

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · 都市
48 Chs

Chapter 39

Neo hugged Anara's tiny body tightly in the darkness of the cinema room. Making Anara no longer feel afraid of being in the dark. Anara also gave Neo permission to hug her, even Anara herself returned Neo's hug.

"Why is my heart pounding so fast to be in his arms?" thought Neo and Anara both rebelled and nervous.

"Anara, are you still watching the movie?" Neo asked to get rid of the nervousness.

"Still." Anara answered briefly.

"I thought you fell asleep in my arms." Neo's spontaneous chirps made Anara pinch Neo's waist.

"Awww… it hurts, Anara!" Neo shouted a little loudly until his voice disturbed the other people who were watching, fortunately the room was dark.

"Noisy!" several people protested when they heard Neo's screams.

"Because of you, Anara!" whispered Neo.

"You're so perverted after all! I'm so pissed off too!" said Anara.

"How come you don't think perverted! You hugged me so tight, until I felt something standing under my pants." Neo said without shame, making Anara surprised.

"Ishhh, aren't you ashamed if someone hears you?" Anara's scolding made Neo chuckle.

After the movie finished the lights came back on, at the same time Anara and Neo looked at each other in their arms.

The gaze was locked for a long time until Neo brought his face closer which made the ends of his lips almost touch Anara's lips, luckily Anara immediately realized and pushed Neo's body.

"Nasty!" Anara covered Neo's face with her hands making Neo chuckle.

"You are so adorable, Anara! That's why it makes me want to kiss you all the time." Neo said with an excuse that made Anara pout her lips.

"Don't say pervert! Don't admit it anymore!" Anara said as she stood up and walked towards the exit leaving Neo who was still sitting in his chair.

Neo immediately got up and followed Anara out of the cinema. Neo is worried that Anara will not know her way and will get lost in a cinema with many doors.

"Anara, wait!" shouted Neo.

"It's almost night I want to go home." Anara's tantrum made Neo run a little.

"Okay! We go home!" Neo linked his fingers to Anara.

"Don't let go of your hand! You'll be lost and lost in here." Neo's threats make Anara obey Neo's words.

When they arrived outside the cinema, the rain was still very heavy making Anara and Neo stop their steps and were stuck in front of the cinema.

"Want to wait until when?" asked Anara softly.

"Until the rain stops of course." Answer Neo origin.

Suddenly a car at high speed passed right in front of Anara and Neo standing at this time, instantly a burst of rainwater that pooled on the side of the road made Anara and Neo's clothes wet.

"Geez! Get all my clothes wet!" screamed Anara shocked.

"Is everything really wet, Anara?" asked Neo.

"Yes! All my clothes got wet." Anara replied sadly.

Neo quickly opened the blue jeans jacket he was wearing. Luckily, Neo only got wet in his pants, not up to the top, because Neo's body is taller than Anara's.

"Wear this! So you don't get too cold." Neo put his jacket on Anara, making Anara blush instantly, her face red and feeling hot.

"Th… thank you!" Anara stammered.

"Only that?" teased Neo rolling his eyes mischievously.

"Don't even start!" said Anara grinning annoyed.

Neo laughed out loud when he saw Anara's attitude, which suddenly changed back to being fierce as usual.

"You always make me excited, Anara!" Neo gently massaged Anara's nose making the girl scream in surprise.

"Iiiiih… annoying! Wleeek…!" Anara stuck out her tongue like she was taunting Neo.

The rain started to subside. Neo immediately asked Anara to cross the road and return to the mall parking lot to get into the car. When he was in the car, Neo immediately asked Anara to change his wet clothes.

"I'll take you to the toilet so you can change into my clothes." Neo gave his clothes which he deliberately kept in the car in case of an emergency he needed clothes to change.

"This is too big for me!" Anara refused.

"Don't refuse, Anara! Instead of catching a cold and catching a cold later, you better change your clothes as soon as possible!" Neo's command.

With a heavy heart, Anara finally accepts Neo's offer, even though she has to wear baggy clothes. But that's not the real reason, Anara feels uncomfortable having to wear Neo's clothes as an employer.

"I don't think I deserve your clothes." Anara chirps.

"Why?" asked Neo.

"You are my employer, while I..." Anara's words stopped because Neo locked Anara's mouth with a short kiss on the beautiful girl's lips.

"We are not employers and household assistants, Anara! You are my future wife, and I am your future husband! So whatever clothes I give you, it will always look appropriate and good when you wear it." Neo said making Anara speechless.

One thing that Anara doesn't like about Neo is every time Anara makes a mistake. Neo always deliverspunishment in the form of a kiss, even though Anara did not want that to happen before she officially married the man who would become her husband in the future.

"Are you angry, Anara? I'm even more angry when you always say I'm your employer! How many times do I have to say, if I'm not your employer but I'm your future husband, Anara!" Neo shook Anara's body.


One hard slap flew across Neo's cheek, making him surprised to get a slap from Anara.

"Anara? What made you slap me?" asked Neo holding his cheek which felt hot from Anara's slap.

"I have repeatedly told you, if I don't like the way you force me to kiss you, I'm fed up!" Anara pushed Neo's body.

But Neo immediately caught Anara's beautiful face and brought his lips to kiss Anara's plump lips again. This time Neo did it again even though he forced Anara.

Anara kept struggling and trying to get away from Neo, but because Neo's strength was greater than hers, Anara finally just kept quiet, even though she didn't want to give in, just let Neo continue to make love to her.

Neo didn't just let Anara go, even this time Neo deliberately bit Anara's lips. Until she opened her mouth in pain. Neo quickly put his tongue through Anara's mouth.

Feeling that there was something delicious in there, immediately Anara, who had been rebelling earlier, finally quieted down and enjoyed Neo's game. After a long time they kissed each other back, the activity finally stopped because their breaths began to wheeze.

"Thank you, Anara!" Neo let go of the kiss, making Anara bow down.

Neo quickly grabbed Anara's body and took her in his arms. Anara cried in Neo's arms, it made Neo tighten his embrace.

"The more you don't believe me, Anara. Then I will increasingly force you to believe everything I say, if I really mean what I say. I love you so much, Anara! I want you to be completely mine, to be my life partner forever. I want to marry you, without any hesitation from you. I've never seen your family status or any flaws in you. All I know, I love you so much because of your kindness, Anara!" Neo continues to hug Anara's body, who is still crying.

"Then what about your other friends, friends, neighbors, co-workers, or family? Won't they insult you if you insist on marrying me?" asked Anara with a glazed look.

"I married you because I really love you, Anara! I don't care what other people say, even though Daddy and my other family will insult and even oppose. I don't care, because I just want to be completely yours." Neo continues to convince Anara.

"Then if one day after we get married, someone opposes our relationship and even tries to separate us by creating slander between us, what will you do?" Anara asked.

"Then I will stick with only you, Anara! You are my soul mate, just one day without looking at you my life feels empty, Anara." Neo said sincerely.

Anara kept her body away from Neo making Neo surprised. Anara wiped her tears repeatedly, until Neo turned Anara's body and looked deep into Anara's beautiful eyes.

"What are you afraid of, hem? Even if I have to suffer, I'm insulted, humiliated, humiliated even if I'm thrown away by my family so that the whole world hates me, I don't care. Because I love you so much and will love you forever, Anara!" Neo held Anara's hand tightly and looked deeper into those beautiful eyes.

"I don't want the past events of my father and mother's love story to repeat itself, because for me, seeing all those facts was very painful. When witnessing the power of father's love for mother, making threats, insults, suffering, even physical and mental torture, the father and mother were finally abandoned by their own family. My father's family closed all access, so no one trusted my father to work for any company. Luckily Grandma was very understanding and kind, dad was finally able to join Grandma selling at the market until dad had his own stall. Even after my father's business progressed, he didn't only have one stall, he had other stalls managed by his mother." Anara recalls the figure of her father and mother.

"I can see mom and dad suffering all the time, even though they always try to hide it from me. I don't want our love story to have anything in common with their love story and their lives, because what will suffer here is not only us but our children in the future." Anara said with a sad face.


Neo kissed Anara's forehead briefly then kissed Anara's hands which were still in Neo's grip.

"If that's all, I'm not afraid in the slightest, Anara! I am not going totremble! I won't back down, even if I live…" Neo's words were stopped because Anara dropped her forehead to the corner of Neo's lips, which made the 23 year old handsome young man smile happily.

"Do not say that again! I'm afraid to hear that when you sacrificed your life for me and our children later…" Anara sobbed in front of Neo.

"Then wipe your tears, Anara! I will never hurt you in the slightest! You are my future wife, I will not allow anyone who dares to hurt you. Believe that the power of our love will make the world approve of our relationship, no matter what happens we will never be separated. Until whenever…" Neo cupped Anara's face and helped wipe away the beautiful girl's tears.

"I love you, Anara…!" said Neo sincerely.

"Thank you..." Anara replied.

"Akhhh, it turns out my love is just one-sided!" Neo slapped his own forehead, making Anara stop Neo's action.

"Don't hurt yourself like this anymore, because I don't like it." Anara said.

"I didn't hurt myself, Anara. I was just expressing my feelings of being rejected again by you." Neo said looking down.

"Who said I rejected you again, hem?" Anara's words made Neo gasp in disbelief.

"Wh… did I hear right?" asked Neo with twinkling eyes.

"Of course not!" replied Anara.

"Is it true?" asked Neo in disbelief.

"Hmm." Anara nodded slowly.

"Then answer my question honestly, Anara!" asked Neo with a pitiful face.

"What?" Anara asked.

"Will you marry me?" asked Neo.

Anara was silent when she got a question from Neo, which she never thought Neo would ask a question like that. The question is very easy, but the answer is difficult for Anara.