
Coded Tactics

"Hello? Code 4670, F Department, Division 16 please come in right away.", the personnel dialed the room to summon the person — the place seems like an abandoned one. No one responds and the personnel hangs up already. The rumored man who lives but doesn't have the presence of a living person; Code 4670.

quantummemoire · アクション
5 Chs

Chapter 3 - Inevitability of Fate

[ Character 4670 scene departure. ]

[ The character is ready to be departed. ]

When I felt I finally have custody to command my body, I tried to move my fingers and attempt to lift it and blink at least three times. It felt real but something was off I could only stay in this position where I am standing right now.

A screen flashed in front of me like in a VR Game but I could maneuver the cursors here.

[ A total of six scenarios were presented. Your destination is determined by the sequence. If you wish to proceed with the truth in near future, you must understand the characters clearly. ]

Truth be told, I had no single inch of interest in foreseeing the future. I prefer it to be completely a mystery. Whether I'll die the next day or a second is much nice, but a sum of people wanted this ability; simply because of regrets.

Regrets are just an excuse, and this excuse continues to crawl up and sank into our souls that left only the sense of emptiness and seeking the piece to fill the deprivation in the end.

We just couldn't accept that we are all cowards if we're being forgotten without experiencing our life to the fullest. But you will somehow wonder if you truly live your life to the fullest or live just simply aimlessly. The answer is neither simple, to begin with; you live your life to the fullest but failed to find the purpose, that purpose isn't something that is direct by the supreme beings to make you do it.

They just sit and watch you while creating your own purpose.

It's not the range of achievement in your life, or how you live your life. It's the way you spent your life.

If every day just felt like a cycle, then you are simply living, how do you want your life? Perhaps you prefer it like a rollercoaster or a tidal wave.

If you felt like you are just existing and everything just doesn't make sense anymore, that you are too worn to deal to make sense, that you just felt to lay down and wait for the moment you die. Aren't you living your life to the fullest?

Well, this is something complicated, we are all distinct in what we think the word 'life' is about since all of us had different 'lives', and the way we felt in our 'life'.

You live to the fullest while doing nothing, achieving nothing even if someone perceives you as something 'disgrace' for failing to have a contribution which is not required but a structured way of life they just simply created on their own so that they can call themselves 'worthy'.

Not just because everybody is into it doesn't mean you should be too.

You live your life to the fullest until the very end since you do what you please.

You like to lie down every time, you even think about the day you'll die. I think that's worth enough since when that time arrives, you are simply aware and you decided to choose it for yourself.

But if you are on a deathbed and said 'I should've just walked into the park one last time...', it is still possible. It might be a regret but isn't necessarily a regret.

Regret requires an agonizing feeling but if you thought about that happily it was just a longing. They are two different things...

Well, these are just some of the bottled thoughts I kept since I have no one to open up to and was completely isolated from the outside world.

Everything in this world is complicated no matter how hard you try to discern it.

[ Character departed at Scene 1,

Task: Observe the possible motives after scene 1 had finished presenting.

System Alert: You are prohibited to leave unless you finish the six scenarios.

Time Limit: 6 hours. You are given 30 minutes to watch and observe. Another 30 minutes to sum up the answer you'd concluded.

After that, kindly enter your answer on the keyboard presented in front of you. ]

I was taken aback by all of these circumstances presented to me. Would the scenarios will really occur in the future? I am quite uncertain and I didn't know what is the robotic monotone voice I heard inside my head. It couldn't be that I had schizophrenia right? I am pretty aware of myself, but I can't trust myself also.

I should just get along and agree on the terms. since this isn't really the reality. Not in between of past, present, and future, something more distinct and inconceivable about that.

After that, I take a glance at the surrounding. I was able to move and observe what is happening.

While in the garden, I decided to stroll, I saw a courtroom held in a trial. I eavesdrop and heard the conversation by resting my ears on the front door of the courtroom.

A bunch of people clamor and the victim persistently states that he didn't do it. He's not the one who kills them.

Suddenly, a message pops up on the screen.

[ Scenario 1 — The Court Hearing.

Date held: November 6 ]

If I remember correctly, the date I suddenly lose consciousness was October 27.

A person suddenly take a turn and I suddenly faced it, but it seems unfazed, it was like... I am really an apparition. But the footsteps of it are strangely serene.

The purpose of this scenario was I could freely and easily go anywhere unscathed. Perhaps it isn't as terrible as I thought. This was rather a fascinating bargain in exchange for my body being unconscious currently.

The first route I decided to go was at this trial. I entered the wooden door and gradually step inside and try to fit my body with the door as half-closed inches as possible.

Since I am in an apparition state, it is stated that they were unable to see me. I could only listen but shouldn't interfere. It doesn't state that I couldn't touch anything and would pass the door like Casper. So the thing I touch would also move like I was some sort of a poltergeist. Wouldn't that creep them out? But the scenario would strongly remain as it is since 'nothing can be changed in the future', I think that statement a while ago is bullshit. So what would be the purpose of bringing me all the way here if it's just simply elucidating the future? Did they think this is some sort of a show?

But the ulterior motive remains concealed. It's better to stay here and understand things clearly so that I could avoid the worst case that could occur.

When I realize it, I decided to open the door widely, and slammed it, as I thought. No one notices it, they are too busy arguing.

"Ah!", I saw a familiar face in the court. It was Jaden and William whose peacefully sitting and watching the abducted man.

"I am not the one who did it! T-they framed me! I told you so!! You would regret this.", the man was struggling with his hands tied by the handcuffs and wearing a juvenile outfit.

The two young men were stern as if it didn't bother them an inch and was confident they escape from being one of the suspects in this early case.

The judge slams the gavel from the mallet concluding that the man was charged guilty. The panel failed to provide evidence about the alleged remarks of them, therefore, they were not the ones who really did the deed.

The man who has been charged and sentenced to jail for committing homicide was screaming that his voice became hoarse, the case was an epitome of a mess, those piercing shouts, those alibis, and the overwhelming negative emotion connotation has a great impact on the ambiance.

The man kept saying about his wife and his child. He can't do that kind of unjustified thing since he himself was a parent and he had a child.

In handling criminal cases, it wouldn't reach the conclusion unless you provide firm evidence. In the law, reliable evidence solves everything. It's a reference to make a judgment that enables us to contradict further things.

The pleading was all futile and just a waste of energy, it should've been known from the very beginning. But I still didn't know if he was guilty or not.

I am not here from the very beginning of the trial and arrive rather too late to witness these things.

[System. Would it be possible to rewind the scenes up to the beginning? Would you adjust the speed to 2x before playing it?] I talk to the voice that echoes inside my head.

[ Request Character 4670... Request failed. We apologize but once the scenario starts only the scene you'd encountered would be taken into the data, hence, it has been set that this is your range to foresee the events in the future.]

[ Ohh.... ]

Well, it actually doesn't matter...

But, if it's proven to be possible that I can manipulate the materials, does that mean the thing that I had touched would leave an imprint that would recognize that I once touch the belongings? I would think it is impossible since I am an apparition but still...

[ You are a soul wandering. Worry not about the details. ]

The voice suddenly spoke, certainly, it could read my mind. This lessen the endeavors I needed to put in since I am at no need to speak.

This would end rather... smoothly than I had guessed.