

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · 都市
48 Chs

Chapter 42

Anara was happy because the wet cakes she left at the stall sold out in an instant, even some of the new customers asked her to send them every day. This is because their shop is full of visitors and it affects their income.

"There is no Youth, I will become unemployed at this rate." Anara muttered by cupping her face with her hands on the table.

"Hey, why are you daydreaming?" asked Atha.

"I'm not daydreaming! I'm just missing Belia right now." Anara answered without looking up.

"Is it true?" Atha likes to tease Anara.

"Why? You don't believe me?" asked Anara annoyed.

"I thought you missed someone other than Belia." Sarcastic Atha.

"Who?" Anara frowned.

"My brother, Neo!" Atha replied chuckling.

"No such thing?" Anara's lips pursed.

Rudi has brought Belia to his hometown for one week, while Neo has been out of town for three days on his new business. Besides that, Neo deliberately avoids his family, especially Anara.

His father's words at that time made Neo discourage him from marrying Anara. Because, the feeling of trauma comes back to haunt Neo because of his fear of losing someone he loves. And Neo doesn't want to lose Anara, whatever the reason.

"We'll be back tomorrow. Do you want to buy souvenirs for your family? Today we are only meeting with one company, so this afternoon we will have time to go sightseeing and buy souvenirs." Florencia said.

"That's a good suggestion!" praised Nathan.

"You guys go! I want to take a rest." said Neo flatly.

"Are you sure you're not going, Ne?" Nathan asked.

"I am really tired! I just want to rest!" replied Neo who immediately lay down on the sofa.

"Well, if that's what you want, we can't force it. Me, Flo and the others are leaving now." Bye Nathan.

"Go!" answered Neo.

Neo closed his eyes after his two best friends left him in the hotel room. But when his eyes closed, the image of Anara's beautiful face appeared in his memory as if dancing.

"When I want to forget Anara, why does her face always appear in my memory! I want to stay away from him, I also want to erase the love in my heart for him! I hope that these three months will pass soon so that after this Anara and I will really separate. I don't want to hurt her, I don't want to be hurt by losing Anara in the same way. Akhhh…" Neo shouted in annoyance while grabbing his own hair roughly.

In another place, Anara's chest was currently beating very fast. Neo's face suddenly appeared, shadowing his restless soul.

"What is wrong with me? Why does my chest pound like this when remembering her face. Even I don't feel good." Anara squeezed her aching chest.

It's true what Atha said that she really misses Neo, she doesn't only miss Belia. A few days without seeing Neo, it feels like something is missing for Anara. Even though previously Neo had always been cold and stiff towards her, that was precisely what Anara liked in a Muhammad Borneo Abidin.

For Anara, this type of man would be more suitable as a partner, because a cold and indifferent type of man would be loyal to his partner. And Anara hopes that Neo will be like that, always loyal to whoever his partner will be.

"Instead of being stunned, it's better if you come with me to the park!" asked Atha to immediately pull Anara's hand.

"Eh?" Anara was surprised. But he couldn't refuse Atha's invitation, Anara happily followed where Atha asked her.

"Look!" Atha pointed out when they arrived at the park, one of the places in Neo's family house that Anara had never been to. All this time, Anara was too busy taking care of Belia babie's and Neo's, so she never realized that there was a very beautiful garden in this house.

"Very beautiful." Said Anara whose eyes have been spoiled by various types of ornamental plants with flowers starting to bloom. Across the garden there is a special fruit garden filled with types of fruit.

"Sit down!" ask Atha.

Anara looked at the scenery around her which was very eye-catching at this time. Instantly the feeling of anxiety in his heart seemed to be forgotten by the beauty of the garden that was able to restore his mood.

"I never knew there was such a beautiful garden on this side of the house." said Anara.

"You are too busy with taking care of Belia, Anara. So you are never interested in seeing the other side of this house. This garden was purposely made by Brother Neo for Mom and Sister Arsyila, but at this time Sis Arsyila was gone, so after that Brother Neo asked Mbok Ijah to take care of this garden." said Atha.

"I just found out that your brother has a soft side, it seems he really loves his family. Is that true?" Anara asked.

"I don't know whether to be honest with you or not, Anara." Answer Atha.

"It means?" Anara asked.

"Brother Neo is indeed kind and compassionate, but there is one side of him that you don't know, Anara." Atha said made Anara frowned.

"What?" Anara raised an eyebrow.

"Brother Neo once said he didn't want to fall in love with any woman and even decided not to get married because he didn't want to have a child. That's why when Brother Neo suddenly said he wanted to marry you, it surprised me and Daddy." Atha's words were like a bolt of lightning for Anara.

"I don't know since when Brother Neo fell in love with you, Anara. But for me and Brother it was a very surprising thing. Brother Neo always avoids every girl who comes close to him, even rejecting those who want to be in a relationship with Brother Neo. Even I myself can't understand why Brother Neo's attitude towards Mom was also very cold since childhood, that's what I didn't understand until now." said Atha.

"Have you and Daddy ever asked Brother Neo for all those reasons?" Anara asked.

"How can Daddy and I ask? Since the first Brother Neo rarely wanted to hang out with us, Brother Neo was more often alone in his room. Brother Neo never said anything except to sister Arsyila. Since college, Brother Neo has lived in his own apartment, never wanting to hang out with anyone. Brother Neo just wants to be friends and talk to Brother Nathan and Sister Flo." Atha explained.

"You know, when Sister Arsyila decided to get married three years ago. Brother Neo had forbade it but in the end he gave his blessing, even though after that Brother Neo often cried and avoided Sister Arsyila, especially when Sister Arsyila was pregnant with Belia at that time." said Atha.

"After Sister Arsyila gave birth to Belia and eventually died since then, Brother Neo really looked very frustrated and avoided anything called a woman. Especially to fall in love, get married, and have a child. Brother Neo is very scared of these three things, as much as possible Brother Neo always avoids them. Brother Neo is really traumatized by all of that." Atha took a deep breath.

"But that's human nature outwardly? Why is Brother Neo so deeply traumatized?" Anara asked.

"Who knows! I don't know myself! But Brother Neo once rejected a girl whose father wanted to marry him, her name was Syafana. Brother Neo resolutely refused and said 'I will be single for the rest of my life!' That was what surprised me and Daddy when Brother Neo fell in love with you, so he asked Daddt's blessing to marry you." Atha said.

"I'm getting scared!" said Anara spontaneously.

"Why are you afraid?" asked Atha.

"Could it be that your sister never sincerely loved me, she only took revenge on me because..." Anara's words stopped.

"Watch your mouth when you speak! Don't accuse me carelessly if you don't want me to report you for accusations of defamation!" Neo's booming voice broke the silence around the garden.

"Eh? Since when was he there?" Anara thought.

"That's bad! The old Brother Neo is back now! A cold-blooded hunter." Atha's whisper made Anara's hair stand on end.

Like seeing a ghost, Anara didn't dare to turn around. Anara was silent in her seat, until Neo approached her.

"I bought this for you! This is your favorite food, right?" Neo handed a paper bag to Atha.

"Thank you, Brother!" greeted Atha with a happy face.

"Hmm." Neo replied with a mumble.

Neo didn't say anything anymore, his body turned around and walked away leaving Atha and Anara who were still sitting in the garden. Neo stopped in his tracks for a moment.

"Have you started gossiping yet?" asked Neo without turning around.

"Eh?" Anara and Atha looked at each other.

"Be careful when you talk bad about me behind my back!" Neo then left.

Today Neo really looked terrible for Anara, even more terrible the first time they met. Anara only hopes to survive in the next three months in the face of Neo's colder attitude than before.

When dinner arrived, as usual the family had gathered in the dining room. This time the chair where Neo usually sat still looked empty, like the last few days because the owner wasn't there.

But this time there was something else, because the owner of the chair who was usually there was reluctant to come and join us for dinner.

"Why doesn't your brother come down for dinner, Atha?" asked Mr. Nuh.

"Dad, see for yourself! I don't want to piss her off again." Answer Atha shuddering.

"Is that scary?" Anara thought when she saw the fear on Atha's face.

"Is he back to how he used to be?" asked Mr. Nuh.

"More terrible than ever, Dad! I'm just scared and don't dare to come closer." Reply Atha.

"It's all Daddy's fault! Daddy shouldn't have to mention the past, which would make your brother like that again. Haaah… Daddy is really sorry!" said Mr. Nuh full of breath.

"How is his attitude towards you, Anara?" asked Mrs. Sonya.

Not wanting to answer wrongly, Anara, who remembered Neo's last words before the cold handsome young man left, only glanced silently Atha, as if asking Neo's younger brother to explain it to his family.

"His attitude really changed like towards Mom this time." Atha understood the meaning of Anara's glance so she helped Anara answer Mrs. Sonya's question.

"I'm sorry Neo, Anara! If his attitude and words hurt you earlier, now Neo is starting to lose control of himself again like he used to when he lost Arsyila…" said Mr. Nuh.

"It's okay, Daddy! I understand." Reply Anara.

"If Atha wasn't here, Daddy would explain everything to you, Anara, why Neo hates Mom Sonya, Rudi and all the girls, including you right now. I'm sorry Daddy for making this situation so complicated." Said Mr. Nuh in his heart, because he didn't want Atha to know the truth.

Even though Neo is cold and indifferent, his other soft side really loves Atha, his younger sister, and his niece, Belia. Not wanting the two people to get hurt, Neo does anything for the happiness of the two people he loves.

Without Atha knowing that Neo himself has also sacrificed his feelings, for the happiness of Atha and Belia.