

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · 都市
48 Chs

Chapter 28

Neo stared angrily at Rayhan and Anara who had been busy chatting without paying attention to the situation, where he was right behind the two of them at this time.

"Did Anara not feel at all if I had been watching her? At the very least, he felt like someone was watching him? Why does Anara seem insensitive to my presence here?" muttered Neo angrily.

"Dadadadada… mamamamama…" baby Belia babbled when she looked back and found Neo standing not far behind Anara.

Anara was spontaneously surprised when she found out that Neo was behind her with a face that was already red with anger. Anara can feel that right now Neo is angry with her.

"Brother Rayhan! Meet this, Neo. He is the uncle of Belia, my employer." Anara's words were like thousands of knives that slashed Neo's deepest heart, so painful that Neo himself found it difficult to remove the pain in his heart.

"Give Belia to me! You pack your things inside! I'll be waiting in the car! Fast!" Neo's words, which sounded sharp and cold, made Anara look at him in surprise.

"Brother, I'm good-bye! Welcome back to work brother. Someday we'll meet again if you really live in this city." said Anara.

"You also be careful! Take good care of yourself, Anara!" Rayhan gently rubbed Anara's shoulder and that made Neo even angrier, burning with jealousy.

Anara left Rayhan to take her bag and belongings as well as Neo's. When they returned to the lobby of the inn, Anara no longer found Rayhan there. Anara quickly headed to the parking lot and got into the car.

"Let me carry my youth. You just focus on driving it." Without looking at all, Neo handed Belia's baby to Anara.

Neo started his car engine then slowly drove his car away from the inn. There was no conversation at all in the car, this time Neo was really silently angry at Anara.

Anara who realized her mistake tried to open her voice to start a conversation between the two of them.

"You are angry at me?" Anara asked.

Neo is not affected by Anara's voice which is considered as the wind. Neo remains focused on driving with his eyes ahead without the slightest desire to turn around or answer Anara's questions.

"Excuse me! I haven't seen Brother Rayhan for a long time, so this meeting made me forget the time. You waited a long time for me, even though I myself had asked you to quickly fix the car so we could go home as soon as possible." Anara said regretfully.

Only silence was in the car, because Neo didn't respond to Anara's words at all. Neo really didn't move even when the baby Belia chattered and occasionally hit Neo's hand accidentally.

"Dadadadada… mamamamama…" babbled Belia's baby.

"Honey, don't bother your big daddy. He's focused on driving, you just play with Aunty, okay!" Anara pulled Belia's baby hand which was gently lapping Neo's sturdy arm.

Neo remained silent and unmoved. Anara felt very guilty seeing Neo's attitude like that, but Anara herself didn't know what to do. Because, Neo really kept quiet at this time.

"Am I wrong to talk to Brother Rayhan? Or…? Ah, is he jealous?" Anara looked up at once.

A sweet smile rose at the corner of his lips. A mischievous idea arises to seduce Neo, and make the handsome man talk to him again to act like before. So sweet and warm, that it makes Anara's heart beat fast.

"Are you jealous to see me alone with Brother Rayhan earlier?" asked Anara closer to Neo's face to seduce the handsome man.

Neo wasn't bothered at all by the way Anara teased him. At this time, Neo's own heart hurts to see Anara who looks happy when she is with another man. Meanwhile, when she was with him, Anara seemed to act normal and that made Neo angry.

"Anara looks so happy with other men, even she is very sweet and warm. However, whenever Anara was with me, she was cold and stiff and had never laughed so happily. Was that the reason Anara rejected me? She really doesn't love me, but loves that boy!" Neo thought painfully.

"Why are you keeping me quiet like this? At least if I'm wrong tell me where is my mistake? That way I will try to correct my mistake and promise not to repeat the same mistake that will make you angry like this to me." Anara said sincerely.

Finally after traveling for almost three hours, they arrived at Neo's house. Before coming down Neo just opened his voice and said something that made Anara cry.

"You are not wrong! I'm the one to blame for loving you too much. So, from now on I will stay away from you and erase the love in my heart so it doesn't make you feel sad anymore. My dream is too high to reach your heart, that's why I can never make you fall in love and be happy when you are with me. The other thing is when you are with other men, you look so happy, you can even laugh out loud when you are with him. I hope you can truly be happy with the man you love… after our cooperation contract agreement is completed, you can leave here immediately. I won't hold you back." Neo then got out of the car without looking at Anara, even letting the girl open the car door herself despite the difficulty of holding a baby Belia who was fast asleep in her arms.


Tears fell down Anara's smooth cheeks. The veiled girl now feels her heart ache hearing Neo's words which are like knife cuts. Anara never thought that her meeting with Rayhan would lead to regret, which made Anara sad.

"Anara, Neo, have you guys gone home? How is your holiday?" asked Mrs. Sonya when she saw Anara and Neo appear together behind the door.

"So much fun, Mom!" said Anara, while Neo didn't care at all.

Neo immediately climbed the stairs while speeding up his steps towards his room which was on the second floor of the luxurious house.

"Anara, why are your eyes watering? Have you been crying?" asked Mr. Nuh when Anara was about to enter his room, and Neo could hear that, who was still standing with his back to Anara.

"No, Daddy! My eyes are glistening with dust that's why they're watering like this." Anara said trying to hide her sadness.

"Well that's that then! You must be tired, just rest in your room and accompany Belia to sleep." Mr. Nuh continued.

"Yes, Daddy! I'll go in first." replied Anara.

Anara went into her room. After putting Belia's baby to sleep on the crib, Anara sat on the sofa on the balcony of her room. Anara looked far ahead with guilt.

Anara didn't realize that someone was watching her whereabouts, which was none other than Neo, who was currently sitting on the balcony facing Anara's room.

"If indeed you are happy loving another man, then I will step down Anara! I will not be able to force your feelings, even though I love you very much. I have felt the pain of loss before, when Mom and Sis Arsyila left forever. Now I have given up on you for another man, than later I have to feel the same pain when I forced you to live with me, while your heart and love are for another man. And it will hurt more when you leave my life that already loves you, with a million wounds in my heart." Neo looked at Anara before finally leaving the balcony of his room and closing the door.

"I'm too confident with my feelings of love for him. How could a man as handsome and rich as Brother Neo fall in love with me, a poor girl who wasn't pretty at all. Even I am an orphan, of course there is no price for someone who has everything like Neo. I'm too dreamy in height, dream and hope to get a prince while I'm just an ashes." Anara muttered with a tight chest.

The night before when all Muslims have carried out their obligation to break their fast in the month of Ramadhan, then carry out the Isha and Tarawih prayers. Anara had just returned from the mosque after performing the tarawih prayer.

Mrs. Sonya and Mr. Nuh did not forbid Anara from praying Tarawih at the mosque during the month of Ramadhan, while there was Mbok Ijah who could be trusted to look after the baby while Anara was at the mosque.

"Hey, you alone?" said a man who could be estimated to be almost the same age as Neo.

Anara didn't respond, she just kept walking fast. Just a few more steps to the luxurious house in front of him.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" asked the man.

"No! Thank You!" Anara replied speeding up her steps.

The atmosphere in the elite area seemed deserted after the Tarawih prayers were finished, because not all residents of the elite area prayed Tarawih at the mosque around the elite residential area because they had just returned from work and were active elsewhere.

In addition, this elite area is only limited to ten houses per block. The mosque, which is outside Neo's block of houses, is indeed a little far from Neo's house, which is blocked by three blocks.

"How arrogant! You're just a helper here, right? Don't pretend to sell your expensive!" the man pulled Anara's hand until Anara's body suddenly turned to face the man.

"Let me go! Or I will scream thief so people come to help me!" Anara's threat made the boy chuckle.

"Just try it if you can! Everyone in this neighborhood from down the block to the other end of the block, they know me. So, if you shout thief at me they won't listen to what you say. Now be sweet to me so I don't force you sweet child!" the man brought his face closer to Anara with his hand still gripping Anara's hand.

"Let me go!" shouted Anara.

Neo from a distance hears su fig screams Anara. His heart suddenly beat very fast when he saw Anara being treated badly by a man Neo knew very well.

"Panji?" muttered Neo.

Anara kept struggling while Panji was getting worse. Now, not only holding Anara's hand, Panji also hugged Anara's body and forced her to kiss the girl.

"Stop! Let me go!" Anara kept her face away, which Panji continued to approach.

Neo's blood boiled in his body when he saw Anara helpless against a man as strong as Panji. Carrying a prayer rug around his neck, Neo ran to save Anara.


Neo took off his prayer mat and waved at Panji, making the man with the dragon tattoo on his hand turn his head.

"Panji! Let go, Anara!" shouted Neo.

"Why? She's just a maid! Why do you want to protect him?" Panji's taunt annoyed Neo.

"Even though he is only a helper, he is also a human who must be helped when he is in trouble. You have the audacity to harass him in a public place like this, Panji!" Neo snapped, gripping Panji's hand holding Anara's slender neck.

Hearing Neo's words, Anara smiled wryly with tears streaming down her cheeks. Now Anara knows that she is completely worthless to the rich man in front of her.

"I am just a servant who is despicable, poor, and uneducated. I'm also an orphan, so if you want to do anything to me go ahead! There will be no one to defend me, nor do I need help from an employer who has abused me and then thrown me away like trash! What's the difference between him and you?" Anara cursed to herself.

Hearing Anara's words made Neo's heart ache like it was sliced into a knife. The words Anara said made him remember the incident where he kissed Anara without her permission, not even just once did Neo do that.

Neo stood frozen in silence, while Anara had dared Panji to kiss him in front of Neo. Currently, Anara is angry and hurt, so she cannot control her emotions.