
coiling Dragon Fanfic: Thunder Dominion

I’ve read few coiling dragon fanfics but they never did justice to the wonderful story, I at least wanna come close to it. I’m gonna finish this fic so stay for the ride. Watch how Lucas Draper dominate the four highest planes. Just to clarify my story take place trillions of years before the main story!

Aleksic · 書籍·文学
16 Chs

Primal Fiend!

The escort mission is about to escort a merchant to Redbud continent, he hired two

5-star fiends another two 4-star fiends and ten 3-star fiends. The designated meeting place was in a three story building, there everyone gathered. The man that hired us stepped forward " Everyone I'm Videl and I wanted to say thank you for accompanying me to Redbud continent" one of the 5-star fiend named laughed and said "Well me and my brother was going travel to Redbud continent anyway, we might as well hitchhike haha" "Alright then let's take our places in the metallic creature, there are plenty of room so just choose one" Videl said and then he took a metallic creature and everyone went in. I choose a room for myself and started to comprehend the mysteries, trying to fuse the fourth mystery with the rest. But just a day later I heard a "boom" and the metallic was severed in half. There were only me and the two brothers alive everyone else including the merchant that hired us was dead.

I started to comprehend the situation, in my field of vision I saw three people, the two brothers that was with me in the escort mission and a man with an eye in his forehead standing few hundreds of meters from me in mid air. The man waved his sword and to invisible attacks cut through the air and the two brothers fell from the air and died.

Afterwards the man turned to me and started to speak " Killing a junior in my clan and then get away with it? Such beautiful world does not exist" killing a junior in his clan, an eye in his forehead. Instantly the pieces fell into place 'Reizon' a 7-star fiend! I took a deep breath and said a bit sarcastically "So instead of the father and the grandfather the patriarch himself choose to take action" Reizon looked at me then said " Well at least now you know who killed you, in your next life try not to kill somebody important yes? Now die! " with that Reizon slashed his sword. 'Good timing old fossil, let's see how my domain fair against a 7-star.' Lucas thought

As Reizon was happily thinking how he would have the Heaven and earth wonder in his hand soon, the world fell into darkness. The world around him turned into dark red world then a sudden pressure apears alongside with thousands of red lightning raining down on him

Reizon felt really uncomfortable, he was constantly taking beating left, right,up and down. Lightning struck everywhere and he couldn't make rational decisions because of the immense pressure his soul was enduring

A spear came thrusting aiming at his skull, he desperately trying to defend with his sword, then all of a sudden another came from rear without any notice. "Booom" his left side was completely obliterated. Reizon was completely frightened "you're an Ashura?, Senior I beg for forgiveness" Reizon roared! He really miscalculated, if he ever survives this ordeal he'll probably slaughter his whole clan, They brought him noting but trouble. Lucas appeared few tens of meters from him and said " sadly there are no pills for regret" and thrusted his spear again. " Senior please I'll be your slave" Reizon roared once again. " Nah you're too weak to be any of use to me" Lucas then penetrated Reizon skull. Reizon was so mad with anger and grief and it wasn't towards his killer Lucas. No it was towards Xing and his father! The only thoughts before he died was to to kill them!

Lucas retracted his domain and took Reizons ring and dropped a little bit of his blood on it, surprisingly it responded and opened.

Hmm so this guy doesn't have any other God clones. This Reizon is truly wealthy there's at least a few trillions of ink stones here. Indeed 7-stars are all wealthy people. And My ride is now gone sigh… well at least Reizon has a fast ship so its just convenient.

Lucas sensed many people in the vicinity, but he didn't care. His plan was now to travel using his own metallic ship all the way to Redbud continent.

After Lucas left the battlefield many people started to gather together to discuss the event. "Heey Marco tell me you got everything on film?" "Of course Grey this clip will earn us millions of Inkstone, but this guy is insanely strong he killed Reizon a 7-star fiend with just few strikes and that domain like thing. It was so horrifying that I could feel the endless killing intent from here, he is scary! I wonder who he is hmm? Marco replied " let's hurry and go to the fiend castle sell this water film" the two went straight to the fiend castle and sold it. Lucas became famous overnight. And the name he got was 'Primal fiend' because because anything his domain touches turns into atoms.

While Lucas was traveling a person arrived in thunder plane and went straight to Hurley family. He came to a castle where to two guards where guarding. They didn't stop him, he came to a hall infront of a man who was sitting in a throne. The man was the Hurlei family's Patriach 'Endrick' " the man said "Patriach here's the clip of Lucas slaying the 7-star fiend Reizon" the man handed over a water clip. " You can leave Mero" Endrick said and started to look at the video, after a while his calm face turned into shock pure shock!

"How can a person less than five thousand years old have this strength. According to the intel his lightning clone haven't broken through to High god and he is still trying to fuse the mysteries together and has already managed to fuse three mysteries, don't tell me he is aiming to become a Paragon?" Endrick was again shocked of Lucas goal' " he's bold!" And then left on the spot. He came to an mountain where thunder rang endlessly. In a black castle floating amidst the thunder clouds. A man with short brown hair was sitting on a stone deis and drinking in silence, all of sudden said "Come in" then Endrick walked in the room and bowed slightly and said "Greetings father"

The man Endrick called father was the Chief sovereign of thunder Hurlei.

"Endrick what brings you here? Come and sit" Hurlei said and Endrick sat down and then starting to recount everything about Lucas.

"Hmm less than five thousands years old and can already kill 7-star fiend in few strikes, and he is from Ceres plane? Interesting really interesting. Except for me there has never been any strong person from my home plane Ceres. Lucas is the only one" indeed Lucas was actually from the same material plane as the Chief sovereign Hurlei and because of that Hurlei feels some kind of connection to this junior of his and also because of his strength and potential, if he was weak he wouldn't even glance at him.

Hurlei stood up and patted his robe and then sat back down then said "Alright where is he now?"

"He is flying through starmist sea father and by his trajectory he is heading towards Redbud continent" Endrick replied. " You did good Endrick you can retreat now" and then Endrick left

Hurlei was sitting there alone and smiling, he was truly happy. He has found a good Envoy and not just any Envoy, one from his material plane. So he stood up and me made a rift in the space and entered. He was flying through the void and his destination was Infernal Realm.

It's been four hundred years since he killed Reizon and after he killed him, he quickly went and killed the rest of his clan alongside with the second 7-star fiend. After that slaughter spree Lucas name resounded throughout Infernal realm. He wasn't a celebrity but he was famous nonetheless and was called the Primal fiend! a suspected Ashura and some even believed that he was a genuine Ashura with him killing two 7-star fiends after another

Flying through the Starmist can be dangerous but that only applies to the weak. The truly strong doesn't really care if there's an army against them they'll just ram them through. Lucas faced few bandits army of hundreds and sometimes thousands, well for him he actually preferred high numbers enemies. He just needed to open domain and not a single would escape

While flying he came across a thunder storm. This place was called Thunder sea area. Intel said that lightning has been raining since the immemorial. When he arrived he couldn't help but fall in trance like state. Lightning is truly beautiful! it comes in all shape and colors truly magnificent. For him Thunder was the king and everything else in the world was beneath it, because if angered it punishes. From bottom of his heart Lucas found the lightning magnificent and regal. This trance like state lasted for three months. While Lucas was having a epiphany many reckless people tried to actually kill him but every time an invisible attack would strike and kill them. Nothing within ten thousand kilometers around Lucas could pass through.

Hurlei was standing in midair and watched how Lucas finally fused four mysteries perfectly together like a chain. " He is truly talented and maybe has a chance of reaching paragon realm albeit small nonetheless a chance. He hasn't reached paragon state so he knows how difficult it truly is.

Lucas opened his eyes and looked around. This lightning wonder is truly a blessing, it can really help me comprehend the thunder mysteries and it strengthens my soul. With a stronger soul it becomes easier to actually comprehend the mysteries because you are more attuned to them, Blessing indeed! Now I've fused four mysteries together my goal is to at least find a meeting point between five mysteries, only then will I break through to high god. My fused divine power don't matter much any more when it comes to strength it only gives me the strength of a entry level 7-star. But it is detrimental to my body tempering skil, with both of my god clones as high gods with the tempering of two different divine power I can get the body of high god artifact by then most Ashuras won't be my opponent.

Lucas then continued his journey.