

Dylan a cool bartender watches his closet friend gets killed, seeking for his friend's killer in the cause of avenge, which attracts more gangsters in pursuit for his life. Things gets more complicated when he finds out about a code embedded inside of him by his father when he was 12. Which belongs to the M.T.I.secret agency, his late mom worked for, this code is known as the XV. A weapon designed to destroy mankind.

maura_writesy · アクション
14 Chs


Rosie stood in front of the apartment, she had doubts of moving further. She walked up the staircase. Seeing the room number, unlatches the door. She could still see the piled box.

It contained of Cole's belongings,it felt all wasn't real, his sudden demise changed everything. As long as she kept this close relationship with him.

Rosie walked over to the shelves, she found a brown folder on the fixed-bracket shelves, took hold of the folder. It was a context of Cole's will . Reading through, she finds out his bar has been willed to Dylan Rolex.

Rosie wondered why her brother would entrust him with the bar, but yet she knew Cole has discussed about writing his will a month ago. Still trying to fantom why Dylan, no hate on him but it felt odd to her.

She dipped her fingers into the folder, getting a written letter. Rosie thought the will was the only thing she would find, it read thus...

... I know you feel I didn't make the right decision but Dylan is the best person I could trust with the bar. He needs your assistance.


Why does she has to come into his business affairs, she questions herself.

Walking through the revolving door, the bill counter beeps displaying a queue. Customer's who were done with shopping, stood on line for payment. Everyone holding to their regular shopping baskets with handles.

Dylan caught sight of the double decker shopping carts, reminding himself,he would be needing a whole lot for the dinner date and his personal use.

It's been a while he visited the shopping mall, trolling the double decker shopping cart in search of recipes and groceries.

He walked in between the reach shelves, firstly he needed some dairy's and veggies. Dylan clapped his eyes at some brown swiss and guernsey's. He picked one out, observing what he had in his hands. This would be good,he thought so. He added the item into the cart.

Dylan lowers his head, spotting a masked person's gaze at him, he looked but he turns his eyes away suddenly. Realizing again there were few shoppers around him.

He took the first few steps, he noticed the masked guy followed his every steps, it would have been a perfect time for him to escape than create a scene, he thought. Both got to the edge of the reach sleeves, the masked guy flashed out a boning knife at him, Dylan guessed and bet on that he was the same guy who been stalking him for quite some time.

"Whoa!!what you're holding,you know it's dangerous right?"

Slashing the boning knife at him yet warned but ignorant, Dylan slithered to the left side.A slightest escape from the slit, he sworn into action. First, ensure his own safety. Secondly, unveil the face behind the mask. Those were his motives.

Dylan aimed for the weapon at that course, his raises his left leg vertically as high as he could, bringing down his leg against the hand of the masked guy, his weapon tumbles to the ground.

Dylan yet again makes use of his right leg, he raised his leg to the side, extends his leg outwards in a straight line against the masked guy's face. He plunges to the ground after such frictional kick.

He looked behind to see if there were any watcher's, he saw her. Rosie, as she had watched in agitation.

"He's unconscious, probably sick?"

Dylan walked further to the unconscious masked guy,he was about unraveling his identity when he heard the sounds of the siren. He could only walk away without further scene.

"Is he after you cuz of Cole?"

He stopped when he heard her question, she was right. Perhaps he was the next target.

"Talk to you later, Miss Houston."

Dylan walks away through the other exit door.

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