
Collection of WIHachilles Stories

This contains all my short stories with two chapters or less. All of these come from writing prompts subreddit.

WIHachilles · 都市
40 Chs

the aliens found that humanity was woefully unprepared for galactic warfare. They were swiftly and brutally conquered. The elder beings that slept beneath the surface however did not take kindly to th

The end bringers or world-enders. Legend has it they will end the world one day or bring chaos to the humans who deserve it. However, both aren't true at all. They just enjoyed watching their creation's dreams and eating them after. That's why you can't remember your dreams, it probably causes of them. The dreams you remember are probably because they were full.

So when the feast ended, why wouldn't they be upset? There were five of them, in charge of eating the five major kinds of dreams that are common. Detavos, The Nightmare Consumer. They are considered a leader even though there isn't one. It's probably due to how massive they are, taking the form of a peacock. Its feathers were void black with patterns of eyes and each eye color had a different color to it. Detavos was one of the most relaxed beings, consuming the nightmares to relieve the humans of their fears.

Aacki, The Love Consumer. Its form was bright pink, with red hearts on each of her wings. She enjoyed seeing all the human love stories or wet dreams, they were the most interesting. It gave her so much joy, sometimes, she even granted them the boon of confidence to go ask them out. Granting her even more food to feast on.

Reakop, The Greed Eater. His feathers were a shiny gold, glittering and radiating light. Even though they were under the surface, he was the reason for the sunlight. He took the form of a seagull. All of those greedy or prideful humans, wish for all of the money in the world or rule it themselves. The rich taste of those dreams granted him so much joy, it was a delight.

Caexab, The Creativity Devourer. Their feathers were a random burst of magnificent and beautiful colors. All of those lucid dreams of people flying or creating their own world. People trying to escape the harshness of the harsh world they're trying to escape from. One of the nicer elder beings, they grant them their last wish. Sending them to the world they always wanted to be a part of. The burst of different flavors when they feast.

Wokuat, The Wholesome Eater. A bright white vulture, beady white eyes always zoning out. They enjoyed the sweet dreams of the people who had such sweet thoughts. Flavors always being sweet. The dreams always brought them small delights.

So when the dreams slowly stopped coming through or turned into nightmares. Why wouldn't the council be upset at the ones who caused it? One by one, they all woke up at once. Detavos was the first one to speak, a multitude of voices in a discourteous manner spoke. "The humans…they're having more nightmares than usual…about alien creatures or beings." They stuttered.

A boastful voice spoke out next, fluttering its golden wings. "How dare they ruin my delight!" The earth rumbled with pressure as the surface cracked, before feeling a calming aura radiate from someone near him.

"Relax Rea." Aacki cooed, and a soft feminine voice spoke out. "We should investigate why this is happening." She suggested, fluttering her wings to get comfortable.

The other two didn't speak, besides their actions. Wokuat vanished first, his wings growing larger and consuming them. Right after that, they heard a cheerful voice and looked over to see the colorful bird drawing a large door. "I don't know who ended those human's creativity but I'll make sure they get destroyed by their own creations." For such a joyful voice, the threat was apparent.


I've lost track of time ever since those bastards appeared, it was such a sunny day. Hanging with my family who I treasured so much in a park. Then the screams, the terrifying screams. The explosions and body parts with gore flying everywhere. It was all a blur since then, terrifying screeches and howls of pleasure as I saw people getting ripped to shreds by long sharp claws. What are those things anyways? Wolf-like creatures, standing on two legs or using all four to chase.

I was the only one to make it out, my family was gone. My nightmares of me losing everything, playing over and over again. For some odd reason, I could remember them more frequently. I stretched my arms and popped them back into place by rotating and yawning, I looked around the area I was in. A high-rise apartment complex on the 50th floor, those bastards haven't checked here yet. Scavenging all the nearby buildings first, but I know I have to leave soon. The building shook. Another attack, this quickly? I looked outside first expecting to see those wolf bastards storming the building. There was nothing entering the building, instead, my eyes trailed up to hear beating wings. Magnificent and beautiful birds looked down on the destruction, the golden one squawked before speaking. A booming voice radiating power, "What the hell is all of this? All of their hard work." It sounded annoyed, fed up even.

My eyes trailed to another one, a pink flamingo in the sky. Red hearts on their wings, as seeing it made me relaxed. It spoke next, a soft feminine voice filled with venom. "Disgusting. All of these freaks, destroying marriages and families." The flamingo's heart wings glowed a dark red, blasting on the ground. A large explosion of some sort, it was in the shape of a broken heart.

There were three more birds in the sky right next to them. But I couldn't focus any longer. I closed the blinds looking outside, I have to get my stuff. Unplugging a phone from my charger, I scrambled across the room to get different things. Grabbing a bag, I filled it with supplies. As much as I can, whatever was happening now. I don't want to know, maybe they're here to save us. Doubtful, probably just round two. This time the building shook, and joyful cackling rang out through the air. It sounded mad. I took the stairs running down the flights, tripping occasionally. What the hell is happening?

Losing track of time again, how long have I been running? How long since the attack happened? Since those birds appeared, the howling outside turned to pained whimpering. I reached the lobby and looked around, it was a mess. Broken glass and chairs, tipped-over tables, or dead bodies. There was something odd though, the dead bodies of the aliens as well.

I walked up to one of them and poked at the body. It felt fairly recent and I looked toward the streets. Dead bodies, and destroyed machines, were a new sight. I slowly crept towards the street. Opening the door silently, I stepped outside and looked up. Those birds were on a slaughtering.