
Chapter 673

  At the airport.

  A neat woman with sunglasses over her eyes appeared. She looked twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, dressed in a professional suit, followed by two bodyguards. She glanced around the crowd and saw a couple with extraordinary temperament, who were greeting her.

  "Yanyan, you finally come back." The beautiful woman reached out to hug her daughter and reached out to tidy her wavy hair on her chest. When she saw the pure diamond with a deep blue droplet on her neck, she smiled and said, "This is the gem you gave us last time!"

  The girl immediately pulled out the bottom of the gemstone and said, "Yes! This was specially made for me last time. It has the emblem of our family on it, symbolizing the prosperity of our family."

  "You are so considerate! You haven't forgotten the glory of our family outside."