
Completely Broken.

After an accident in her past leaves her broken, Emilia must learn how to put herself back together again. What will happen when she runs into the person that left her life in pieces? Will she be able to pick her life back up again or will it leave her broken?

g_read · 若者
20 Chs


I wake up panting from the nightmares. The accident replays itself over and over in my head. It's the same nightmare that plagued me for months after it, but this time it had a different ending. Luke is standing in front of me choking me. His eyes are dark and his warming smile is replaced with a cold one full of hate. This ending makes the nightmare worse because it reminds me that he is alive. That he left me four years ago and I had to pick up my life alone.

I see that I slept for twelve hours which makes sense since I couldn't get away from the nightmare. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't wake up. I make my way to the bathroom to wash the sweat off and to calm me. Stepping out of the fogged up shower, I throw on my clothes before walking downstairs to a vending machine.

There are a few girls picking out some snacks so I wait back and pull out my phone. I scroll through it trying to find something to occupy my time.

"Hey! My name is Lyn. We are planning to go to a club tonight, The Joker actually. We would love for you to come with. Whatcha say?" Lyn smiles at me as she stretches out her hand.

I shake it and muster up a smile myself.

"Oh I don't know about that. But thank you. I appreciate it."

"It'll be fun. And help you forget whatever is on your mind." She says with a wink.

I feel myself start to relax around her. She seems easy going and friendly. Maybe I should go. I wanted change and it's right in front of me.

"You know what, you're right. I'll come. I'm Emilia by the way" I smile at her before we exchange numbers and she tells the details for tonight. I have an hour before I need to head to the lobby to meet them.

I head to my room to start getting ready. It's been a long time since I put any effort into my appearance. I pull out a short sleeve blouse and pair it with high waisted skinny jeans. I put on mascara and lip gloss and smooth down my wavy hair. Looking in the mirror, I feel pleased with myself until I see my arm. I hate seeing it, but I know I need to change. I can't keep going the way I have been. I take out my gun and put it in the holster around my waist and pull my shirt down to cover it. With that, I walk downstairs to meet my new friends.

We take a cab over to the club. It wasn't as bad as the last two times since Lyn talked to me nonstop leaving me little time to think. We step outside in front of a huge club and make our way to the line inside. It's a long line, but one of Lyn's friends has connections so we soon make our way inside. The smell of swear and alcohol slaps me in the face. I scrunch my nose as I follow Lyn to the bar. She hands me a drink and I slowly sip it grimacing as it burns my throat.

"It's good right?" Lyn asks cheerfully. I manage a nod and watch her as she makes her way to the dance floor. I'm not much on dancing so I find a seat on one of the barstools and watch as guys flock to Lyn.

Soon I feel the presence of someone beside me.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing here all alone?" A decent looking man sits beside me close enough for me to smell is alcohol breath. I give him a small smile before turning my attention back to the crowd hoping he gets the hint.

"I was talking to you." He says roughly as he grabs my wrist. Without thinking, my fist collides with his nose.

"Don't touch me." I bark back leaving the barstool and the creepy man behind. I make my way to Lyn to let her know I'm going to head back. She seems disappointed, but let's me leave after a quick hug.

Once outside I call a cab. It takes just a moment before the car pulls up. Suddenly the adrenaline from earlier leaves, and panic starts to fill my body. I can't do this. I feel a panic attack coming and I don't think I can stop it. I quickly apologize to the driver before walking in the direction of the hotel. As I pass by an alleyway, I feel a hand grab my wrist and push me up against the wall.

"Looks like I'm going to have to teach you a lesson." I look into the eyes of the man from the club. His nose is swollen and there is dried blood around his nostrils.

He starts to force himself on me kissing my neck while his hands hold mine above my head. The smell of alcohol coming off of him helps me snap back into my senses. With a new surge of adrenaline, I knee his crotch causing him to let go of my hands. I shove past him and try to run, but slams a glass bottle on my head causing my vision to tunnel. He starts to lower himself onto me and I feel my gun press up against me. I pull it out and shoot him in the chest without hesitation. His body falls limp on me and I feel my shirt soak up his blood. The echo of the gunshot quickly brought attention and I hear sirens getting closer. I shove the body off of me and stagger to my feet. I bend over and heave out everything in my stomach. I quickly sit down and begin to rock back and forth to calm myself as I count my breathing. At some point, the police came and brought me to the station to question me. Once they are satisfied, they let me know I am free to go, but not to go to far in case they had further questions.

I manage to make my way outside where the chill air helps me get my bearings.

"Emilia, get in the car. Now."

I turn to see Luke or Alessandrio standing in front of a car. He looks angry. Why is he here? Did he know that I was here? Quickly cursing myself that I even care, I go to walk in the opposite direction not caring where I go.

"Dang it. Just listen to me okay? Get in the car." I feel his hand go around my wrist and I instantly flinch remembering the man's rough grasp on me earlier. Alessandrio seems to notice as his quickly soften. He looks at my bare wrist covered in bruises. He groans in frustration before gently dragging me to the car cursing the whole way. Once I'm in the passenger seat, Alessandrio walks to the driver's side and starts to pull away.

"Take me to my hotel. I'm not going anywhere with you." I tell him bluntly. I may have loved Luke, but I despise Alessandrio.

"Em, you have to come with me. You're in danger."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about it. Just do what I say" he looks back to road signaling that this conversation is over. Suddenly, I realize where I am. Not only in a car, but with him too. I feel my breathing start to speed up and realize I'm not getting enough oxygen. I put my head in between my knees and try to count. It doesn't help and soon I'm gasping and shaking. Alessandrio pulls the car over cursing and runs to my side. He opens the door and pulls me out sitting me on the ground. He pats on my back trying to comfort me. I see in his eyes that he is worried which just makes me angry. He doesn't have the right to worry about me. He has already proved he doesn't care.

Eventually my breathing slows and I get up and make my way back to the car. I close my eyes and wait for him to join me.

"Want to tell me what that was about?" He questions sliding into the car.

"Panic attack, idiot." I mumble out hoping he drops it and starts driving. Unfortunately, that isn't the case.

"Why?" That one word holds so much meaning and I have a feeling he wants to know more than just why I had a panic attack.

"I just have them. This is literally my fourth time in a car since the accident. So can you please just drop it and take me wherever we are going." I let my voice come out icy not caring that he flinched at my tone.

He slowly grabs my wrist to look at the bruising from that man.

"Did he hurt you?" His voice is so soft that I almost think I imagined it if not for the look of worry on his face.

"I'm fine."

He then flips my arm over and I immediately curse myself for wearing a shirt sleeve. I'm such an idiot.

I see his jaw clench as he looks at my scar.

"What is this?" He spats out angrily. I don't know who the anger is directed at so I pull my arm away and cross them in front of my chest. I look out the window signaling that I'm done talking. Out of the corner of my eye I see him take the steering wheel with a death grip before pulling off.

An hour later, we pull into a massive house outside of the city. My jaw drops. Who is this man?