
Chapter 92

Poppy goes to sleep half an hour later, but I can’t. I’m on Tumblr, reblogging pictures and trying to ignore all the quotes about love that come onto my dashboard. Love sucks ass to be honest.

Around four in the morning I grab my cigarette pack because I feel like I need to chain smoke until I can finally fall asleep.

It’s cold outside so I take the first jacket I find in my suitcase, which is coincidentally Niall’s. I hate that it smells of him but put it on anyway.

I’m on my third cigarette when I hear a balcony door slide open and I see Niall stepping out on his balcony. He lights his cigarette and only then does he notice me a few meters away from him.

"That’s my jacket." He observes and my nostrils flare. There’s anger building up in my stomach so I take it off and throw it at him.

He watches it land at his feet before he looks back up at me.

"What’s your problem?" he asks.