
Cold Mercenary

Life has been hard... 'I had that thought since my family started there attempts to kill me and inherit my wealth but now it doesn't seem much hard...' "Kugh!" Kael, in a body equipped with torn apart equipments of Mercenary, with a shattered sword resting in his arm, with his condition it is surprising to be alive at this point, a hole in chest, scars throughout the body and hundreds of cuts in body after years of struggle right at centre of battlefield this body was exhausted, It's obviously quite surprising to wake up in such body after closing your eyes once in last world which was quite peaceful as compared to one he was at right now, 'What an annoying situation to start with but more than anything...' Kael scoffed while drooling out blood from corner of his mouth as next second his frowny eyes fell over a dark figure with dark thunders all around its body "Who the fuck are you!? And why the hell are you in my body right now you fucker!!!!!" "What a mutual question..." Kael scoffed at question as his eyes lost their colours again before a mysterious overflow of energy took over his body and the first notification rang over the head [Congratulations on your reawakening... Devil God!]

BeautifulLie · アクション
43 Chs

Warlord's Roar

"As expected of epic-grade armor's durability, it must be something that has been passed down through generations in your family, right? You shouldn't have brought it out so carelessly. Anyway, here..."

Kael tossed the same pouch of coins that the noble guy had given him. Then, he took out another two gold coins and threw them at the noble's face, commenting, "An extra two for your emotional and physical injuries... this crazy guy thinks he can defeat anyone just because he defeated a few kids in his neighborhood."

Kael said that and returned, leaving all the onlookers stunned, watching his back as the noble seemed too ashamed to stand up and fight again.

"I will remember this, you jerk! I will see you outside when you ever enter my territory! I will destroy you! Completely and utterly destroy you!!! Damn!!!"

Kael didn't pay any attention to him and returned to his spot as the noble guy picked up his pouch and the coins and left, collecting the pieces of his destroyed armor.

"Is picking a fight with a noble really a good idea? You could have just denied his words..."

Lisa suggested, a look of worry on her face. But just then, Kael took out another pouch and started counting the gold coins inside. He commented, "If I had rejected him, we wouldn't have these 10 million paise in our hands."

"Gold coins!? But didn't you just return his pouch?"

"Well, I did return the pouch, not the gold. I even threw two gold coins from what he gave me because I felt pity, lol."

As Kael finished counting, he placed the pouch of gold between Lisa's bosom and looked forward to the next duel with an extremely evil grin on his face.

"This devil-like bastard... truly my other half!"

"You are so evil... Can I buy some new clothing sets with this?"


Kael just scoffed and started looking at the other duels with shining pupils, while Lisa's face brightened up, filled with sparkles, as she tightly gripped Kael's arm with a smug smile.

And just like that, after about an hour or two, the number of people left there had reduced to barely more than a hundred when the announcer made the final announcement.

"Last trial! You all will fight in the same field against one another all at once! Finally, one or two who stand out must be selected by the Captains or Vice Captains as per their choices! Alliances inside are allowed, and you can team up against each other! It will start in 5 minutes!!!"

As it was announced, people around immediately started to appraise each other, trying to find allies or enemies in the midst of everything.

"Hey! Would you be willing to be my partner? I'm a 5-star Wind Mage! You can rely on me to have your back in the fight ahead, and then maybe we can meet up again at night to celebrate..."

Kael's gaze fell upon the mage girl with a long, pointy, bright green hat and various support ornaments. She seemed to be showing off and trying to grab his attention. Kael responded with a cold scoff and blatantly dismissed her.

"I don't need any support from filthy individuals like you. I won't need help from a bunch of dreamers gathered here."

Kael's words drew hostile looks and hostility from those around him.

"You! You think just because you're getting some attention, you think you have everything!?"

"At least I'm getting attention and not some random pigeon trying to attach itself to a phoenix."

Kael scoffed and then took his cloak from Lisa and equipped it while signaling her to move back quietly.

Lisa nodded and silently moved back to Rin's side at a corner of the walls in the distance. Tensions were running high in the area.

"Damn! This arrogant man! This is a battle of the last man standing! You think you can fight alone after offending everyone!?"

A random man wearing knight's armor roared. Kael glanced at him, checked his grip over his axes, and stated calmly, "Either the melon falls on the axe, or the axe falls on the melon. It's always the melon that gets cut. Did you all really think I would need a team to survive this battle? Crazy folks..."

Kael scoffed, his expression cold as if he looked down on every single being gathered there. Seeing his gaze, everyone there felt extremely offended, while the Captains and Vice Captains observing frowned a bit.

"Has he already lost his mind?"

Adeline commented with a cold frown on her face as she observed Kael slowly getting surrounded by people. Brian also noticed a similar situation, and with a hint of disappointment, he muttered, "And here I thought we might work well. He's still an amateur, huh..."

After hearing these two opinions, Ethel shook his head and offered a different perspective, commenting, "He isn't immature; it could also be that you two aren't experienced enough. You both spend too much time training, and it seems like your muscles have started to eat your brain cells now..."

Ethel's words immediately offended the other two, but Travis suddenly came out in support of those words, saying, "I can't say anything about brain cells getting eaten by muscles, but this guy, Kael, is indeed quite different. He has his plans prepared."

As Travis said that, the attention of the Vice Captains shifted to Eugene and Hazel. They noticed that both Captains were tightly gripping their seats while leaning outside to look towards Kael, with wild grins plastered all over their faces.

"The other bastards will regret this day for the rest of their lives..."

"This is crazy... It's insane! Are you seeing this?!"

The two Captains had already sensed what the Vice Captains couldn't due to their shortcomings in terms of sense and experience. They were still confused, but just moments later on the ground.

"This bastard! Screw everything! Let's kick his ass first!!!"

"You crazy son of a bitch!!!"

"Melee fighters first! Mana users, support from the back!"

"Fuck around and find out!!!"

Kael heard their rage, and a grin slowly spread across his face. Meanwhile, Lucifel seemed to nod, lost in some serious thoughts.

*Fuck around and find out, it kinda has a nice ring to it.*

'Think so?'

*Well, it has a nice ring to it.*

'Guess I'll use it then.'

Kael sniggered as the next second, the announcer finally finished the countdown and shouted, "Begin!!!"

"Die, you crazy fucker!"

"Let me test my greatest skill on you today!"

"I will blast you away!"

"Attack! I'll let him see the consequences of being unsocial today!"

As soon as the match began, Kael was immediately attacked by all of them at once, but the grin on his face didn't even twitch for a moment. The next moment, he suddenly roared, creating a huge shockwave throughout the area.

"Consequences? Then just fuck around and find out today! The consequences of messing with a mountain with sticks in your hands!!!"

[Warlord's Roar has been used!]



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