
Chapter 5 The B*stard and His Queen

The next day, when I opened the door, there was another man in a black suit standing at the door. But he was a different person.

"Miss Cervantes! Mr. James sent me to protect you!"

Was Kristian James putting me under his watch now?

Was it due to the unborn child in my belly? Had my status been elevated because of my child?

I couldn't help laughing at myself. I knew perfectly well that it was useless for me to refuse his offer.

Today, my main agenda was to see the head accountant of the financial team at Tigress Corp. Sarah Brown was my college course mate. I wanted to find out more about the company's accounts and financial status.

I knew the overall profit of the company in general. Apart from the project with James Family Corporation, there would be at least two million dollars left in its capital funds.

Adonis cheated in this project. As of now, James Family Corporation had only withheld the remaining amount of the project fund. There was still no lawsuit nor compensation cases filed.

Adonis didn't suffer any financial loss with this project. In fact, with the difference in the price of the materials, he even made a small profit.

But Sarah didn't dare to show me the accounts. She didn't even dare to talk about it.

She only told me that Macie had almost everyone in the company fooled. The current situation was not in my favor.

She advised me to hurry and finalise the divorce and leave Adonis. She also said to take nothing with me, and the sooner I had this completed, the better.

Her evasive eyes made me realise that the situation was more complicated than I thought.

I decided to not trouble her anymore. After all, she still had to work here and support her family.

While I was on my way to see Adonis, I saw Macie arrogantly reprimanding the newcomers in the corridor. From her tone of voice, she sounded like she owned the place.

When she saw me, Macie changed her attitude instantly. She lowered her hands to her belly and frowned. "Lillie, it's all my fault. Please don't blame Mr. Gould anymore. His arm is still bruised from yesterday! Did you bring another man here today? If you want revenge, just lay it on me instead!"

As she spoke, she looked fearfully at the man behind me.

What a drama queen!

"I didn't know that you are in charge of Tigress Corp now! Are you ignoring my existence now?" When this company was registered, I held 40% of the total shares.

I walked past Macie and pushed her aside. If she really wanted to put on a show, she could very well fake a stomachache in front of everyone now!

Let everyone see that she was secretly pregnant with Adonis's child.

When Adonis heard the noise, he pulled me into his office. As expected, he yelled at me first without a valid reason.

It was a pity that I wouldn't be this submissive right now.

"Give me one million dollars. We'll get the divorce processed so that child of yours can be legitimate. Otherwise, I'll tell all our working partners about how you swindled James Family Corporation!" I stared at him. I couldn't believe he used to be the person I loved the most. Now, I just feel so disgusted.

When he saw my sour face, Adonis blurted out, "B*tch!"

True, I was being a b*tch, there was no turning back.

I sat on the sofa, just waiting for him to give me the money. I needed the money to pay for my father's surgery.

It was as if he wanted to refresh his image as a jerk, Adonis began to throw abusive threats at me.

"If anything happens to my father, I can guarantee that you will not have peace. You'd better believe what I said!" I smashed the cups on the coffee table to the floor and they broke into pieces.

He looked at me in a daze. This was the first time he had seen me this mad.

He hesitantly told me the truth after my repeated interrogation. The company didn't even have one hundred thousand dollars in its cash flow. He didn't even have enough funds to pay the employees' salary for the coming month.

He used up all the money to buy a house for his mother. In other words, he was penniless now.

I immediately forced him to sell his house and car.

Adonis decided to just ignore me. He was adamant that he had no money regardless of what I said.

He gave me no other options, I was out of luck.

I walked on the streets of New York in a daze, there was no one who could help me!

In my daze, I apologized instinctively when I bumped into the person in front of me!

"Miss Cervantes, do you like bumping into me?" Kristian teased me as he reached out to stroke my hair. He initiated the intimate gesture so naturally in public.

I immediately stiffened my body and pushed him away unhappily. "Let me go. Who do you think you are?"

"I am the father of your child!" Kristian pointed at my belly coldly. His tenderness and gentleness earlier disappeared into thin air.