

Dylan a cool bartender watches his closet friend gets killed, seeking for his friend's killer in the cause of avenge, which attracts more gangsters in pursuit for his life. Things gets more complicated when he finds out about a code embedded inside of him by his father when he was 12. Which belongs to the M.T.I.secret agency, his late mom worked for, this code is known as the XV. A weapon designed to destroy mankind.

maura_writesy · アクション
14 Chs


Clink ..Clink... were the sounds the cutleries made with the plates as little conversations flowed around the dining atmosphere.

"So you are the guy who's swept my daughter off her feet?. Mrs Adamson uttered being the first to break the sudden silence.

"A lucky charm, boy." The old Mr Adamson puts in as he dabs his lips with the square folded napkins.

"When is the wedding bells? Obviously speaking Tracey just got engaged last weekend."

Hannah gloated out, snd it certainly didn't go down well with Alexa. Who wore a frown on her face, she was the eldest. And then came this baffled silence of confusion.

"Congratulations Tracey, last time I checked Alfred had suffered some bankruptcy some months ago. Mom called, telling me all about it."

Tracey felt embarrassed, Mrs Adamson's gives Alexa the stern look.

"What? Don't look at me, I'm saying because I want the best for her. My little sis."

The awkwardness and the family arguments all made Dylan unease. He shouldn't be interfering into such cases, he left before the diner was over.

Walking along the pedestrian lane, Rosie has put a call to him a minute ago about the day's on and off from work. He planned this schedule with her, the bar opens thrice in a week.

Yet another call, the caller was Lannort.


"I have got some hint on him, his name's Mark Mclean."

"Know about his location, just forward it."

"He'll be at R&R tonight."

"Copy that."

Dylan hungs up the call, he was in front of brownstone building, his apartment. He walked up the stairs close to Old Josh Washington, on his black sweater vest and his favorite ascot cap he wore everyday.

"Some guy's came around, I don't really know for sure but I certainly do know trouble when I see it."

Dylan tossed a coin at him which he caught in agility.

He takes the elevator, which has been fixed. Luckily it saved him the trouble of using the staircase repeatedly.

In a brute force, he swungs the door open to see his apartment in disorder. They had encroached into his space.

He took time to observe if anything was stolen but nothing has been stolen from his study.

Dylan takes out his car keys which he hardly drives from under his carpet.

"Let's go pay someone a visit."

He unwraps his peugeot 307, parked at the garage for quite some time.

"As good as new."

Dylan opens his car door, gets in. He gears the engine

Vroom vroom vroom

It made the sound of an revving engine, slowly and steadily, He reversed. On a downtown thoroughfare, Dylan sails into busy traffic. The main reason he doesn't make use of the car, he checks the outside mirror. He discerns baneful stares of some gangster's behind him. Both wearing rimless sunglasses.

The track blasting on the car stereo, building in speed and energy. Despite the velocity of the getaway, Dylan remains calm at the wheel, weaving through traffic like an android.

The other gangster's lay low in their seats, shrug out of the their business attire. They trade looks as Dylan swerves.

WOOP WOOP, One BLACK & WHITE cruises screams the opposite way, it zooms past, then makes a 180 behind them.

Dylan again, sees the Black & White BEHIND. Alight turns red AHEAD. They weren't giving up on this chase.

Dylan FLOORS it through the stop light, Other drivers break hard around him. Cars crush, rear end in time with kick drum hits.

The Black & White flies through the intersection gaining. Dylan nears 70 mph, the track building with cracking snares.Tge lone Black &White still dogs behind. Sirens wailing.

Dylan HITS 70 mph, then 80. Comes up to an interception. Eases off, makes a hard right at the last second into...

A side street. Loses the Black & White, Dylan TEARS down the narrow street, dodges dumpsters. He heads straight for 41 Archer Rime.

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