

Dylan a cool bartender watches his closet friend gets killed, seeking for his friend's killer in the cause of avenge, which attracts more gangsters in pursuit for his life. Things gets more complicated when he finds out about a code embedded inside of him by his father when he was 12. Which belongs to the M.T.I.secret agency, his late mom worked for, this code is known as the XV. A weapon designed to destroy mankind.

maura_writesy · アクション
14 Chs


Dylan arrived late at his apartment he enters the dark room, switching on the lights. Luckily he got some groceries hereby on his way.

It was 8:15pm, and this was a home cooked meal on his first try. Not just any meal but a romantic one, he had to try his best, setting out to work. Dropping off the grocery on the stainless steel countertop.

Yes, the meat griller! Good he didn't dispose of that too, he wore his apron. Washing his hands clean. With everything moments of cooking, from the cooking tutorial, the instructions he read on his iPad. The writer was ideological, detailing every cooking steps to more understandable knowledge.

Dylan carefully sets the table with some grilled steak with parsley-parmesan salad, pork shoulder cutlets with fennel and asparagus salad.

He added the one pot lemon garlic shrimp pasta and a one pot beef with broccoli. Incomplete, he puts on the candlelight. With this, there's no spectacle on earth more appealing to the eyes than this romantic atmosphere. A knock on the door informed him Alexa's there.

Dylan opens to see the intriguing view of her in her finest, wearing a crepe red dinner dress with her light makeup on. Alexa surely looked extravagant, with a charming smile on her face.

Alexa, after being ushered in, sets her eyes on the dinner table. She was in awe in so much effort he had put in.

"Let's just say I'm impressed"

Her smiles widened.

"Well, I'm glad you're. And I have to get rid of this" Dylan refers to the apron he still had on.

"No, I think it suit's you."

"Hmm, I caught a flirt, you look ravishing Miss Adamson."

"Who's the flirt now, thank you."

"You are welcome."

He pulls out a chair for her to seat, Alexa was about trying out the grilled steak, when he stops her.

"Not yet, Miss Adamson. A dinner 's incomplete without a bottle of wine.

"You are right."

And Dylan brought out a bottle of cabernet sauvignon, a french red wine.

"What do you think?"

"I say you pop and pour."

Both chuckles, Alexa tasted the lemon garlic shrimp pasta, it felt so good. She admitted with her face expression.

Dylan pours himself a glass, he sniffed, savors and swirls the wine in the glass to see it's viscosity as well as to appreciate the aromas.

"You are a good cook I did say."

"Not a pro."

"Well, your dish is just so good."

Dylan stood, goes for the disc player, he plays a song right for that moment.

"We will be doing that."

Dylan nodded, signaling her to join him for a dance. Alexa stands from her seat, walks towards where he stood, waiting. In his arms she enclosed, her hands wrapped around his neck.

"You sate me in every way, Alexa."

Their first dance steps was more stately elegant and beautiful, as they continued. Changing dance steps, eye to eye, every moment counted and reflected their emotions.

"You dance beautifully." He whispered, his hand resting lightly on her waist.

She looked up at him, her eyes sparling. "You're not bad yourself." They changed few more steps, lost in the rhythm of the music.

Dylan's hands slipped down the smooth curve of her sides to rest on her lips as he drew her in.

Her heart was beating wildly, she could only take little sips of breath.

Neither of them noticed the snowflakes melting like tears in their burning skin.

His face bent down into hers in slow motion, like a dream, blurred and then disappeared as she felt his hot mouth close over her's.

Their tongue interwines, with this sudden outburst of pleasure, every sensation running down their spine.

Into the night, she whispered his name as beads of tension and pleasure gripped one body on top the other.

Clutching the night till dawn, the sheets unfurled as clouds of hued whimsical delights fashioned in her brow, many gentle tints of relax.

Her hands draped on to the chest of where she felt the pleasure moist of her lips to his.

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