
Chapter 408

  After Xi Feng answered the call, he was about to leave. His gaze landed on Cheng Liyue's face and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile, "I'll be leaving first. I'll accept the design draft and send it to the Royal Design Room to forge a piece of jewelry. The price that I'll give you will not be stingy."

  Cheng Liyue nodded with a smile. "Okay!"

  "Master Xi, could you please give us your phone number? We can contact you if there is anything in the future." Although Jian Yun knew it was very rude to do this, she just didn't want to break the last chance.

  She thought, "If I have my phone number, I can always develop more relations."

  Cheng Liyue also felt that Jian Yun's actions were too brusque. At the same time, she was also worried that Xi Feng Han would reject her and embarrass her.

  Xi Feng was stunned for a few seconds before he said with a smile, "There's no need. If there's anything wrong, I'll contact Miss Cheng Liyue alone."