

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · 都市
48 Chs

Chapter 3

Neo returns to the hospital. When he saw that Anara had woken up and was eating, Neo only glanced at her then he sat down on the sofa.

Neo immediately opened his laptop and made a letter of agreement between himself and Anara. Neo's hands quickly moved nimbly over the laptop keys.

"Finished!" muttered Neo smiling sweetly making Anara glance at him.

"Sir..." Anara called.

"Yes!" answered Neo without turning his head.

"Thank you for bringing me to the hospital." said Anara doubtfully.

"Save your thanks! I took you to the hospital because I didn't want you to die in my car. And that would be a big problem for me! I will be seriously accused of eliminating you by keeping you in my car!" Neo said firmly with a hardened jaw.

"Mom… sorry!" that's all Anara said in the end.

Neo then looked back at his laptop screen and perused the contents of the agreement. In his letter, Neo writes an agreement for Anara.

"What's your name, Miss?" asked Neo.

"Eh?" Anara immediately turned to Neo.

"I asked what is your name?" said Neo annoyed.

"Anara Laudya Elga." Anara answered nervously.

"What?" shrieked Neo shocked.

"Anara…" before he finished repeating his name, Neo cut him off.

"I'm not deaf!" said Neo who was surprised to hear Anara's name.

Anara glared angrily at Neo, whose attitude was so cold, and whose face was not friendly at all.

"Hmm… is that girl's name Anara? I accidentally mentioned her name during administration and it turned out to be a coincidence, her name was indeed Anara." thought Neo.

Neo then typed Anara's name on the agreement sheet he was making. Without waiting for a long time, Neo immediately put the agreement in his cell phone which he had left at his rented house.

"I have to go for a while!" Neo then closed his laptop and left the room without hearing an answer from Anara.

"Weird man!" grumbled Anara.

Neo goes to look for a computer rental place. Neo wants to print a letter of agreement with Anara immediately. The goal is so that Anara can't just run away after signing the agreement.

If not, then Neo threatens to still report Anara to the police for getting into his car without permission.

"Seal two!" Neo asked after receiving the letter he just finished printing.

Neo then put a stamp on the agreement letter and signed the letter first, before it was handed over to Anara to be read, understood, and signed by the girl.

"Are you all right?" asked Neo when he was in Anara's treatment room.

"Yes! I'm fine. The doctor also examined me earlier. The doctor said that tomorrow I can go home." Anara answered without looking up.

"That's great!" Neo immediately brought a blue folder and gave it to Anara.

"What's this?" asked Anara surprised.

"Open then read! Don't ask too many questions! replied Neo curtly.

"Very dirty!" Anara thought reaching for the blue folder that Neo gave her.

Anara opened the blue folder and saw the agreement. Carefully Anara read the contents of the agreement letter that Neo made.

The agreement stated that Anara had to be Neo's personal assistant while she was carrying out her KKN assignments. For 24 hours, Anara must be willing to do her job for Neo.

His duties start from preparing meals 3x a day, cleaning Neo's rented house, washing Neo's clothes and ironing them neatly, and all other assistant work.

After one month's assignment ended, Anara was not allowed to go home. Neo makes another pact. In his letter, Neo asks Anara to be a nanny for his niece Belia Azura, a poor baby whose mother has left her.

Anara must carry out her duties properly for 9 months, otherwise Neo will not hesitate to report Anara to the police.

"Okay! I will sign this letter. After that I will be your personal assistant for one full month. Then I will also be a nanny for your nephew, sir…" Anara cut him off because he didn't know what to call his prospective new employer, Muhammad Borneo Abidin.

"Neo!" said Neo flatly.

"Master Neo!" said Anara nodding her head.

"Hmm..." Neo replied with a faint smile barely visible.

After two days in the hospital, the doctor finally allowed Anara to go home. Before Anara carried out her duties as Neo's new assistant, Anara asked Neo to meet her grandmother and her two younger siblings to ask permission.

"Wear the seat belt!" Neo ordered.

Anara, who was riding in a car for the first time, was completely confused when Neo asked her to wear a seat belt. Anara just looked at the seat belt with a sad smile.

"Why just look? Use!" Neo exclaimed making Anara surprised.

"Sorry Mister! This is my first time driving a car. So I…" before Anara finished speaking, Neo had approached Anara.


Anara's heart suddenly pounded very fast because Neo brought his face closer to Anara. Can Anara feel Neo's warm breath brushing her face.

"Eh? What will he do to me?" Anara thought.

Don't ask how Neo feels right now. He was just as fluttering as his face spontaneously approached Anara.

"Like this!" Neo showed Anara how to put on a seat belt, to cover up her nervousness because of the pounding in her chest that was already erratic.

Neo immediately pulled back after fastening Anara's seat belt. It can be seen that Neo takes a deep breath and throws it away slowly with a faint smile.

Neo drives his car at a rather high speed. Neo wants to immediately finish his business with Anara's family, after that he takes Anara to the KKN place and tells the local residents that Neo is innocent of what happened to Anara two days ago.

"Stop at the front, sir!" Anara said when she was in front of her house.

Neo took his car to the side of the road and stopped right in front of Anara's yard, which looks like it was still being built in the past.

House on stilts with bamboo and wood walls. The courtyard is spread out wide with plants around it, making the atmosphere look so cool and comfortable.

"Sir!" Anara called doubtfully.

Neo immediately helped Anara to open the seat belt. After that, Anara immediately got out of the car and ran towards her yard.

Neo, who followed behind, just shrugged his shoulders, hands tucked into his trouser pockets. So as to add a masculine impression to the final year students.

"Grandma…!" Anara called Grandma Azizah.

"Older brother…?" his younger brother named Alif welcomed Anara.

"Alif…!" Anara rushed to hug her sister.

"Where's your brother from? Why isn't Brother coming home? Are you all right, Brother?" asked Alif bombarding Anara with various questions.

"Let's go in first! Later Brother will tell inside. Where's Grandma?" said Anara.

Alif looked at a man standing behind Anara. Then Alif turned to his brother with an intimidating look.

"Who is he, sis?" asked Alif in a whisper.

"Quickly call Granny!" Anara instead pushed Alif's body to immediately go in and look for Grandma Azizah.

Anara entered the house and scanned the narrow room that she had left for the past two days. There is a sense of homesickness hanging spoiled in his heart with the state of this house.

"Come in, sir!" Anara almost forgot to invite Neo to enter her house.

"Hmm." Neo replied with a mumble.

"Wait a minute, sir! I'll call Granny first!" Anara said goodbye and then went behind her house to look for Grandma Azizah.

"The house is still on stage! Pretty exotic!" muttered Neo in awe.

Not long after, Anara and Grandma Azizah appeared with Anara's twin brothers, Alif and Alfi.

"Grandma, introduce this Young Master." said Anara.

"Neo…" Neo reached out to Grandma Azizah and kissed the back of Grandma Azizah's hand.

"This is your employer, Anara?" asked Grandma Azizah.

"That's right, Grandma! This young master is my master! That's why I didn't come home for two days, because I was at Master's house. I work there as a nanny for Master's niece." Ana is lying.

It seemed that Anara was unable to say what really happened to Grandma Azizah. Anara doesn't want Grandma Azizah to know that she is having problems at the market, which leads her to have new problems with Neo.

"Eh? Why did he lie to Grandma and her two younger siblings?" thought Neo.

"Let's eat first, young master!" invite Grandma Azizah.

At first Neo wanted to refuse, but he didn't like Grandma Azizah. Neo finally accepts Grandma Azizah's invitation for lunch.

Neo also uses this opportunity to find out the truth about Anara's parents. Neo wants to know how honest Anara is about what was told to him while he was in the hospital.

"Both of Anara's parents died a long time ago since Anara was 9 years old, and at that time Alif and Alfi were still 3 years old..." Then Grandma Azizah told Neo about the truth of the story about Anara's parents.

"Then how can Grandma make a living to support Grandma's three grandchildren?" asked Neo curiously.

"Grandma sells yellow rice and uduk rice in front, there are also several kinds of fried foods. The result, Alhamdulillah, can be eaten for the four of us. Sometimes it is Anara who helps Grandma to sell wet cakes. If Anara doesn't help, then Alif and Alfi can't go to school…" said Grandma Azizah.

Neo feels sorry for Anara's deprived life. Luckily Anara met Neo even though in the wrong way.

After lunch Neo immediately asked Anara to go. Previously, Neo gave several red bills to Grandma Azizah.

"This is Anara's salary for two days, Grandma! Thank you! Neo hands over the money to Grandma Azizah.

"Thank you, Young Master." Grandmother Azizah's tears of emotion spontaneously hugged Neo.

"You're welcome, Grandma! But please don't call me Young master! Just call me Neo, okay Grandma!?" asked Neo.

"All right, son!" Azizah's grandmother released her hug.

Neo immediately left the house and rushed to the car. After Anara entered and put on her own seat belt, Neo immediately drove his car away from Anara's house.