
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

23 Chs

Genius and Mask.

Chapter 13: Genius and Mask.

"What does it mean to be human?" This question isn't that important is what people think. But it is important to many people.

Being human means having the ability to think, feel, love, hate, create, and destroy. It means having the capacity to make choices, to experience joy and sorrow, to be both a part of a community and an individual. Being human means having the freedom to make decisions and the responsibility to bear the consequences of those decisions. Being human means having the power to shape our own destiny and forge our own path, and having the capacity to change the world for the better or for worse.

And there are humans who are seen as different being's altogether. Those human's are called ' Geniuses'.


What does this word means? There are any meaning behind the word ' Genius'. Such as:

Some people thinks that being a genius doesn't mean having all the answers or knowing everything. It means having the ability to ask the right questions, and to come up with creative and innovative solutions to complex problems. Genius is not about having all the knowledge, but about knowing where to find it. It's not about having all the answers, but about knowing how to find them. Genius is not about having perfect memory, but about having the capacity to learn and to understand. Genius is not about knowing everything, but about knowing how to use what you know. In short, genius is not about knowing everything, it's about knowing how to use what your intelligence in the perfect situation.

Also some thinks that a genius is someone who possesses exceptional intelligence, creativity, and knowledge in a particular field or domain. They are able to think outside the box, to come up with innovative and groundbreaking ideas, and to solve complex problems that others may not be able to. When faced with a difficult situation or problem, a genius is able to think differently and to come up with a unique and creative solution.

However, being a genius does not necessarily guarantee success or a smooth path in life. Often, geniuses face difficulties and challenges in their work and personal lives, and they must work hard and persist in order to achieve their ambitions and goals.

In short they are considered as a higher human. There are any different types of geniuses in this world.

Geniuses can be classified into various types, depending on the field or domain in which they excel. Some common categories include. Such as academic geniuses. These are individuals who excel in scientific, mathematical, and academic disciplines. They are able to think deeply and abstractly, to come up with original ideas and theories, and to make significant contributions to their field.

Artistic geniuses.These are individuals who excel in creative disciplines such as music, literature, and art. They are able to express themselves and their ideas through their artwork and to create truly unique and remarkable pieces.

Business geniuses. These are individuals who possess exceptional business acumen and entrepreneurship, who have vision and foresight, and who are able to make successful business decisions. They are able to identify opportunities, take calculated risks, and navigate the complex world of business to achieve significant success.

Leadership geniuses.These are individuals who have the skills, knowledge, and experience to lead effectively, to inspire and motivate others, and to make sound decisions in times of crisis. They are able to identify problems, to come up with innovative solutions, and to successfully manage teams and organizations.

People geniuses.These are individuals who possess exceptional social and interpersonal skills, who can read and understand people, who can build rapport and relationships quickly, and who can find common ground and connect with others. They are able to empathize and to communicate in an effective way, to inspire trust and loyalty in the people around them, and to influence others in meaningful and positive ways.

Spiritual geniuses.These are individuals who have a deep understanding of themselves and the universe, who are able to connect with the divine and to find meaning and purpose in life. They are able to tap into intuition and wisdom, to overcome limitations and challenges, and to live in harmony with the world around them. They are able to see beyond the material world and to find inner peace, compassion, and balance.

Physical geniuses.These are individuals who possess exceptional physical abilities and athleticism. They are able to perform incredible physical feats and challenges, to push their bodies to their limits and beyond, and to achieve remarkable and inspirational results. They are also able to inspire and motivate others to take up the challenge and to exceed their own limitations, pushing boundaries and creating new possibilities.

And so on but there is one type of geniuses that surpasses everyone of them . Those geniuses are called the [Adapting geniuses].

An adapting genius is someone with the ability to adjust themselves in front of the faced situation. This types of people are very flexible minded and are able to quickly adjust their strategy, goal's as needed. They are able to adapt their thinking based on their situation. They are able to analyze the situation quickly and are able to find the fastest situation.

I have met this said genius. Looking at my phone I know who this genius is. That face is admired and disgusted at the same .

" Hey Yamada where you will be going? Like which town?" the man beside me asked. He had red hair and honey brown eyes, a decent body and handsome face. He seems to be a talkative person. He is Alex Midgard,the one who tried hitting on me since the first time I met him.

" I am going to Tokyo. What about you? " I answered and asked him while reading a book on my phone. It's called [Crime and punishment] by Fyodor Dostoevsky. A great book to read .

" Oh and why?" he asked me..he is starting to get annoying. You see being good looking has its own good and bad effects. Good effect with good looks combined with nice behavior you can have good charisma. But it attracts attention that someone like me would like not to have. And for bad looks it's obvious. They will be ignored. And then they will read fantasy and romance novel with R-18 tag on it and will fantasize themselves in the main characters shoe.

I smiled to the boy beside me and answered " For education. And is it okey to if you let me read?" I requested him politely.

"ok then. Thank you for your time." Alex said with a slight bow and looked away.

I looked at the book and started to read it.


The woman beisde Alex seemed to be hiding her emotion. Maybe because of circumstances or maybe responsibility or that's how she was born and raised...

She seems to be thinking something serious while reading the book by a Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky called [crime and punishment]. I have read that book both in my past life and current life.

It's about Raskolnikov, a student in St. Petersburg, is a brilliant but impoverished young man who is filled with resentment towards the society he believes has oppressed and alienated him. Out of anger and jealousy, he commits the murder of a pawnbroker and her sister, justifying his act as a sacrifice for the greater good. After discovering that the pawnbroker had a daughter who witnessed his crime, Raskolnikov struggles with an overwhelming sense of guilt, his conscience eating away at him. He must now confront his actions and the consequences of becoming a murderer, and must decide how to move forward and find redemption.

In one line [Crime and Punishment] is a classic novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky that explores the consequences of a murder, the struggle with guilt, and the inner turmoil of morality and redemption in a world of suffering and chaos.

The book was indeed some of the best novel I have ever read in my life.

The woman, whatever her name is seems to be containing her anger. Acting that she was doing good and making sure Alex doesn't have a slight feeling about her acting.

If I am being honest acting is something that everyone of us do. We act in every single interaction. With parents we act kind and nice. In front of friends we act like down bad horrendous people or smart to keep up with them. In front of relatives we act kind. In front of the teacher we are either like a nerd or a quiet person or egoistic uncaring person. Most of these act come naturally. Some are made by ourselves to feel secure. Though this couldn't be applied to many people.

Some people hide their true feeling behind one mask or many mask. These masks helps them hide their true interntion from someone else. Behind these masks are dangerous people who will do anything to achieve their favorable result.

An example would be myself. I am most of the time coating my words so someone with supernatural cold reading skills can't read or know my intentions. It just came naturally. I can't take these mask's ofd. It's a real problem.

Those who wear these mask's, when they want to be their persona to show to someone else they can't take it off. They have to peal their skin off. Though it's just a use of word some whoat happens is they when the masked people wear their mask for too long they tend to be unable to take of their made up emotion and show their real emotion.

So warning when you decide to wear a mask: Make sure to let your genuine emotion run wild for some time then wear the mask again.

It gives a strange relief~ you know~

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