
To the Capital

The way down took no time at all. We left the summit first thing in the morning, and by noon, the village of North Cimavetta was within sight.

The extreme winds were still there, but not nearly as bad on this side of the mountain. The ridge is also tilted in a way that made the path going North a lot shorter than the path going South.

The angel from the previous night never appeared again, but her image kept popping up in my mind.

North Cimavetta isn't that much different from the South. There aren't as many elves, but still a couple going around. The village on this end also has a few mines dug into the side of the mountain.

By the contents of some carriage driving through, I can tell that the mines are for mostly coal and some other minerals. Could be useful later on.

I didn't feel the need to stay another night here, so we quickly traded our donkeys for a small horse-drawn carriage.

I also thought that it was time to get a change of clothes, since going into the capital wearing these shabby pieces is not the best idea. I went around a tailor shop and bought the most expensive outfits for all of us, which was not pricey at all. In total, they cost around twenty copper coins.

Before the sun has passed the three-quarter mark in the sky, we have already left the village for the Holy Capital, which is apparently a couple of hours of riding.

"Are you sure this is supposed to be this tight?" I hear Faye ask from within the cabin.

Astra picked out a white corset dress for her, which I must admit, is a perfect fit for Faye's slender waist,

Lohikaarmi chose a red laced dress. It reveals way more cleavage than I am comfortable with, but Astra insisted that "sex appeal" is necessary for a servant of Lohikaarmi's caliber, whatever that meant.

Astra herself bought a loose, light blue dress, which surprised me, as it was a lot tamer than I had expected from her. It wouldn't even be too out of place to see her walking around Earth's street wearing that. It might attract some creepy and unwanted attention if she were in the wrong part of the city, though.

I got myself a tailcoat jacket, which was the item in the shop that most closely resembled a tuxedo suit. I have grown to love the look since my everyday outfit was basically just a different color variation of a tuxedo.

Astra didn't complain at all about my pick. Faye gave a few compliments, as well.

"No, it should actually be tighter," I hear Astra's voice followed by the sound of laces zipping.

"Ow, it hurts little," Faye says.

"Good, that's what you want."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, see, they are bulging out now."

"What are bulging out? Oh, they really are. This isn't too bad."

Do I even bother asking what they are doing?

"I told you. You don't want to be flattened by Lohikaarmi, right?" Astra says.

There are quite a few layers to that question.

"No, but it's not a fair fight," Faye says, "I am an elf, and she is… a dragon. Saying that out loud makes me realize that nothing will ever be a fair fight between us."

"It's alright. You can pray better than her."

"That's true."

We are not the only carriage on the road now. A couple of others with much better-looking decor and faster horses speed past us.

One of them, which is made of similar mahogany as that piece of shit financier, slows down as it goes past us. The coach driver is in their own little room, so I can't see them, but they are for some reason keeping up the same speed as us and driving right alongside.

Oh, it can't be the financier looking for revenge, right? No, there is no way he could have reached here before us if he was going to take the other route. Plus, he didn't even have a carriage to ride.

The silk curtains on the side of their cabin spread open, and the face of a young woman barely in her adulthood peaks out the window.

She looks at me with eyes curving from a smile and says across the road, "Hey handsome, I like your hair. Is it natural?"

Am I being… catcalled at right now?

"Yes, what do you want?" I respond.

I hear Astra gasp from behind me and say, "Someone is trying to pick up Kris right now."

"Who?" Faye sounds equally interested.

"Don't be so cold," the young lady says, "I just want to get to know you. What's your name?"


"Kris, what a cool name. Nice to meet you," she says, "My name is Alice, Alice Pecunia. My father is one of the most successful merchants in the country. My mother is an archbishop, and I am a high priestess in training at the Grand Cathedral. We all have connections to Her Holiness."

When did I ask for this girls' life story?

"Good for you."

"No reaction?" She asks.

"You are rich, I get it."

Alice giggles and says, "You know, you are just my type, Kris."

Why does she sound like Astra whenever she teases me?

"Good to know, Alice."

"So, how about we go on a date?"


"Playing hard to get, I see. What do you want then, Kris? Money? Status? Power? I can give you all," Alice says with a smug smirk.

"None of them."

Had them all back on Earth, don't need them again so soon, but, maybe forming a good relationship with someone of such high stature wouldn't be so harmful.

"Oh? Are you one of those who only want sex? I am a virgin, so you will have to take the lead tonight."

On second thought, nope.

I hear a voice coming from the coach seat of Alice's carriage. "Milady, we can't delay any longer. Your father will not be happy if you are late again."

Alice rolls her eyes and sighs. "Ahh, I forgot about that, sorry, Greg."

"It's fine, Milady. Shall I speed up the horses again?"

"Yes, please."

She doesn't sound all that spoiled for someone with such a background.

Alice sticks out her arm, which is extensively decorated in rings and bracelets, and waves at me.

"See you at the capital, Kris! Soften up a little next time, alright?" She calls out as her carriage races off ahead.

I can hear suppressed chuckles and laughter from the cabin.

"Stop laughing. It's not funny," I turn around and say. That seems to have broken Astra. She is rolling on her seat and slamming the wall. Faye is no better. She is giggling so much there are tears coming out of her eyes.

"Poor Alice," Faye says.

"You will have to take the lead tonight! HA-HA! I should learn something from this girl!" Astra is dying.

Even Lohikaarmi is clearing her throat to hold back a chuckle.

What a way to end this journey. I turn back to the road and breathe out a sigh.