

Dylan a cool bartender watches his closet friend gets killed, seeking for his friend's killer in the cause of avenge, which attracts more gangsters in pursuit for his life. Things gets more complicated when he finds out about a code embedded inside of him by his father when he was 12. Which belongs to the M.T.I.secret agency, his late mom worked for, this code is known as the XV. A weapon designed to destroy mankind.

maura_writesy · アクション
14 Chs


The ambulance had arrived, the stiffened body has been taken out. It all channeled to cold Dylan who was still in shock, he sat upright looking straight at nothing. Being questioned by one of the cop's.

He remained mute, the clicks of the cameras were the only the thing he could hear, he stood, making his way home, the raindrops poured down to his face. Having learnt his motorcycle has been tempered with.

Into the bath tub, he went, sunked into the water as the blood stains were seen on the surface. At that moment, Cole's body has been moved into the theater. The lights centered on his face, his body has become more stiffened. It only described the blood has dried up.

Dylan remained in the bathtub, holding his breathe. As Cole's body was being surrounded by the forensic psychologists, there was an abscission around his head, the first opening, an act of taking out the bullet. Dylan's memory was flashing back to what occured some minutes ago, he stays still in the water. Making use of the screw type bullet extractor, it was placed in the wound and the screw lengthened to pierce the bullet in removing it.

The water bubbled, Dylan sat upright. The bullet was dropped on the pan. He took off his towel from the hook, he wrapped it around his his waistline, coming out of the bathroom. Came a knock on the door, he certainly wasn't expecting anyone. Dylan became alarmed, his first sight was on a batten, having fixed some damaged chairs, and his kitchen shelf, he took it up. Glaring at the door, his right hand on the batten, his left on the door knob. He opened the door, willing to attack when he caught sight of Alexa. His long time crush and still .

Having this feeling of embarrassment, he lowered his right hand.

" Hi, I think I should go and come back some other time."

"No, please do come on in."

He ushered her in, her eyes looking around the room, it suited him. She assumed, back at him she starred, giving him that look which he understood so well.


" Oh yes, I promise I'm not always like this. Could you give me some minutes."

Alexa shrugged, he excused himself, going in to get dressed up. While he was gone, she fixed her eyes on a small sized frame she saw. It was that of the young Dylan and a middle aged man.

She guess quite right it was his dad, but he never left for Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas holidays. Like he never visited his hometown.

"He's quite the old guy." Dylan muttered from behind.

"You both share some resemblance."

"You think so?"

"Looking at the outline, the eyes, the jawline?"

Dylan smiled, she was the last person he expected to see.


"I heard what happened and... I just..."


Alexa felt awkward, having it she was here in front of the same guy who threw advances at her and always turned him down.

"Hope you're okay?"


She acted so fast, sliding into his arms. She hugged him. It was a tight hug, the feeling of warmth around them, in a short while. Alexa withdrew herself. Her eyes went for his lips. His lips are completely symmetrical and evenly full, she couldn't help but admire his handsomeness.

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