
Chapter One

I guess sometimes I'm losing? I don't know, I always see myself in an odd angel I guess? I wouldn't consider myself popularity in school nor would I consider myself a loser in life, The only thing that stood out about me was what I guessed was my mind I was smart, I had a friend I could consider a brother though I never contacted anyone outside of school I wasn't that much into social media or interacting with people in general, In my past life...yes past life I was called Adam I was tall for my age had an above average face and was kinda athletic.

I also liked reading and watching animations though I wasn't completely obsessed, or obese, or ugly, or a complete loser like so many others who were in my positions were.

I lived a good life I could say even though my parents had a premature death I got over it pretty soon, I also wrote books they didn't get much popularity though, however I did once have a Number one best seller earning me more than enough money, the book in question was called "venture into nothingness" it was a fantasy story.

Well now that you or I have a basic understanding of who I was let me tell you how I got into this whole reincarnation thingy.

At first it was a normal day rainy one though I liked the rain just didn't like getting wet, I was walking home enjoying the beauty of London, when I had in the corner of my eye seen a white blur, i didn't get to see much of what it was only that He had white hair and crystal like blue eyes he looked asian in appearance and was tall.

He seemed angry at something or someone before i could even get a word out the man's leg had already contacted my head, A resounding thud echoed through the quiet street as my head smashed into the pavement the only word I could get out before I saw black was "Samuel sano" I had run into some gang's on my way to the top, and the gang had wanted me to mess with a intrest target,Samuel sano I did and here I am in a dark void of space or whatever.

I had died at the hands or legs of Samuel snao because I was an idiot, now here I am in the dark void of space annoyed my life, I repeatedly tapped my feet frustrated and a tad bit angry that you know I'M F**ING DEAD, I claimed down and waited and waited and waited for something to happen I didn't know why I thought something would happen but eventually and thankfully something did happen.

After what felt like an hour or two a blinding white light flashed, I covered my eyes sensitive to the light after not having seen it for so long, Rubbing my eyes I looked up and gasped,there stood a handsome man with white hair and red eyes he was smirking as if plotting something, what really stuck about him were the 12 blood red wings behind him each more terrifying and beautiful than the other.

He opened his mouth first muttering something about the gate guardian finally getting off duty, He than looked at me looking kinda apologetic and also kinda not giving a f*ck about me.

"Listen kid since I ended your life so early for my own motives I'll give you 3 wishes granted I will slightly limit you but I'll do it as an apology for killing you so early, And no this isn't a fanfic it's reality so stop thinking that."

Talking in a firm and lazy voice he seemed unbothered he was giving someone wishes as if it didn't matter.

Nodding Adam seemed to understand his position,he didn't have to think much about the wishes as...well he had thought of what wishes he would want when he was child.

"For my first wish I want to be reincarnated into Dxd" It was quite self explanatory as the dxd world was relatively safe in my opinion,if a pervert like issei can survive surely he can also and also the women in that world were quite the eye candy,but that could be saved for another time.

"For my second wish I want to be reborn as a Phoenix and as Riser" This one was an odd request as most wouldn't want to be riser, he sure had massive potential but he was an asshole but Adam saw it different, As riser he could live a lazy life without much hardship have power and status, He could also be involved in the plot without changing it much, while yes he could wish for any other heir, Riser was appealing to Adam because he easily pissed people off something that he had quite the talent in and also Phoenix's were quite op,He would also like to change His approach as riser but 3 wishes was the limit (Ig riser is kinda ugly or is just me?)

"And my final wish I want my Phoenix powers to be ten times as powerful as a normal full blooded Phoenix" This one was easy Riser while strong wasn't enough to reach the top, only with an even stronger Phoenix blood limit could he reach the peak.

He nodded but also frowned a little asking Adam in a careful manner "Are you sure about these wishes?" raising an eyebrow Adam replied with a firm "yes"

Nodding but sighing to himself he warned Adam saying "Careful what you wish for careful what you change careful what you desire" Snapping his fingers he Smirked heavily.

A blinding light flashed as Adam ventured into nothingness.

Chuckling to himself the man also left in a red flash living nothingness to take over.

Brand new Fanfic on dxd I wanted to write This project might be a little long or short idk but it's going to be alot different than Mikey's other brothe