

Dylan a cool bartender watches his closet friend gets killed, seeking for his friend's killer in the cause of avenge, which attracts more gangsters in pursuit for his life. Things gets more complicated when he finds out about a code embedded inside of him by his father when he was 12. Which belongs to the M.T.I.secret agency, his late mom worked for, this code is known as the XV. A weapon designed to destroy mankind.

maura_writesy · アクション
14 Chs


Dylan slid one hand up along her thigh,she had this sensational feeling as her eyes closed. Having a possible imaginery of how badly she wanted him.

Alexa withheld her breathe as he ran his finger across, and further down into her clitoris. He made her all wet and horny, she wanted all, the touchiness of his warm hands, his thrusting.

He paused for a second, pulling back. Opening her eyes, she felt upset and at same guilty. Alexa wondered why he done that, fully willed to give herself away and he rejected. Still he saw the expression on her face.

"I am sorry."

He apologized, she remembered she has approached him with a kiss that lust for more, but that moment has been interrupted by his sudden refusal.

Alexa made her way to the door, was it her being selfish? He needed space to adapt to the ugly incidents that has occurred.

The door creaked, she was gone.

He was in an emotional denial state, he looked at the frame. Dylan wondered how he was? His father, who hasn't been in touch with for the past 9 years. He strides over to the frame.

Dylan grasped up the frame, he spotted a reflection, a shadow through the window. He went over to the window, he barely saw the face of the guy in black hoodie but he saw his murderous gaze. He leaned against the one of the alder's. For a while he watched before leaving. Dylan sees him as he leaves.

Now, he was a target. He had this feeling of the guy who had left having a connection with the gambler . The one who had killed Cole.

A week has passed without the arrest of Cole's killer who suddenly had absconded. He was never seen nor any useful information regarding him.

He stood in distance from everyone who paid their tribute in front of the gravestone, inscribed with the details of Cole Houston, date of birth and death.

He could see her, she was the last remaining. Her eyes glaring at the gravestone, he walked up to her. By her side, he stood.

"My brother was a lover, he loved his bar so much." Her eyes tear filled, pulling her close to him. Rosie whimpered, his eyes looking straight at the cemetery gate. Dylan saw the same guy from a week ago. This suspicious stalking had stopped a week before. Not until now, the guy in the same hoodie.

"I will be right back."

Rosie nodded, he left. Trailing after his stalker. Dylan still caught sight of him and the stalker steps has increased immediately.

His stalker diverted, into the treed areas he went which was composed of elm trees, arizona cypress, ficus and pine trees.

Dylan cusses under his breathe as his stalker made the situation vexed, realizing he was far from his reach suddenly.

He stopped at some point, as point of failure. He headed back to his motorcycle after he had bade farewell to Rosie.

Dylan knew for sure his stalker would be back, as he needed to be prepared. His plans changed, first he was to get the stalker, find Cole's killer.

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