, when you were dating Adrienne and you fucked ... uh ... I'm not supposed to talk about that." Misty quickly shut up. But her eyes almost immediately perked back up. "I kept hearing about the Big Ben experience. And Adrienne was so open in your relationship. If I didn't have a boyfriend, I totally would have wanted to hook up with you. Just once, at least."

I was blinking fast, trying to process this all. And Misty just kept going. "And only pledge dates are allowed. We don't get anything for scoring with one of the other guys. And just to make things even harder, the sisters themselves are providing competition. So there're only fifteen guys in the field since some of the pledges didn't bring dates and other pledges declared their boyfriends off-limits. Even among the fifteen, some of those guys just aren't appealing. You're a prime target."

As if to punctuate her point, we heard an erotic moan drift through from one of the bedrooms next door. I would have bet my life savings that the whiteboard on that door had the pledge logo on it with some other girl's initials scrawled beneath.

I still couldn't wrap my head around being a ... target ... Frowning, I asked, "So I'm just a piece of meat to be seduced and then thrown away?"

"Ben, please. Don't take this the wrong way. I like you. I always liked you. But first I had a boyfriend I wanted to stay loyal to. I told you, I'm not into cheating. And even when I broke up with my boyfriend, you had all that drama with Grace and Adrienne and everything. And then this year, we just haven't seen much of each other." Misty grabbed my hands and squeezed them, leaning forward so that her eyes were big and wide and right in front of me. "I was thrilled when Adrienne brought you as her date. Even without the pledge task, it's been a while for me and I really, really want to get laid. I would have been hitting on you even if it wasn't for the pledge thing. That's why I spent the entire night with you, putting all my eggs in one basket, as Bridget put it."

I blinked. "Then why did you tell me about the task? Surely you had to have an idea it might turn me off."

Misty winced. "I didn't mean to tell you about that. It just kinda slipped out. I got a little flustered when Bridget tried to kiss you and you turned her down. She told me she thought you were a monogamist, and that's when it occurred to me for the first time that you and your new girlfriend might not be as open as you and Adrienne were. That's why I brought you up here to talk. The last thing I wanted to do was make you cheat on your girlfriend."

My eyebrows went up and then my shoulders slumped. "I see."

"I'm so sorry about this," Misty waved. "I just wanted to have a good time tonight. I never thought it would get this out of hand."

"That's okay. It's not your fault," I reassured her and rubbed her back.

Misty sagged against my arm and leaned her shoulder into me. She rolled her eyes up to mine, looking at me with such need and such desire in her smoky- gray irises. "I just ... I want you, Ben. I still want you." Her hand reached out and slid over the bulge in my pants, a bulge that never entirely went away. "I put all my eggs in one basket because you're the only one I want. It's been such a long time for me, and if it's okay with you and your girlfriend, I thought we might make each other happy tonight."

"Ohhh..." I groaned as my cock surged with the husky tone in Misty's voice, as well as the sensation of her hands wrapping around the iron bar trying to get out of my pants. This wasn't the same as Bridget propositioning me. Misty was a friend of sorts, more to me than just a stranger. If we did fuck, it wouldn't just be a soulless encounter. That wasn't so bad, was it? My face tilted down, bringing my lips just millimeters away from hers.

"Please?" Misty asked, her nose rubbing against mine, her eyes bright and open just millimeters away. She was beautiful and seductive as she looked at me with such longing on her pretty face. Her voice was absolutely dripping with sexual undertones. "Will you show me the Big Ben experience tonight?"

I thought of DJ just once. I pictured her smiling face, urging me on. 'I want you to be happy, ' she told me in my mind's eye.

'I'm gonna keep it in the family, ' I replied.

'Whatever. You don't have to, ' DJ said sweetly. 'I've already told you straight up that you have my permission to fuck anyone you want up there. I love you. And I know you'll still love me.'

DJ loved me. And she would know I still loved her. This was exactly what my girlfriend had meant. I hadn't gotten laid in a long time, and while Brandi and Adrienne were usually there for me to burn off my excess lust until I could get to the weekend, my sisters hadn't been around for me this time. Plus, I wouldn't even GET to spend the weekend with DJ. She had her SATs and then her parties with her friends. I couldn't wait all the way until the following weekend.

'Thank you, honey, ' I thought silently to DJ. 'I love you.' And then I moved my face forward half an inch, capturing Misty's lips with my own.

The slender brunette moaned happily into our kiss as our tongues speared out to tangle together. Her hand quickly came up to my chest while I knocked the stewardess cap off her head and then started pulling out the bobby pins that restrained her silky, dark locks. She grabbed my wrist and then tugged it to her chest, pushing my hand past her necktie and into the gap of her dress so that I could palm her firm breast and thumb her nipple. And then all of a sudden we were both in too much of a damn hurry to bother with the rest of our clothes.

Two hours of flirting, drinking, and dancing had been more than enough foreplay. I'd danced with more than a dozen girls and gotten really, really frisky with three others. But in the end, it was Misty who had me all alone in a bedroom; and with a victorious growl, she suddenly pushed me over onto my back and yelled out her triumph.

"Oh, gawd," Misty groaned, her entire body shaking slightly as she attacked my mouth over and again. "I can't wait. I can't wait."

She really couldn't wait. The horny brunette straddled my waist and ground her crotch against my bulge while doing her best to permanently embed her tongue in my throat. And then her hands were between us, desperately searching for the fasteners on my unusually tight Prince Phillip pants and then hurriedly jerking both them and my boxers down my legs.

She didn't get very far. She only managed to pull them down to my thighs, exposing my cock and balls but keeping my legs trapped together. No matter, she had the object she desired. And after jerking my cock in her hands a few times to make sure I was hard, Misty yanked the hem of her dress up to her waist, shoved the crotch of her thong panties aside, and dropped her quivering quim onto my shaft.

"Holy SHIT!" Misty threw her head back and shrieked as I penetrated halfway, stretching her exquisitely tight tunnel wider than she'd been expecting. "So fucking BIG!"

I couldn't help but chuckle proudly. And then Misty was gathering herself and rather violently lunging her entire body down, trying to cram more and more of my meat into her pussy. It took three or four tries, since despite her arousal, she wasn't that wet just yet. But eventually, the slender brunette managed to get my entire dick inside her body and she let her head loll back as she croaked in exhaustion, "Oh, holy FUCK..."

Panting after the exertion of getting me inside her, Misty stopped then, leaning forward to support herself on her hands while hanging her head down and gasping for air. Her tight pussy muscles squeezed me occasionally, testing the sensation of my thickness inside of her. But for the most part, she was just recovering from that initial entry. "You feel so fucking goood..." Misty groaned.

I grinned. "Misty. You ain't seen nothing yet."

Legs trapped or not, I took over.

"Please ... please..." Misty begged. "No more ... no more..."

"Just one more," I growled, still feeling juiced. After all, I'd been building this up for DAYS. Some guys might go weeks without having sex as a matter of their daily lives. Me? The last 96+ hours had already felt like an ETERNITY. And I had a lot of sexual energy to burn off. "Besides, you wanted this," I chuckled.

Misty whimpered with tears running down her eyes as I continued hammering her light body from behind. The slender brunette was 5'8", but was probably less than 130 pounds. She'd already had more orgasms in one night than ever in her life. She'd already been fucked so many times and in so many positions that her body didn't know which direction was right-side up. And she was helpless to resist as my every thrust banged her body forward and against the pile of pillows she was clutching as if her life depended on it.

She flailed around with her feet, trying to dig into something to hold onto, but her toes were still covered by her stiletto heels, the slick material doing nothing to help her maintain her position. Actually, Misty was still wearing almost all of her Halloween costume. Did I forget to mention that? We'd gotten rid of her cap and the pins in her hair before we got started. But even after several dozens of Misty's orgasms and a couple of breaks for mine, she'd never had the time or energy to remove the rest of her outfit. The hem of the dress had been bunched around her waist for the past hour, along with the remnants of her thong. I'd gotten tired of dragging the crotch out of the way to gain access to her pretty pussy, so I'd simply snapped the thing. And up top, she only had one arm still through a sleeve of the dress, the other end pulled low and hanging loosely around her side so that I could grip her firm breasts as a handhold while I'd fucked her.

"Please, Ben," Misty whimpered. "I'm exhausted."

"You'll thank me in the morning," I promised. "Just like Lakhi."

Oh, did I forget to mention Lakhi? The pretty Indian girl with the nice rack had shown up shortly after Misty and I had finished our first round of fucking. I'm not sure whether Lakhi entered the room before or after Misty threw her head back and screamed her second climax while I squeezed her tits and filled her pretty pussy with a huge load of stored-up cum. But Lakhi was certainly there when Misty toppled off me and flopped onto her back, oozing copious amounts of white cream from her widely-stretched snatch.

"Fuck that's hot!" Lakhi had enthused, her eyes glassy from drunkenness and arousal. "If I suck you hard again, will you do that to me?"

Drunk on my own power after such a powerful climax, I'd simply remarked, "Suck me hard again, and then suck my cum out of her pussy, and I will."

Lakhi had immediately jumped to her task. The freshman pledge had shown a distinct lack of skill in giving a blowjob, but she was enthusiastic and things were early enough in the night that I got hard relatively quickly. I then pointed her between Misty's legs where she dove in with equal enthusiasm. And then while the cute Indian girl noisily slurped out my jism, I'd yanked her harem pants down to her knees and then swiftly entered her from behind, causing her to squeak into Misty's crotch.

I then spent the next hour switching back and forth between the two Tri-Delt pledges, truly fucking their brains out while ordering them into erotic poses and giving neither of them a chance to breathe. Misty was one of those girls who needed a lot of recovery time between rounds to catch her breath and Lakhi was happy to pick up the extra slack. And even when I needed a few minutes to recover, I kept myself entertained by having the girls pleasure each other.

After the first hour, while I was fucking her and thumbing her asshole at the same time, Lakhi had confessed that she'd never had anal sex before. I promptly ordered Misty to find some lube, which she managed to locate in the resident sister's dresser drawer.

Lakhi had started shrieking her pretty little head off the second my thick cock invaded her asshole. She'd been thrashing around, pushing herself off the mattress with her arms and legs and flinging her ass back against me like a bucking bronco. Unable to restrain her, I'd yanked her off the bed and dropped her onto the floor, fucking the pretty Indian girl into the carpet until she screamed in orgasm and started thrashing at me again.

"FUUUUUCK! FUCKING FUCK MY ASS!!!" she'd howled at the top of her lungs. If the Pledge Mistress and other senior Sisters were supervising, I wondered what they'd make of all this racket.

That time, I'd pulled Lakhi up and bent her over the dresser, fucking her against it enough to rattle the furniture and make half the decorations on top of it fall down as if in an earthquake. I'd gotten rid of her harem pants a long time ago, but I only then stripped off her pale blue Jasmine top, baring her big titties and gripping them as handholds. But still Lakhi kept bucking herself at the edge of my ability to restrain her.

So I'd pushed her a few feet over to the left and against a bare wall. Finally I managed to press the half-naked girl's body flat against it while I continued sawing my dick in and out of her ass. At the very end, Lakhi's body went into convulsions as if she were having an epileptic seizure. And she came so hard that the young girl literally passed out against the wall when it was finished.

I probably should have gently laid her down at that time, but I was too close to my own orgasm. I gave three more powerful thrusts through the loosened asshole of the now unconscious teenager before erupting, blasting my third load of the night into her unresisting rectum. And only after I was done with my jerking and spewing did I pick up her smaller body and carry her gently over to the bed, laying her down as her head lolled limply to the side.

By then, Misty had recovered from her own most recent fuck. She was sitting up on the bed, watching me move Lakhi with her eyes really, really wide. "Ohmigod. Did she pass out?"

I'd smirked and looked down at Lakhi's lifeless body. "Evidently."

"Is she okay?"

I'd snorted. "Yeah, she's fine. Happens all the time."

Then Misty's big eyes had locked onto me. "Seriously?"

I'd nodded. "Yeah."

Misty was biting her lip again. Her face flushed and her hard nipples tightened to diamond points. And in a breathy voice, she'd asked, "Can you do that to me?"

And that's how we finally got to the present fuck. Since Misty was still wearing her stewardess dress, albeit with destroyed panties, she ducked out of the room and went to the hallway bathroom, returning with a soapy wet hand towel. I settled onto the desk chair and let the pretty brunette clean me up and then work me up to my fourth erection of the night with her mouth. Even though we'd been fucking for hours now, Misty was just as energized as she was at the beginning; and she had an almost manic lust in her eyes as she bobbed her head up and down my shaft.

And then it was time for me to knock her out.

It was an automatic instinct for me by now, to explore and identify a girl's trigger spots. Every girl has them. It's a simple matter of biology, the way your leg uncontrollably kicks out when the doctor hits below your knee with that rubber hammer.

And I did it without thinking. Because Misty and I had been fucking for over an hour, I just KNEW that when I pushed down on her L2 vertebra, she would arch her back away from me and put her pussy at a better angle for my cockhead to scrape across her G-spot on every thrust. When I tickled the left side of her neck, she twisted her head to the left which let me push her right cheek down against the pillow, pinning her beneath me. And when I reached around and rubbed her pelvis counter-clockwise for fifteen seconds, it increased the blood flow to her clit so that I could quickly switch down to her love button and forcibly give her a screaming orgasm.

Misty was a marionette. And I had the strings.

She had an orgasm at minute 4 of our final fuck. She had double orgasm at minute 9 and then 9 minutes and thirty seconds. Her fourth came at minute 14. And still I showed no signs of letting up. After all, I'd already cum three times. I could last forever if I wanted to.

Misty's fifth orgasm came at minute 21. I'd been standing beside the bed, fucking the slender brunette while she lay flat on her back with her ass hanging off the edge and just barely holding on with her ankles crossed behind my ass. Her eyes were unfocused and wobbling in different directions. Every square inch of her skin was covered with sweat. Her arms had been flung well behind her. And the poor girl desperately tried to grab at something... anything ... when that cataclysm swept through her tired and worn body. I think she thought she was face-down as she desperately tried to grab at the sheets.

When that fifth orgasm passed, Misty managed to twist herself until gravity completed her roll. Her upper body dropped onto a pile of pillows, which she now greedily clutched as if her life depended on it. And in a weak, trembling voice, the exhausted and overstimulated teenage girl begged, "Please ... please ... No more ... no more..."

"Just one more," I growled, as I mounted the bed and then mounted her from behind. I chuckled to myself as I looked beside us. Misty had been sweating so much that there was a silhouette of her body still on the sheets, dark from wetness. And beyond her, Lakhi still slumbered, ignorant of the vibrations transmitting along the mattress.

I returned my attention to Misty, gripping her slender hips firmly in my thick paws to hold her captive as I started hammering away at her worn-out pussy. "Besides, you wanted this," I chuckled.

"I don't want it anymore. I can't take it anymore," she whimpered, crying softly into the pillows.

"Let go, baby ... Just let go..." I urged as I started the final strokes that would get myself off.

"I ... can't ... take ... it..." she simpered, each word separated by the meaty slap of my pelvis against her tight ass.

"You're fighting it. You're fighting to stay awake. Let go. Just let go."

"I ... can't..." Misty panted breathlessly. "I ... AHHH!!!"

Misty shrieked at the unexpected sensation of my finger in her asshole. Her spine arched back and away from the pillows she'd been clutching. And at the same time, my other hand I pressed on that L2 vertebra, shifting her pussy so that my cockhead scraped across her G-spot. And then we both lost it.

"Uggh!" I grunted quietly, too tired myself to muster up a full bellow. My hips jerked as I fired out my final wads of cum, spurting creamy juices into a pussy that had already squirted out more girlcums in one night than ever before.

"Nnnnnggghhhaaaa..." Misty groaned, her voice dying out towards the end at about the same time her cheek collapsed back down onto the pillows. I felt the final spasms of her pussy as her body went through one last orgasm, even if her mind wasn't aware enough to participate. And then she finally went limp beneath me.

I lay on top of Misty's lifeless body for a few minutes, just trying to catch my breath. Once I did, I rolled myself to the side and surveyed the carnage. The blankets from the bed were long gone. Stretched out before me was Misty, still clad in her stewardess uniform, buck naked from the waist down and with one boob hanging out. Beyond her was Lakhi, totally naked and curled into a little ball.

Sighing to myself, I got off the bed and retrieved the heavy comforter. And then settling myself between my two well-fucked pledges, I pulled the blanket over the three of us and surrendered to sleep.