

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · 都市
48 Chs

Chapter 31

Neo's chest feels tight when he opens Anara's wardrobe. All of Anara's belongings are not in her cupboard, except for the clothes that Neo bought for her some time ago.

"Is Anara that mad at me? Until all the things I gave him he didn't bring at all, I've never even seen him wear any of the clothes I gave him." Neo muttered to himself with the baby Belia in his arms.

Neo stares blankly into the wardrobe that Anara usually uses. The image of Anara wearing the clothes she accidentally ordered at a boutique kept dancing in her memory.

"Anara, you just left without telling me first! I didn't even allow you to accompany you. Why, Anara? Is it because of that man named Rayhan? Be honest, Anara! I'm very jealous of the closeness between you and a man named Rayhan." Neo's voice sounded soft.

Without Neo knowing that behind Anara's bedroom door, Atha, the younger brother, listened to every word that Neo said. Atha now understands that his older brother is heartbroken because of a girl named Anara.

"Is Brother as love slave as that, Anara? I've never seen my brother so sad. Anara, you have made Brother cry. I won't let you hurt my brother. Just watch, Anara! What will I do later when you come back after Eid." Atha muttered behind Anara's bedroom door.

Atha stepped back away from Anara's door, seeing Neo moving towards the door. Atha doesn't want his whereabouts to be known by his older brother, who secretly hears all his older brother's complaints and anxieties.

Meanwhile, in a different place, Anara is currently preparing to help Grandma Azizah cook the menu list.

"We're cooking your favorite mackerel balado today." Grandma Azizah said making Anara happy.

"Hmmm… I haven't eaten Grandma's cooking for a long time. I can't wait to break the fast later." Anara chuckled while Grandma Azizah just shook her head at Anara's behavior.




The sound of Grandma Azizah's kitchen door was knocked on by someone from outside. Anara, who was helping Grandma Azizah peel the onions, immediately walked towards the door.

"Brother Rayhan...?" Anara was surprised when she saw Rayhan already standing in front of her door.

"Hey Anara! You're here?" Rayhan was just as surprised to see him at Grandma Azizah's house.

"I just came this afternoon, Brother." said Anara.

"I don't think you are allowed to go home with your fierce master!" Rayhan chuckled while Anara pursed her lips.

"Ishhh, brother!" Anara snorted in annoyance.

"Who, Anara?" asked Grandma Azizah from inside the kitchen.

Anara turned to Grandma Azizah with a smile that Grandma Azizah couldn't interpret. Instead of answering, Anara actually pulled Rayhan's hand to enter her house.

"Isn't this Rayhan? Grandpa Badrun's grandson?" Grandma Azizah asked when she saw Anara inviting Rayhan into her house.

"Yes, Grandma! It's me Rayhan, Grandfather Badrun's most handsome grandson." Rayhan replied chuckling.

"Wait! Wait! The most handsome one is Grandpa Badrun or Brother Rayhan?" Anara's chirps were interspersed with crisp laughter, making Rayhan chuckle.

"Yes I am! Who else? Grandpa is old, so his good looks have faded a bit. Now I inherit Grandpa Badrun's good looks. Am I right, Grandma?" Rayhan asked making Grandma Azizah smile.

Azizah and Anara's grandmother then invited Rayhan to sit on a chair near the dining table in the kitchen. After talking about many things, Rayhan finally opened up about the whereabouts of Grandfather Badrun, whom he is currently looking for.

"Grandma, do you know where Grandpa went?" asked Rayhan.

"Grandpa Badrun is going to the garden with Alif and Alfi. It's normal for the three of them to go out in the afternoon like this, they said they wanted some wind." Answered Grandma Azizah.

"Haaah? Looking for wind? Isn't it going to catch a cold later? What's up with this Grandpa!" Rayhan chirps to hold back his laughter, while Anara rolls her eyes lazily.

Not long after, the sound of Grandfather Badrun's battered motorbike was heard entering his yard. Hearing that, Rayhan immediately got up and peeked through the window in the kitchen of Grandma Azizah's house.

"You should just stay here if you want to surprise Grandpa. Let Grandma ask your Grandfather to come here to eat here, because usually Grandpa always eats sahur and iftar with us." Said Grandma Azizah, who knew Rayhan's intentions.

"Thank you, Grandma! I really wanted to surprise Grandpa. It's been a long time since I came here, I can't bear to see Grandpa crying to greet me later." Rayhan's voice was so soft that Anara could still hear it.

Alif and Alfi stepped into the house, when his eyes saw Rayhan's figure. Spontaneously Anara covered the mouths of her twin sisters and brought her face closer to her twin sisters.

"Don't scream! You guys go back and tell Grandpa, that we will eat together if we open it later . Remember! Don't say Brother Rayhan and Big Sister are here, okay?" Anara glared at Alif and Alfi.

"Okay, beautiful sister…!" Alif and Alfi teased in unison.

"Haaah… clever boy! Go there, meet Grandpa!" Anara ordered.

Alif and Alfi immediately went to see Grandfather Badrun and told them what Anara had ordered.

"Eh? Why did you guys come back?" asked Grandpa Badrun in surprise looking at the two boys in front of him.

"Grandma said if we break the fast, we will eat together at home." Alif said.

"Okay! Soon Grandpa will be at your house!" replied Grandfather Badrun.

Grandpa Badrun then entered his house to take a shower and prepare for the evening prayer in congregation at the mosque. After the evening prayer in congregation at the mosque, Grandfather Badrun immediately went to Grandma Azizah's house to break the fast together.

"Is there a guest at your house, Alif, Alfi?" asked Grandfather Badrun without realizing that the guest was Rayhan, his own grandson.

"Yes, Grandpa! It's me Rayhan, grandpa's grandson!" Rayhan replied then stood up and turned around to face Grandpa Badrun.

Instantly Rayhan rushed into Grandfather Badrun's arms, while Grandpa Badrun himself was stunned by the surprise of his beloved grandson.

"Are you sure, Rayhan? Grandpa's grandson?" asked Grandpa Badrun with teary eyes.

"Yes, Grandpa! I'm Rayhan, grandpa's grandson." Rayhan replied, tightening his arms around Grandpa Badrun.

The atmosphere in Grandma Azizah's house became full of emotion and joy. Grandfather Badrun was surprised that Anara was already in their midst.

After breaking the fast together and talking about many things, when it was time for the evening prayer they immediately went to the mosque to perform the evening prayer in congregation which was followed by the tarawih prayer together.

While Neo has been unable to remain calm since noon, since Anara left the house without saying goodbye to him. Neo desperately went to the village to make sure that Anara arrived safely at Grandma Azizah's house.

"I think after the tarawih prayer Anara will definitely pass this way." Neo muttered waiting for Anara to pass by, while he sat nicely in his car a little away from Grandma Azizah's yard so that Anara and the others would not see her presence.

Seen from afar Alif, Alfi, Grandfather Badrun were walking hand in hand with Grandma Azizah. Neo's eyes scanned around looking for Anara's whereabouts. His eyes widened when he saw Anara behind Grandma Azizah, but that wasn't what surprised him.

Of course Neo was surprised by the figure of a handsome man walking beside Anara. Neo can see that Anara interacts with the handsome male figure and acts warm and friendly.

"So this is the reason Anara left without saying goodbye to me? It's useless for me to worry about Anara, while beside her there are other men who guard and protect her. It turns out that Anara is secretly having a relationship with that man behind my back." Neo slams his hands on the steering wheel of his car.

Angry, Neo immediately started his car engine and left his place in anger filled with jealousy.

"Eh? Am I not seeing wrong? It's just like Young Master's car." Anara's mind examined the car that passed her.

"Ah, no way! It must be my eyes! How could Young Master come here! It must be a coincidence that there is a car similar to Young Master's car." Anara said in her heart.

Without Anara knowing that at this time Neo was very angry and frustrated. Neo drove the car with very wet eyes with tears flowing down his handsome face.

"Ah, damn it! Since when were they related?" Neo regretted with anger.

"How can I live without you, Anara? I love you so much…" Neo shouted in the car.

"Akhhh…" Neo screamed loudly in his car while hitting the steering wheel.

Without Neo realizing it, his attitude made him go out of control, when his eyes closed Neo felt that the other cars around him had given a warning with the sound of another car's horn.

Neo opened his eyes because he was disturbed by the sound of car horns from the others. What a surprise when Neo saw that in front of him there was already a large car that momentarily blocked the car Neo was riding in.

"Aaaaa…" Neo shouted very loudly.



The sound of brakes being stepped on suddenly followed by a loud crash accompanied by broken glass makes the atmosphere around the road very tense on the nights of Ramadan, to be precise the last three nights before Eid.

Instantly Neo was unconscious, while other car drivers could still feel his body being squeezed by the car body.

It happened to other car drivers and attendants, somehow with Neo's current state. the sound of the loud impact made a thump in Anara's chest, who was holding a glass in her hand, suddenly her chest hurt, until the glass in her hand fell and broke

Shards of glass hit his leg until it was injured and bleeding. Anara me stared blankly at the broken glass.

"Brother Neo..." Anara said softly.

I don't know what Ana is thinking right now. the image of Neo's car passing in front of him, Neo's angry face, and his chest suddenly feeling tight.

"What happened to Brother Neo? Why does my chest hurt so much?" Anara asked herself.

Anara cleaned up the broken glass by not caring about her injured and bleeding leg. Right now Anara just wanted to go to her room and calm down by lying down on her bed.

"Anara…" Neo's voice was soft in an unconscious state.

"Why did this young man say a name, Anara? Who's he?" asked a middle-aged man next door to Grandma Azizah.

Currently Neo and the other victims have been taken to the nearest hospital to be treated immediately by the hospital. No one has yet informed Neo's family and the other victims, because currently the police are still investigating the crime scene.