

Another day Another hell.

That's how I view it at least, with having to deal with a idiotic chicken everyday.

Today especially was a bad day Izana was being especially annoying today, I didn't know why but he had a certain shinning look in his eyes today, it gave me goosebumps ugh.

I swear if he tries something on my beautiful body I'm chopping him in half, Atleast the view from the Empire state building was nice, however this beautiful sight was ruined by guess who? Izana.

You never know how much you hate someone until you really hate them, to the point just having them be happy pisses you off.

"Izana why are you so happy?" I asked in the most disrespectful and condescending tone I could, I hated this chicken and his jolly expression.

It seemed Loki agreed with me if him glaring at Izana was any indication.

It was roughly 6 months ago that I had binded with Loki, and surprisingly Izana didn't try and kill him the moment He saw Loki.

Annoyed Izana lost his disgusting smile and went back go his bland look.

"Riser...do you want me to kill that dog by your side?" he replied with that same hissing way he always spoke.

"First of all his a snake like I know you're dumb as f**k but seriously what dog has scales?!secondly. ..Lay a finger on him and it's your heart I'm feeding Loki, I read somewhere devils have six hearts, good nutrition don't you think" I curved my mouth into a sneer with contempt i turned my head skywords, ignoring him, I looked towards the sky, It was especially cloudy for some reason.

It wouldn't be surprising or anything out of the ordinary if it was just cloudy but the weird thing about this was that, It has been like this for two weeks now.

luckily whomever did this was smart enough to place a illusion that it sunny outside for those who weren't affiliated with the supernatural.

Who had such powerful magic I didn't know nor did I care.

Snapping out of his thoughts Riser's ears seemed to pick up something behind him and a door being knocked of its hinges.

Snapping his head back he saw what he could only call the most disgusting sight, It was Izana with a twisted grin on his face who seemed especially excited.

It made me gag and want to throw up, I swer I felt my stomach whirling.

Ignoring that disgusting sight other than Izana there was another man beside him.

Unlike both me and Izana this man wasn't tan nor blond haired he was the complete opposite.

He was a tall man roughly 6.8 feet or 207 cm compared to Riser a giant, He had a lean stature but had plenty of muscle going by his biceps and arms being as big as Riser's head, He had light skin with curly sliver hair and lightning blue eyes, Riser could almost swear he could see lightning and clouds in his Eyes.

Looking at the tall giant of a man by Izana's side I almost couldn't close my eyes, It was definitely surprising, not just how big and strong this man looked, but his aura well more like his lack of.

You see in the supernatural world everyone had their own aura or characteristic that could never be replicated, Most couldn't sense this mythical phenomenon only Gods or especially powerful individuals would be able to sense aura.

This man didn't have one, None not even a ounce of aura on him, But that should be impossible every being had an aura and only Gods could bend their au-

Realization hit me like a truck, Sliver hair, lightning eyes, Lack of aura, Weird weather in NYC, Suddenly appearing in the Empire state building.

All these clues lead me to realize, the man standing in front of me, was the king of Greek Gods Zeus!

Zeus king of lightning and the king of the sky!

All of this only lead me with one question, how did Izana contact such a powerhouse and why would he show me of all people?

A burst of rumbling laughter interrupted my thoughts.

Zeus seemed to find my actions amusing or find me amusing I didn't know.

"So Izana you rubber chicken how did you get the king of gods on your side?" I asked Izana curiosity taking over my hate for him.

"Rubber chicken? HAHAHAA Izana you truly have fallen a mere child dares to disrespect you so" the man now identified as Zeus seemed to find it even more amusing, As he laughed distant thunder rumbled.

It gave Riser the chills, mere laughter from Zeus resulted in such a massive impact on the skies he could only imagine what he could do if he was angry.

Izana kept indifferent, a large difference than how he acted around Riser, Usually if riser said such a thing he would be burned at the stake.

He seemed especially indifferent to Zeus, much to the surprise of Riser, Zeus was a god something lowly beings like themselves couldn't compare to....Yet, So why did Izana act so casual and indifferent to such a mighty figure.

"Lord Zeus if you will honor us with a visit to Olympus, As per the agreement you would allay yourself with me" in an indifferent voice Izana spilled all Riser had to know to Zeus.

'So an alliance from Olympus and Izana?...No that can't be right...Izana while powerful wasn't someone the entirety of Olympus would rally themselves with...Indifferent attitude with a God....Someone an entire pantheon is willing to ally themselves with...could Izana have someone backing him?' Those thoughts repeatedly went around Riser's mind.

'Izana's ambition was always to reign as the new Lucifer...the main reason why he used and took me...Olympus is known to have not the best relationship with the devils, it wouldn't be inaccurate to say no faction would willingly ally themselves with the devil faction or a devil for that matter especially the greeks, Unless that devil had a powerful backer who also didn't like devils, and that devil only required he be in power over the devil faction or reign as Lucifer, while they themselves control the faction in the shadows is what the greeks would think'. I gave Izana a look I think I had a good grasp on this bastards plan.

Riser laughed in his heart and would've burst out laughing if it wasn't for Zeus being here, He really admired Izana from the bottom of his heart if that was his plan.

And here he thought Loki was the snake Laughable.

Izana you sly Phoenix.

Having finished with their talk, Both Zeus and Izana turned towards Riser.

"Riser come over here brat!" Indifferently Riser walked towards both of them, obviously Only Zeus can teleport in and out of Olympus without permission.

To get there only he could help and teleport all of them there.

Taking a step Riser flashed Izana a understanding smirk, he had figured out what he was planning.

Widening his eyes Izana quickly returned to his original indifferent expression, Not wanting Zeus to notice his surprise he indicated for them to be teleported out of here and into Olympus.

'This life is truly exciting Izana I'll keep you around for a few more years"