
Coincidental Bond

"Flower, I promise that I will never let any harm come to you. Be it Knowingly or unknowingly. I'll always be by your side to protect you." … On a Journey to Alaska for some documentary about the wildlife reserve over there. Flower Olivia Thompson a 20 year old wildlife reporter activist and two of her colleagues who had been both anxious and enthusiastic about the Journey, met with an unfavorable situation. A life-threatening accident transpired along the way. Fortunately, Flower survived, however, so could not be uttered for her colleagues whose body parts had been brutally impaired and splitted apart. Somehow, when Flower woke up. Instead of being greeted by the coldness of the snow filled ground and a bloodstained body, or even in heaven due to the accident that transpired. She met herself in a warm, outstanding room. Soon enough, she later found out that she was saved by Anthony Rodrigo Smith—a wealthy werewolf with an unfortunate, traumatic past with excess self desire. He brought her to his mansion deep in the wildlife of Alaska where no souls other than wild animals resides. He took care of her to the extent of donating part of his own life force just to save her life without even knowing her from anywhere beforehand. Anticipation erupts when Anthony and Flower found themselves entangled in a will-they-won't-they relationship. Struggling to fit into eachothers world and trying their best in creating a safe haven for eachother. However, since their bond was a coincidence and unplanned for, it wasn't going to be easy on both of them. Read-only on web novel a life-changing love story which warms the soul with its words and melts the heart with its plots and character. Kindly leave a review, pretty please. Enjoy!

116 Chs

Rolling Spree

"Oh gosh!" she muttered. Not forgetting the fact that she was afraid of heights and anything pertaining to climbing that aren't trees.

Flower loved climbing trees very much. However, anything that are of great heights and that aren't trees, Flower wouldn't falter in declining the tempting invitation of mounting it. Flower was very good at rock climbing and trees climbing, but that would only be if she was wearing all her protective gears and if she was under perfect surpervision from people that are more good at it than her or perhaps experts. 

Even rock climbing and trees climbing wasn't something that Flower would have take her precious time in learning. She was only forced to learn it due to her job as being a wildlife reporter and activist. It was part of her trainings back then in camp with other multiple students. Tree climbing and rock climbing in the wilds were a crucial and essential part of being a professional wildlife reporter. She had aced all her tests, exams and experiments just to become a professional, certified wildlife reporter. Flower had earned uncountable badges from scouting, camping and reporting various wildlife activities. This was part of the reasons why Flower was unfathomably certain that she could survive in the wilderness of Alaska.

However she was still agitated and overly fret by various types of things—being afraid of darkness—afraid of heights—eating spiceless and tasteless animal meat—zero shelter for lodging—the glacier bone-chilling weather which was capable of freezing one's pants. Nevertheless, those are all the sacrifices which Flower had to render in return for freedom.

Flower clenched her make believe rope meticulously. She climbed up the window whilst clenching the make believe rope which was resting at the lower end of the spacious window. Flower struggled with great potential as her body was presently fidgeting in the outer part of the building.

Flower embraced the make believe rope with her legs wrapped around it and her hands cuddling it as she pivoted downwards slowly but surely. Struggling to slide downwards whilst accurately trapping the lumpy rope in her clasp.

Flower's body quivered in what could not only be ascribed as fear, but also undying dread. She cried inwardly out of overwhelming fear. Her sweats increased its amount on her forehead and her hands which appeared as though it was concealed in courage when one perceived it from afar was unspeakably merged with vibration on a closer look.

'I won't fall!'

'I won't fall!'

'I won't fall!'

Flower recited all this in her head like a nursery rhymes for kindergarteners. She snorted profusely.

Gradually and groggily, Flower perpetuate drifting down the rope. All this went on for about fifteen minutes or so. Flower was being extra careful and taking proper precautions, since she had learnt to understand from trying to commit suicide earlier that her life was essential to herself. She knew how beautiful it was to live, so currently she wasn't going to claim any arrogant move or decision that might lead her into losing her life. But she didn't mind that she was going to sustain any injuries. That didn't matter to her, as long as she doesn't die. Since every decision comes with a price.

Flower's teeth kept chattering intensely by themselves. She panted immersely and her body occasionally trembled.

She continued to cautiously shift down her make believe rope. She was now getting the hang of everything and was almost at the end of the make believe rope.

Flower felt a tiny bit of happiness manifesting themselves in her belly.

Then somehow, Flower noticed something peculiar. She sensed that the rope which she was securing with her hands were starting to loosen and becoming more encumbered with every seconds that drifted by. 

Flower panicked. Her heart palpitated more ferociously than the last time. She couldn't help but curse herself for possessing such an overbearing badluck.

It was as though the make believe rope percept that Flower was soon going to let go. Henceforth, it began to loosen itself to make Flower's task more underwhelming for her. Contrary to that, it was true, Flower would have felt reluctant about letting go of the rope and would have thought about it multiple times before finally giving in. So now, the make believe rope had lightened Flower's burden in a very more horrible way.

Before Flower could assimilate everything that was transpiring. The last end of the rope which was loosening sluggishly and which she was protecting with her trembling hands loosen up completely. 

And without a second thought, Flower found herself falling into the shallow depths of the apparently luxurious mansion which was more of a prison yard to her.

Flower screamed! "Ahh…!"

However, she painfully but promptly kept her mouth concealed. Knowing fully that the dire and most terrible part of her dreadful fall was that she couldn't roop for help. If so, then her ulterior motives will be foiled by her inability to endure.

Flower was unfathomably certain that she wasn't going to die from the fall. Since the annoying but helpful make believe rope had accommodated her enough to the part were she could embody an excruciating fall from such height.


Violently and truculently, Flower's falling ended as she landed on a platter of iced snow. Her dreadful falling ended unhappily, but at least she was alive to witness another day and live to accomplish freedom.

With that done, it didn't end there. Since her room was facing the backyard of the mansion. A hill slope was situated there, smooth and dangerous for explorers.

Immediately after the fall, Flower had landed on the hill slope and she began tumbling down the hill slope unwilling and viciously. She wasn't in control of her frail body which was violently rolling down the hill with unfathomable force and speed. 

The hill slope was a very elongated and wide one to be precised. It was filled with iced snow which made it more easier for Flower to truculently tumble down the hill.

Whilst rolling, Flower couldn't scream, neither was she in control of her body. She could only let out soft whimpering sounds, since she couldn't afford to get caught in the act after going through so much to escape.

She tried to grab unto something, notwithstanding all her efforts were all in vain. It was only when the rolling was over and when she had reached the end of the hill that the rolling will be done and dusted. Flower didn't know that such a beautiful hill which she had nonchalantly adored and admired would one day turn out to be her nemesis.

It seems as though everything in this wildlife reserve was working in favour of Anthony, while on the opposite side everything was working against Flower and causing her forlorns.

Flower bared her fingers deep into the snow in an attempt to stop herself from falling. However it only slowed down her falling rate and as seconds accelerated by, her fingers drifted away from the snow atop the hill slope. Flower's finger's ended up leaving only struggling finger marks there and her falling continued. This time it was more dire and enforced with ultimate velocity, because she was almost at the end and her body had been completely grasped by the hill slope.

Plunk! Flower collided into the welcoming and glacier embrace of the snow filled ground. She landed roughly on the ground with each part of her hands and legs segmenting into different direction like that of an octopus tentacles. Her face was plummeted into the snow, and her satchel was still firmly ensuing her back, not seeming to be fazed by the wry fall and hurtful collision.

Flower body was reinforced with severe wound openings. She groaned a sound of displeasure. Her elbows, knuckles forehead, arms et cetera, had all been amalgamated in scarlet red fresh substance—blood. She had bruises on her slightly chubby cheeks and a sprained ankle. The only question left for Flower to ask herself was 'can today get any worse than this?'. 

Her black and beautiful soft hairs were scattered all around her head and the snow filled ground which was closer to her. Of course, luck wasn't really helping Flower out the way she had anticipated. Flower hadn't even gotten too faraway from that prison yard and she had already suffered such savage and uncompromising fall. So therefore, definitely, Flower wasn't really certain about expecting so much from the journey at hand. Nonetheless, she had managed to secure an escape plan which had eventually set her free from the mansion, although it was a tough rollercoaster of disaster before being able to accomplish that. Flower still felt as though the journey ahead might deem to be a promising one, hopefully.