
Collapse Epoch: Awakening of the Apocalypse

xYUrxx · SF
9 Chs

Chapter 2:Who Is Competing with Me for Garbage?!

Sang Nian, driven by the urgency of her hunger, picked up an iron pipe at random from the discarded debris around her. Gripping the makeshift tool, she began to rummage through the garbage heap with a determined focus. 

Visibly, everything was in chaos. The garbage dump, with its scattered debris, rotting corpses, and putrid liquids, painted a picture of disarray. 

Suddenly, amidst the chaos of the garbage dump, Sang Nian heard the distinctive tugging of a huge machine. The noise cut through the air, a discordant interruption to the prevailing stillness of the landfill.

She immediately realized that it was the sound produced by a massive tractor.

Sang Nian's instincts sharpened, and with a swift, practiced movement, she immediately hid on the side.The chaos of the landfill offered her a cloak, concealing her presence in the labyrinth of refuse.With utmost caution, she crouched low, the iron pipe clutched tightly in her hand.

As the tugging sound of the machine drew nearer, Sang Nian nestled herself within the discarded debris. Her eyes, now alert and watchful, tracked the colossal massive tractor.

It arrived at a seemingly fixed time, continuing its rhythmic approach—a mechanical behemoth on a scheduled mission in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. The clattering and tugging grew louder as it maneuvered through the debris, ready to dump various kinds of garbage and waste.

From her concealed vantage point, Sang Nian observed with intent as the massive tractor began its operation. The loud clatter of machinery filled the air as it dumped various kinds of garbage and waste onto the already cluttered landscape. The refuse, a motley assortment of discarded remnants, formed a chaotic tapestry beneath the relentless action of the machine.

The rhythmic hum of the tractor's departure was suddenly accompanied by a distinct rustling sound emanating from the cabin, revealing the silhouette of two figures—presumably the driver and his companion.

The driver, his face etched with weariness that spoke of countless trials, surveyed the chaotic terrain with a profound gaze. After a moment of silent observation, the driver turned towards his companion, and the two engaged in conversation. 

Sang Nian approached them carefully, and the conversation from a distance became clearer.

The driver, wearing a weary expression, turned to his companion and spoke amidst the clatter of the massive tractor, "This is the garbage disposal plant. It's your first time here, Xiao Jiang." 

Xiao Jiang responded as he emerged from the cabin, "Yes, the first time I've seen it up close... Such a scene." He accepted the offered cigarette, a small ritual of camaraderie amidst the chaos of the landfill.

"Get used to it, and maybe you'll take my place in the future."The driver continued, his voice carrying a mix of weariness and authority, "The dump in this area is close to the city. Although it's outside the safe zone and there's a possibility of encountering small monsters, the contamination level is low-risk. Hence, people from the city use it as one of the disposal sites for garbage."

"There, that's the Century Tower in the city center," Xiao Jiang remarked, his gaze fixed on the towering building in the distance. The Century Tower, standing tall in the city center. A peculiar gleam danced in his eyes, hinting at a mix of admiration and perhaps a tinge of uncertainty.

The driver, weariness etched deeper, said, "Yes, it's precisely because of the presence of the Century Tower that we have a moment of shelter and safety..." He trailed off, leaving his sentence hanging in the air, the unspoken implications lingering.

The mechanical symphony of the tractor's movements echoed through the landfill, and with efficient precision, the refuse was quickly deposited, layer upon layer, back into the chaotic landscape.

The two figures, having completed their task, disappeared back into the confines of the driver's cabin. The metallic door creaked shut, sealing them away from the outside world. The exchange of words gradually faded, becoming a mere echo in the desolation.

Silent and concealed within the refuse, Sang Nian took a moment to reflect on the information she had gleaned. The information she had gathered about the garbage disposal plant, the proximity to the city's safe zone, and the significance of the Century Tower lingered in her thoughts. The Century Tower, the proximity to the city's garbage plant, and the acknowledgment of small monsters added layers of complexity to the desolate landscape.

She sighed. At this moment, the immediate priority was to find something to eat. Perhaps there were edible parts in the newly arrived garbage. She walked forward and started to rummage through it.

At this moment, she actually saw another person, just like her, rummaging through the garbage heap!

The tractor had long departed, and silence enveloped the surroundings. In this vast garbage plant, not quite a place where humans would typically venture. So, who is competing with me for garbage?! Sang Nian thought.

Sang Nian's eyes fell upon a peculiar figure standing ahead. The man, tall and imposing, wore a hat that cast a shadow over his features. A backpack adorned his back, and in his hand, he held a half-broken large knife.

Her gaze lingered on the man's form, noticing faint scars etched upon his neck and wrists, silent reminders of past trials and tribulations.Before she could delve further into speculation, their eyes met.In that fleeting moment of connection, Sang Nian observed the man's gaze. It was cold, devoid of emotion, yet it held a depth that seemed to pierce through the silence of the landfill. His indifferent expression, cast in the shadow of his hat, resonated with an aura of silent darkness that enveloped him.

Sang Nian froze, her own gaze locking with his. There was something unnerving about the man's presence, a sense of quiet intensity that lingered in the air.

At this moment, from the depths of the heaps of garbage, a grotesque tentacle emerged, its slimy form twisting and writhing in the air.With a swift and practiced motion, the man reacted, his movements fluid and decisive. He reached out, grasping the tentacle with a firm grip before yanking it out from its hiding place. The tentacle writhed in protest as it was forcefully expelled from its concealment, its limp body coated in a viscous fluid that gleamed under the harsh light of the wasteland.

As the tentacle lay sprawled on the ground, the true nature of the creature revealed itself. It was a disgusting small mollusk, its grotesque form adorned with numerous tentacles sprouting from its limp body. Tiny sharp claws lined its appendages.

This seemed to be an underdeveloped creature, its tentacles wriggling as it swiftly crawled in a particular direction. The mysterious man also rose to his feet, following along.

What is he looking for? Amidst the chaotic atmosphere, she quickly made a decision and swiftly adjusted her mindset, taking the initiative to follow the mysterious man.

With measured steps, she moved closer, intending to bridge the gap between them and perhaps unravel the enigma that surrounded him. The small creature wriggled into a pitch-black cave, and the man paused at the entrance of the cave for a moment.

Before she could utter a word, however, the man's frown deepened, his tone indifferent yet commanding.

"Kid, don't follow me," he uttered, his words carrying a weight of finality that brooked no argument.

"I'm not a kid, I'm Sang Nian," she declared, her eyes gleaming as she stared at the man. Despite her ragged clothes, her entire being exuded pure sincerity.

The man tossed Sang Nian an energy drink. Sang Nian cautiously accepted the energy drink, her small frame trembling slightly with a mixture of exhaustion and hunger as she brought it to her lips. In the harsh reality of the post-apocalyptic wasteland, even the slightest replenishment of energy was invaluable to her survival.

"Stay away from here," he cautioned. As he stood at the entrance of the cave, his gaze pierced the darkness with an uncertain expression, hinting at the depths of his own struggles and uncertainties.

"Coming in might lead to a quicker and more painful death," his voice echoed the echoes of past trials and tribulations.

Despite her uncertainty about the man's intentions, Sang Nian understood that action was necessary in order to transcend the limitations of her circumstances. The refuse heap offered little solace, and the prospect of venturing into the unknown held a promise of discovery, however perilous it may be.

Sang Nian's voice, soft yet resolute, broke the silence that hung heavy in the air. "Take me with you. I can help, just feed me," she uttered, her words carrying a quiet determination that belied her petite frame.

Broken Blade's attention focused solely on his preparations, paid no further heed to her presence. With meticulous care, he wiped down his half-broken sword, each movement deliberate and methodical as he ensured that his equipment was in prime condition for the journey ahead.

With a final adjustment of his equipment, the man stood poised at the threshold of the dark cave, his silhouette a stark contrast against the backdrop of the desolate landscape. In the quiet solitude of the garbage dump, amidst the oppressive silence and looming shadows, he prepared to venture into the unknown depths.

Who are you exactly...and what purpose brings you here...

Sang Nian watched his silhouette vanish into the darkness and without further ado, she followed him with small steps.

"Wait for me, Broken Blade," she called after him.