

Dylan a cool bartender watches his closet friend gets killed, seeking for his friend's killer in the cause of avenge, which attracts more gangsters in pursuit for his life. Things gets more complicated when he finds out about a code embedded inside of him by his father when he was 12. Which belongs to the M.T.I.secret agency, his late mom worked for, this code is known as the XV. A weapon designed to destroy mankind.

maura_writesy · アクション
14 Chs


At 41 Archer Time,Dylan halts in front of a small medieval armour shop, his car screeches. The retro sign board hung loosely at the left, there were few parked cars at the other side.

He gandered his eyes carefully side to side, he walks with long strides towards the mild steel sheet doors.

Dylan unlatches the door, walks in to a small sized pub, a stereo playing. A sidestream smoke from an alshan exclusive wooden smoking pipe, the old man he could see seated at the side exchanged glances with him.

Yet again, some tarot card player's at the other end enjoying every bit of the game. A lone man drinking all by himself at the other side.

"Hola my friend, I thought I did never see you."

"Here I am."

"This ain't good. You're here cuz you are gonna take down some motherfuckers."

"It's been 6 months."

"A year, Dylan. No calls, no texts and you want some Holy mamasita."

" Look, are you helping me or not?"

" What if I refuse, my friend?"

"I figure out somewhere else."

"You see all these men they pay, a real good dinero. And you come empty handed, no with pride."

"I'm sorry, please I need your help."

Luis winks at him, dropping off the glass. He walks further, there was a door at the end. Dylan follows suit, taking the stairs.

"This you gonna love, my friend."

Both ends in front of a rolling steel shutter door, Luis lifts the cover, pulls it away from the wall.

There was the eight tier mounted sword rack at two sides consisting of different swords, Dylan eye's observed and picked.

From the scimitars, tadwars, to the arming swords, long swords and katanas. The katanas caught his attention more.

" Impressed?"

"I have got just the right ones I need."

Dylan takes out the two katanas, unsheathes them. Few slashing of the swords, He sheaths the swords.

" Your technique's are still intact, take them since they meet your taste."

Luis offers, with a nod of appreciation. Dylan makes his way out of the medieval armour shop,his work was done there.

The squeaking noise of the steering wheel, he drove off. Dylan arrived at the bar, he encounters the glowering face of Rosie .

"I think Cole made a mistake choosing you."

"Okay, okay. I know I haven't been around lately but."

"There are no buts Dylan, look around you. How many customers are here?"

"Well, the day is just getting started."

" You take nothing serious. Do you?"

"You are wrong, Miss Houston. I take everything serious."

Dylan turns to leave, were they going to continue arguing, they haven't been that close while Cole was alive. He knew she hated him for the best reasons known to her.

"You come in, you go out. Do you think it's easy?"

He stops walking, his eyes looking intently at her.

"Okay, you need to hire. Do as you please Miss Houston."

Dylan walks out of the bar chafed, he hits the road once more. Heading for his apartment, he had called on the home services. His apartment was under maintenance, entering his apartment. Every single thing was under repair or replaced. A sudden knock came at the door.

He opens to find Alexa smiling, gesturing her in. Alexa noticed the sudden changes, nevertheless asked.

" What happened in here?"

" I ah.. So there were some rodents I kept chasing around, you know littering as you can see."

Alexa giggles

"Okay, well you could rid of them the easiest way."

"Yeah, you're right."

" About the family gathering, my family gathering. I'm sorry you had to witness all that..."

" I didn't see anything, how about we take a troll right now?"

" That's absolutely great."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

maura_writesycreators' thoughts