

Dylan a cool bartender watches his closet friend gets killed, seeking for his friend's killer in the cause of avenge, which attracts more gangsters in pursuit for his life. Things gets more complicated when he finds out about a code embedded inside of him by his father when he was 12. Which belongs to the M.T.I.secret agency, his late mom worked for, this code is known as the XV. A weapon designed to destroy mankind.

maura_writesy · アクション
14 Chs


After that spontaneous night with Alexa, which has been on Dylan's mind. It reminded him he has won her over. He was definitely proud.

Dylan stood in front of the counter, waiting for his cup of latte. His eyes narrowed to the upholstered chairs around the bay windows, he saw a familiar face. The figure got his stare, hiding his face with an opened magazine.

Dylan had noticed the unmarked vehicle parked outside, easily recognized by municipal plates. Clusters of antennas and dark tinted windows.

Dylan walks over to him, takes his seat on one of the vacant chair's opposite.

"Detective Mark Crownwell."

He drops the magazine on the table, tints his eyes to the seated Dylan who gave him the same look.

"We meet again, well there's a fight yesterday at the shopping mall as reported."

"None was hurt right?"

Detective Mark Crownwell knew this strategy he was about to use to divert the main topic of discussion.

"Well, only the one you took down was hurt. Well we grabbed hold of him but he's not letting out a word."

"I did never..."

" You did never? Well I guess this face right here has a striking resemblance with you. Mr Rolex."

Detective Mark Crownwell tapped on an image icon, it displays a footage of Dylan and the masked guy he fought off yesterday, which he shows to him.

"That's me, now I can't deny the fact. Can I?"

"You got a good self defense but I say, what's your connection in all this, something doesn't add up."

"I told you I really don't know what he wants, this a life threat."

"I can see that, if you get stalked or attacked. Dial on this."

Detective Mark Crownwell handles his card number over to Dylan before leaving.

Dylan walks down to the bar, which has been sealed for over 2 weeks. But it wasn't as part of it has been unsealed, he raised up his suspicious or worst burglary?

He took a piece of wood, apted for an attack, he twisted the door knob, the door creaks. As it swung open only to find Rosie staring at space.

Rosie turned to him on noticing a sudden entrance.

"I needed time alone, you worked with him. How's it like?"

Dylan took a peek at her as she pulled out one of the backless bar stools at the L shaped bar counter. He walked into the counter, in front of her he stood.

He takes a bottle of tequila from the wall mounted shelves behind, presenting before her with 2 copita shaped glasses.

Dylan poured some quantity for them both,she takes up her glass. Gulping the content.

"Well, he so much loved the bar. Yet one couldn't tell the actual owner."

Rosie let out of a smile, she handles him the folder which contained Cole's will.

"My brother wanted you to have this, He believes you are the best person for this, as much as I don't want this..."

"Would you help?"

"I will but I feel so unease that he's gone and his killer is still out there." Rosie talked profoundly, she tried as much not to tear up, dabs the teardrop off her eyelids.

"I don't know why it's hard to track him down but I will find him. Cole's gonna get justice."

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