

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · 都市
48 Chs

Chapter 40

Anara was pensive in a dilemma, wanted to give an answer but for Anara this was too fast for her. Anara feels that she is not ready to accept or reject Neo.

"Anara…!" Neo waved his hand in front of Anara's face.

"Eh?" Anara was surprised.

"Why daydream? I was waiting for your answer, Anara!" said Neo.

"Emmm… can I have a minute?" asked Anara doubtfully.

"Hmm. Okay! You don't need to rush to answer it, I'll give you time until you're really ready to answer it. But don't take too long!" asked Neo.

"Why?" Anara asked.

"I can't afford to wait too long, Anara!" Neo replied.

"Then you don't have to wait for me. You just look for another girl who is ready to marry you in the near future." Anara said making Neo disappointed.

"So you mean… you actually rejected me, Anara?" asked Neo sadly.

"Eh? Emmm… that's not what I mean. If indeed you can't wait for my answer, you can find another girl who is ready to marry you in the near future." said Anara.

"It's the same! Well, if you tell me to wait for you, I really understand your refusal. Maybe right now in your heart there is another man, right? And if it's true! I'm never getting married! I will be single for the rest of my life, if you don't become my wife, my companion!" Neo no longer sat facing Anara, he fixed his seat facing the steering wheel.

Neo started the car engine then returned to continue the journey home, because it was almost night. On the way Neo's cell phone rang, and it was Rudi who called him.

"What else is he calling? I don't know if I'm too lazy to talk to him?" muttered Neo annoyed.

Inevitably Neo finally answered the phone from Rudi, even though he was annoyed by Rudi's voice.

"What else?" Neo say hello.

"I want to talk to Anara, Neo. Are you two still together?" asked Rudi over the phone.

Without further ado, Neo gave his cell phone to Anara, with a guilty look Anara accepted his cell phone. This time Neo deliberately didn't raise Rudi's voice, because Neo didn't want to hear their conversation.

"Hello, brother?" said Anara kindly, making Neo grin in annoyance.

"Anara, if I may ask. What kind of phone do you want? I will buy it for you, especially as a gift because of me for taking care of Belia for me." Rudi said over the phone.

"I don't think Brother Rudi needs to bother buying me a cell phone. Right now I don't need that thing, if Brother Rudi really needs me to look after Belia I'll be willing to do it." Said Anara.

"But what if in the middle of the night Belia wakes up and cries? Without hearing your voice for one day, Belia seems to be cranky, and she won't be able to sleep well. Meanwhile, if I contact you via Neo's cellphone, I feel awkward. You know what kind of attitude Neo has towards me." Rudi said reasoningly, making Anara slightly turn towards Neo. Meanwhile, what he saw remained focused on the wheel, even though Neo knew that Anara was currently looking at him.

"Brother Rudi can call via landline if you don't want to disturb anyone. I will tell the people at home later, if there is a call in the middle of the night you don't need to wake up to receive it because it is from Brother Rudi to me." Anara said.

Neo, who was listening, suddenly stepped on the brakes of his car, then snatched his cellphone from Anara's hand and disconnected the call. Neo even immediately turned off the power of his cellphone so that Brother Rudi would no longer contact him.

"Eh?" Anara stared fixedly at Neo.

"So he's the man who made you reject me? Are you more interested in a widower who looks cool like Brother Rudi?" Neo's sarcasm made Anara spontaneously shake her head slowly.

"I was never interested in Brother Rudi at all! I'll make it clear to you, Young Master! I rejected you not because of anyone, what's more because there is another man in my heart. I rejected you because I felt unworthy to be side by side with you, a handsome young man, a successful businessman, a respected rich man's son, who had everything. While me? I am just a poor orphan, and have nothing to be proud of especially for someone like you." Anara said at length without pause.

"I don't want to make you or anyone else feel ashamed of my status, especially if someone else insults you when you marry a girl like me. UNDERSTAND?" continued Anara firmly making Neo sigh heavily.

"How many times have I said that I don't care about your status, let alone what other people say that will damage my mentality!" Neo said firmly.

"But..." Anara looked doubtful.


Anara tightly hugged Neo's sturdy hands, causing the handsome young man to look sadly at Anara.

"I will not let people who love me as sincerely as you, insulted, insulted, humiliated, even talked about bad things by anyone. I won't let anyone else do it to you!" said Anara.

"Why? Are you worried about me, Anara?" asked Neo who had cupped Anara's face on both sides with his big hands.

"I was scared when I saw you cry! I get scared when I see you sad! I can't see you being hurt by anyone!" Anara stammered.

"But what hurts me more is your rejection, Anara! Wounds from being hurt by others can heal quickly, but the wounds caused by your rejection are what make me worse and suffer more." Neo's eyes glisten.

"You cry?" Anara asked.

Neo didn't answer Anara's question, Neo pulled Anara's tiny body into his arms and hugged her warm body tightly.

"Marry me, Anara! I can't live without you, Anara!" Neo sobs in Anara's arms.

Muhammad Borneo Abidin is actually a handsome young man who is always cold and curt. Never touched any girl, because for him a woman is always a hassle.

From the first time he knew Anara because of an incident, Neo understood that not all women were a bother to him. Neo, who is cold, snappy, ignorant, talkative, even seems to be a bitch from his female friends, has never been seen with any girl except Florencia, his very tomboyish best friend.

For Neo, only a girl like Florencia looks better as a friend, because it won't bother him. Florencia, who knows Neo's true nature, really feels lucky to be friends with a young man who many girls admire. Florencia feels that she is the only girl Neo can trust to be his friend.

"Don't ever reject me again, Anara! Because it really hurts me. Did you hurt my heart by rejecting my wish to marry you?" asked Neo with tears streaming down his handsome face, behind Anara's back.

"Forgive me!" Anara said without knowing that Neo was crying at the moment.

"I don't need your apologies, Anara! I need your answer soon!" said Neo half forcefully.

"We just live it all, only three more months of our time together. After the cooperation contract agreement is completed…" Anara's words were stopped because Neo immediately covered Anara's lips with his index finger.

"When our cooperation contract agreement ended as caretaker for Belia, and her uncle. I will extend our cooperation contract agreement with a marriage for life, Anara!" Neo said with tears that could no longer be dammed.

"How could that be?" asked Anara with an annoyed face.

"I can do it to get you, Anara!" Neo replied looking glazed.

"I want to immediately end the cooperation contract agreement between us, no matter what!" said Anara.

"Why? Do you want to stay away from my life?" Neo's eyes filled with tears again.

"No! It is not like that. I just want to be free from all the burdens that have been squeezing me, because of feelings of guilt towards you." Anara said making Neo frown.

"What kind of guilt do you feel, Anara?" asked Neo curiously.

"All this time you know that I lied to Grandma, Grandpa Badrun, also Alif and Alfi when I looked for a job as a babysitter because I wanted to earn more money from selling cakes, in order to be able to save up for Alif and Alfi's school fees when they enter junior high school later. When in fact, I got into trouble with you which required me to enter into this cooperation contract agreement in order to be released from prison for being accused of getting into your car without permission." Said Anara with puffy eyes.

Neo was silent when he heard Anara's true heart. So far, he has been too selfish with his own feelings, without regard for the feelings of other people, especially Anara. The girl he loved so much.

Neo even just found out that all this time Anara felt pressured because he always threatened to report Anara to the police if she violated the contents of the cooperation contract agreement between them.

"Then let me tear up the paper of our cooperation contract agreement, Anara! Let the remaining time for the next three months or so, I will free you. Consider this as an apology from me for troubling you, with that contract agreement." Neo said while taking out a paper containing the cooperation contract agreement between the two of them.

When Neo was about to tear up the cooperation contract agreement, Anara's hand suddenly held Neo's hand. Anara pulled the cooperation contract agreement quickly, and hid it behind her back.

"Do not do it! I will keep my promise with all the contents of this contract. Don't make me a human who breaks promises and runs away from responsibility. I will complete my assignment up to three months in the future, according to this cooperation contract agreement. Let me keep this letter safely." Anara's words made Neo choose to remain silent and allow Anara to do whatever the girl wanted.

"Okay! I'm not going to force. Do whatever you want, as long as you are happy. But I have freed you, Anara! I will no longer use that letter to threaten you! I'll let you choose to keep spending three months, or you'll decide as I see fit." Neo said.

"I will still carry out the remaining three months properly." Anara continued.

"Okay! I won't force you, Anara!" said Neo, lowering his body to compensate for the tiny Anara.

"Thank you…" Anara spontaneously hugged Neo's body, making the tall handsome young man surprised.

"Eh? Anara hugged me first." Neo thought smiling happily.

Neo returned Anara's hug and kissed the top of her head lovingly. This was the first time Anara sincerely hugged Neo, and Neo didn't want to end the hug. There is the same vibe between Neo and Anara right now, they both feel comfort when they are in that embrace.

Not wanting it to end soon, Neo and Anara both tightened their embrace. Feelings of fear of sin because hugging is not with a halal partner, they forget for a moment to express their happiness at this time. Especially Anara, whose current status is no longer bound by a contract with Neo, but still wants to spend three months together with baby Belia, as well as Neo's family.