

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · 都市
48 Chs

Chapter 11

Early in the morning Anara woke up. After finishing the night prayer, Anara checked the condition of the young baby. Anara lovingly kissed and stroked Belia's baby.

"Sleep tight, honey!" Anara got out of her room and headed for the kitchen.

The house is still very quiet, but Anara is already working on cleaning the Neo family's luxurious house. After that, Anara prepared breakfast for Neo's family, and didn't forget to make nutritious baby porridge for Belia's baby.

"Who early in the morning like this is already noisy." Neo muttered.

Out of curiosity Neo then went down to the first floor of his luxurious house. His eyes scanned around. When he got to the kitchen, Neo saw Anara cooking.

"What are you doing?" asked Neo coldly.

"So… sorry, sir! I'm making breakfast for Mr and Mrs. I also make wholesome porridge for Young Lady." Anara looked down.

"That's not your job! Hurry back to the room! Don't let my nephew look for you!" Neo's command made Anara stunned.

"Ouh… well, Master!" Anara immediately ran to the second floor to return to her room.

Anara's breath was still short of sweat drenched in her body from running. Anara then lay down on the biggest soft mattress.

Anara just closed her eyes to neutralize her feelings. The baby was heard crying, Anara quickly got up and approached the baby in the crib.

"Hello sweety! Are you awake, honey? Are you hungry? Or did you pee?" asked Anara making the baby Belia silent and looked at her with the sweet smile of a baby.

"Oh, my beautiful little angel! You are so adorable!" Anara kissed the baby Belia's cheek fondly.

Without Anara knowing, Neo took a peek at what Anara was doing in her room with Belia's baby. Neo smiled faintly at that. Neo then turned his body to return to his room.

When he turned his body, Neo was startled by the figure of a woman with long and curly hair already standing in front of him.

"Mom… Mom?" shrieked Neo shocked.

"What are you doing in front of the room, Belia?" asked Mrs. Sonya surprising Neo.

"Earlier I heard Belia crying. That's why I came right away! But I just remembered that Belia already has a nanny to look after her." said Neo nervously.

"Oh really? Wasn't Belia's nanny the one who brought her to this house? How could you forget?" teased Mrs. Sonya making Neo blush.

Feeling a noise in front of her room, Anara immediately took Belia's baby and carried her towards the door. When her bedroom door opened, Anara saw Neo turning his back on her bedroom door while Mrs. Sonya smiled at Anara.

"Anara! Already up?" greeted Mrs. Sonya friendly.

"Madam! I've been awake ever since." replied Anara kindly.

"Did you sleep well, Anara?" asked Mrs. Sonya.

"Sleep well, Madam." replied Anara.

"Then what about Grandma's beautiful granddaughter? Did you sleep well too, honey?" Mrs. Sonya gently pinched Belia's chubby baby cheeks.

"Young Miss slept well, Madam. Looks like a really good night last night." Answered Anara.

"Is it true?" Mrs. Sonya's eyes widened.

"Yes, Madam." Anara said, looking down in embarrassment because Neo kept looking at her in disbelief.

"It seems that Belia is comfortable with you, Anara! Usually at night he is a little cranky, but what you say is true! Last night Mom didn't hear Belia waking up and crying, was it because she was too full to feed?" Mrs. Sonya asked then.

"Looks like Belia was full of milk last night." This time Neo joined in making Anara keep her head down.

"I'm grateful! That means that Anara is good at winning Belia's heart, Mom thinks you should also be able to win Dad's heart from Belia." teased Mrs. Sonya then.




Neo choked on his own spit. Neo tried to swallow his own saliva that stuck in his throat.

"Eh?" Anara immediately stole a glance at Neo.

"Then Mom wants to take a shower first." Mrs. Sonya left Neo and Anara who were still standing still in front of Anara's room.

"Excuse me sir!" Anara was about to turn around before entering her room.

"Give Belia to me!" said Neo flatly.

"But, sir!" refused Anara softly.

"Soon it will be dawn." replied Neo coldly.

Anara, who just realized that it would soon be dawn, finally handed her baby to Neo.

After Neo brought Belia's baby, Anara went into her room and immediately took ablution water to fulfill her obligation to pray the dawn prayer as a devout Muslim.

"Mbok Ijah! Do you need my help?" asked Anara while in the kitchen.

"Anara! You better hold on to Miss Belia! No need to help Mbok Ijah. Later Den Neo will be angry if Non Belia is allowed to cry." answered Mbok Ijah.

"But Mbok..." Anara's words were cut off when she saw Neo standing beside her carrying Belia in his arms.

"Time for Belia to take a bath!" Neo handed over the baby Belia to Anara.

"Emmm… well, Master!" Anara immediately took over the baby Belia in Neo's hands.

Anara took Bella's baby into her room. With all her heart, Anara bathed her baby. Looks very nimble Anara takes good care of her baby.

"It's already beautiful!" Anara kissed Belia's chubby cheeks.

"Morning all…! Say hello to a handsome young man who just came and stood in the doorway.

"Honey, you've come?" Mrs. Sonya warmly welcomed the handsome young man.

"Mom, I miss being away from Mom." Atha hugged Mrs. Sonya and clung to the big lady.

"Uh… Mom's handsome boy! Have you had breakfast?" asked Mrs Sonya.

"I can't eat well if I'm away from Mom!" replied Atha spoiled.

"Shame on your nephew!" said Neo coldly.

"Look, Mom! Brother is always like that when I spoil Mom!" Atha said getting spoiled.

"There you have breakfast first!" Mrs. Sonya invites Atha to have breakfast together.

"Where's my beautiful niece?" asked Atha when she realized that Anara was holding her baby and feeding her breakfast.

For a moment Atha watched Anara from head to toe. The veiled girl fascinated Atha with her beauty.

"Who are you?" asked Atha smiling kindly at Anara.

"I am Anara, sir! I'm Young Miss' caretaker." Anara replied looking down.

"Don't call me sir! Just call me Atha. Do you talk like this when you talk to my brother?" Atha asked, making Anara nod her head spontaneously.

"Oh God…! Poor you, Anara! From now on, act normal, Anara! If not, don't expect you to feel at home in this house. and that means Belia will lose another babysitter." Atha's sarcasm makes Neo look at him sharply.

"What do you mean by saying that?" asked Neo with a sharp look.

"Brother always acts cold like that! How can anyone feel comfortable working here if you are that cold towards Bella's nanny!" protested Atha.

"Atha, Neo… already! This isn't the time to argue! It's time for your breakfast! Come on!" Mrs. Sonya invites Neo and Atha back to the dining table, while Anara is still standing still.

The atmosphere at the dining table is quiet. There was no sound at all, only the occasional sound of spoons and forks being heard clashing against plates.

"Anara! When Belia has finished eating, let Mom carry Belia. You have breakfast first." Mrs. Sonya took Belia from Anara's arms.

"Yes, Madam" said Anara.

"Don't call me, Madam! Just call me Mom! After all, you're almost as old as Atha. Let's just say that you are Atha and Neo's younger sister. Am I right, honey?" Mrs. Sonya rolled her eyes at Atha and Neo.

"I agree with what Mom said! So, Anara… from now on, just call Mom, oke! Don't you call Madam to my mother!" Atha smiled looking at Anara who was still bowed.

"Yes sir!" replied Anara.

"No! Don't call me sir! Call Me Atha and he is Brother! One more! Don't look down like that when we're talking! Look me in the eye, Anara!" asked Atha sincerely.

"Yes sir! Eh? Atha…" Anara said doubtfully.

"Good!" Atha gave her a thumbs up.

Anara then sat beside Atha and had breakfast with the two brothers, the older brother Muhammad Borneo Abidin and the younger brother Muhammad Batavia Abidin. Their age difference is five years.

Neo is currently 23 years old, while Atha is the same age as Anara, who is only 18 years old. Because they are the same age, Atha feels that she has a new friend in her house. Atha's closeness makes Neo feel uncomfortable.

"Am I jealous?" thought Neo.

"Brother why?" asked Atha.

"Nothing!" replied Neo coldly.

"Strange!" muttered Atha.

"I hear!" answered Neo.

"Your ears are still normal! Only Brother's heart is still frozen!" Atha's chirping made Neo throw him with a chair cushion.

"Watch your mouth! You little brother has no morals!" Neo cursed furiously. Meanwhile Atha was chuckling.

Anara has been at the Neo family's house for a week. Neo's family has accepted Anara's existence. Only Neo is still cold and stiff towards Anara.

"Today Daddy came home from a business trip abroad. Are you going to pick him up at the airport?" asked Mrs. Sonya.

"I'm going to pick up Daddy!" answered Neo flatly.

"Hmm. Okay!" said Mrs. Sonya.

"Does Mom need anything?" asked Neo then.

"Mom only needs milk and baby food and diapers for Belis. Looks like stock is running low. You can ask Anara that." Mrs. Sonya continued.

"Why don't Mom just check it out?" asked Neo without turning his head.

"Last night it was Anara who said that to Mama! It seems that Anara is reluctant to just convey that to you! Do you still want to be cold to Anara?" asked Mama Sonya.

Neo did not answer Mrs. Sonya's question. He went to meet Anara in her room. Without knocking on the door, Neo deliberately wants to know how Anara's attitude towards Belia is behind him.

"Sweet child, is your big Daddy always fierce, huh? Aunty gets scared around big Daddy! Aunty saw big Daddy's face like he was about to pounce, making Aunty always afraid! Hihihi… sssttt you don't tell big Daddy! Promise?" Anara talks to baby Belia as if she is her own friend.

There was the sound of baby Belia's laughter when Anara spoke to her. With agile legs moved up, Anara laughed heartily when she was with her baby.

"Thank you darling! What a sweet child you are! Having you here cheers up Aunty, it's not bad enough to lessen the fear of your big daddy!" Anara chirps which makes Neo smile faintly behind the door.

Neo secretly admires Anara's figure. Her gentle nature towards Belia's baby, as well as her affection make Neo believe that Anara will take very good care of her baby.