

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · 都市
48 Chs

Chapter 15

It's been a week since the baby was admitted to the hospital. Tonight Neo and Anara returned to look after Belia's baby, Neo did routine activities to accompany Anara in caring for Belia.

"Sleep! Let me take care of Belia. Today, Belia is much better." Neo said when Anara finished giving milk to the baby, until the baby fell asleep soundly.

"You should just sleep and rest! Don't you have to go to college tomorrow, brother?" replied Anara.

"Let's make it like this! Let you rest and sleep first, I'll take care of Belia. After that, I'll wake you up and we'll take turns looking after Belia." Neo's suggestion made Anara nod her head slowly.

Anara went to sleep and rested on the sofa. While Neo sat in a chair right beside the patient's bed to look after the baby Belia.

Night's getting late. Neo looked closely at Anara's face, looking tired on Anara's innocent face. Neo doesn't have the heart to wake up Anara who is sleeping. Neo chose to keep Anara sleeping.

"Let me be the one who will keep your Belia sleeping, Anara." Neo whispered looking at Anara.

I don't know how long Neo looked at Anara's innocent face in his sleep. Unknowingly Neo had already admired the natural beauty of Anara's face, which was wrapped in a hijab.

Neo secretly smiled when he saw Anara's red lips. Neo doesn't get tired of looking at Anara even though when she sleeps Anara still looks very beautiful.

"Emmmpppttt…" Anara stretched stretching her body muscles.

"Anara is so beautiful!" muttered Neo.

Anara opened her eyes by squinting slightly to neutralize her vision. When he accidentally looked at Neo, the eyes of the two locked for a few moments.

"Eh? Why is he smiling like that at me?" Anara thought.

"Eh? What do I do? Why do I keep looking at Anara?" thought Neo.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" asked Anara without hesitation.

"You sleep too well. I didn't want to wake you up." Reply Neo flat.

"Well that's that then! Now you sleep, let me take care of Belia. Soon Belia will wake up because she is hungry. I will prepare milk for Belia." Anara got up from the sofa and approached the cupboard near the patient's bed where the young baby was sleeping.

When Anara was almost near the cupboard, suddenly Anara's feet tripped over the leg of the chair Neo was sitting on. Anara's body almost fell to the floor.

Neo swiftly caught Anara's body. For a few moments Anara was in Neo's arms. Their eyes met and locked.

Don't ask how they feel right now. Both Neo and Anara were both beating fast, especially since the distance between their faces was so close.

Neo slowly brought his face closer to Anara's. Seeing Anara's naturally red lips made Neo's manly soul thrash.

"Owekkk… owek…" the baby's crying voice broke Neo and Anara's gaze. The two immediately drifted away and neutralized their feelings for each other.

"Excuse me!" said Neo who felt guilty for almost kissing Anara on the lips.

Anara only lowered her head and immediately picked up her baby, before finally making milk for her.

"Anara really understands when it's time for Belia to drink milk, and wakes up at night when she's hungry. Anara also knows when Bella has to change diapers." Neo muttered proudly.

"Eh? Why is he smiling to himself like that? He looked at me like I looked funny to him. Is there something odd on my face to make her smile like that?" Anara thought.

The night was getting late, Neo was already asleep in his sleep, while Anara was awake after Belia woke up for the second time because she was hungry and asked for milk.

"Young darling, get well soon! Let Aunty no longer worry about you! During illness, Aunty couldn't sleep well because she kept thinking about you, honey. Aunty is afraid of you what's wrong." Anara said softly as she hugged the tiny body of the young baby on the patient's bed.

Anara is currently lying on Belia's bed. As if he understood what Anara was saying, Belia's baby started chattering too. This bothered Neo, who was sleeping, until he woke up and looked at Anara and Belia.

"Belia is really comfortable with Anara. It seems that Belia knows which ones are sincere and which ones are just making faces! Even if she is his own aunt." thought Neo.

"Honey, hurry up and sleep again! Aunty has a stomach ache! I feel like going to the toilet!" said Anara who was immediately responded by Neo.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Neo.

"I have a stomach ache, Brother! But I can't leave Belia alone! By the way, when did you wake up?" Anara winced at the pain in her stomach at nature's call.

"Not important! step aside! Let me take care of it, Belia." Neo said firmly.

"Thank You!" Anara immediately went to the toilet.

Neo stared at Anara until the girl disappeared behind the toilet door in Belia's ward.

"Big Daddy's nephew seems very happy when she plays with Mammy Nara. Do you like Mammy Nara?" whispered Neo in baby Belia's ear, as if his nephew understood what he was saying.

The cute young baby just babbles while occasionally laughing at Neo's uncle's behavior. Neo really loves Belia, because Belia is the child of the only older sister in the Abidin family.

Arsyila Khumaira, Belia Azura's biological mother, died giving birth to Belia. Arsyila had fallen before giving birth, because she was trying to catch up with Rudi, her husband, who was dating another woman behind Arsyila's back at that time.

That's what makes Neo hate Rudi, his brother-in-law. Even Neo never allowed Belia to be taken over by Rudi's family, because Neo was worried that Belia would be wasted by Rudi's family later.

Like Arsyila when she was alive, she always suffered because Rudi and his family neglected her. Neo found out about this when he read Arsyila's diary, which was in the dresser drawer in Arsyila's room, which is now Belia and Anara's baby room.

"Sorry, Brother! If Brother wants to sleep again, I'll let Belia take care of him." Anara said without looking at Neo's face.

"Why do you always look down when you talk to me? Am I too scary for you?" asked Neo with a cynical look and one eyebrow raised.

"Mom… it's not like that!" replied Anara stammered.

Neo just snorted in annoyance hearing Anara's answer which was always like that. Neo then got off Belia's bed.

When he was about to take a step, Neo's leg got caught in the bed railing so that Neo's body fell on Anara's body, which was immediately stretched out on the sofa near the patient's bed.

Neo's gaze met Anara's beautiful eyes. Don't ask how they feel right now. Both Anara and Neo felt a pounding in his chest a thousand times faster.


Neo kissed Anara's lips briefly making Anara widen her eyes, surprised by Neo's actions. Anara pushed Neo's body, but Neo suddenly pulled Anara's neck closer to his lips.

Neo hugged Anara's body and locked her tightly. Anara tried to struggle, but Neo's energy was far greater than her. Neo sinks the kiss on Anara's lips even more, even though it's still very stiff.

This is the first kiss Neo has ever made on a girl. Likewise with Anara who is very innocent. Both Anara and Neo have never had a lover, even though many men like Anara.

Likewise, Neo's handsome charm always captivates every girl's heart. Neo's cool demeanor and quiet talk make the girls very curious and like Neo personally.

"Emmmpppttt…" Anara once again pushed Neo's body, this time Neo let go of his warm kiss on Anara's lips.

"So… sorry!" Neo immediately got up when he felt that the part of his body below had hardened and felt tight in his pants.

Anara was silent in tears. Neo, who saw that, felt very guilty, but Neo was also confused about what to do. Finally Neo decided to get out of Belia's treatment room.

"Arrrgggghhh, damn it! Why did I do that to, Anara? How could I be tempted and kiss the lips, Anara! Fool, Neo! You really are an idiot, Neo!" Neo cursed himself full of regret.

"Why did he do that to me, hiks…" Anara was still crying while hugging Belia's baby.

"I'm sorry, Anara!" muttered Neo grabbing his own hair.

Long Neo was in front of Belia's baby care room. It seemed that Neo was reluctant to go back inside and felt ashamed of Anara, for having done something stupid. Neo could not look at Anara's face.

"Sarah?" Neo is taken aback when Sarah smiles and says hello.

"What are you doing, Neo? Why look at me like I've seen a ghost?" Sarah asked confused.

"Indeed your face is like a ghost!" chirps Neo origin.

"What did you say? I'm like a ghost? Where are your eyes, Neo? I'm pretty like this you say like a ghost?" Sarah asked furiously.

Neo often taunts Sarah like that, because Neo doesn't want Sarah to always bother him and chase him.

Neo admits that Sarah is very beautiful, her skin is smooth white, the face of the Indo-Dutch crossbreed is exactly like Mrs. Sonya who is of Dutch descent. Because Sarah is the niece of Mrs. Sonya.

"Neo, can you look at me with the eyes of love? You have to realize Neo, that I really love you!" Sarah's nagging made Neo's ears hurt.

"Can't!" replied Neo coldly.

"Why?" she asked.

"I do not love you!" replied Neo flatly.

"Is it because of that girl?" she asked.

"Which girl?" Neo frowned.

"Anara!" Sarah said emphatically.

Neo was silent when he heard Sarah mention Anara's name. Again the image of Anara's face and lips, when some time ago Neo kissed her warmly and stiffly.

"Why are you silent?" Sarah asked again.

"None of your business!" said Neo coldly.

"Remember Neo! Whoever you love and loves you. Then that girl has to face me! I won't let anyone get your love! Only I can get all your love!" Sarah said firmly.

"Up to you!" Neo chose to enter Belia's treatment room.

When Neo entered and was inside, his eyes immediately looked at Anara who was standing with Belia's baby in her arms.

Anara didn't dare to turn around when she found out that Neo had entered and stared at her for a long time. Anara chose to turn her back on Neo, and let the man stare at her from behind.

"Is Belia fussy?" asked Neo suddenly.

"No!" answered Anara without turning her back which kept turning her back on Neo.

"Eh? Anara seems very angry with me. Ah, I'm such a fool!" thought Neo.

Sarah goes inside after Neo. His steps stopped when he saw Neo staring at Anara intensely, while Anara who was being stared at didn't show a friendly attitude towards Neo at all. Seeing that Sarah smiled happily with a smirk on her face.