

Dylan a cool bartender watches his closet friend gets killed, seeking for his friend's killer in the cause of avenge, which attracts more gangsters in pursuit for his life. Things gets more complicated when he finds out about a code embedded inside of him by his father when he was 12. Which belongs to the M.T.I.secret agency, his late mom worked for, this code is known as the XV. A weapon designed to destroy mankind.

maura_writesy · アクション
14 Chs


The music playing softly, Dylan busied himself with wipping the surface of the counter. His job was all fun, he just knew the best shot to serve.

" Man, I bet that dude's gonna lose."

Cole opted out, leaning against the edge of the counter, his eyes straight at the gamblers. None wanted to lose, he could see. But it's always what happens after a gameover.

"And I don't think so." Dylan sided with the bald headed guy, he had two piercing. Between his nostril, and the other on his left eye lid.

"Could it be the usual happening afterwards?" Cole asked. Dylan understood his curiousness, as he took a glass. Cleaning off some dust.

"Well, I ain't settling shit."

"And that's gameover, you just lost." The bald headed guy told his opponent, who was thrice his size. With the cheers he got from his friends, he turned to look at his opponent eyes, which bore agitation and furry.

"I want another play, how about that?"

Negan scoffed, the bald headed guy. He knew this could only go two ways, a walkaway or a fight. He looked up at his friends behind him, they gave him a disapproval sign. Again, he turned to his opponent.

His physical appearance was that of having a long black layered head, a round shaped face. His height was average. Negan saw more of his gang surrounding him.

"Mr Fat here wants a replay, how about a no loser!"

"What did you just call me?"

"You heard me right."

Dylan watched with keen interest, after a play came the fist's punching. A real match, he reminded himself to stick to his rules. He vowed never will he get involved into this kind of matter's, the last time he did. He got home with a swollen eye.

Was that someone's teeth, he could see? Hell right, it was, falling out. He went over to the disc player, he increased the volume of the music. It matched with the bawling, the screams of pain and anger. The shattering sounds of the bottles.

"And you aren't stepping in, are you?"

Cole asked from his hideout,clung out his head to see his bar has been turned into a wrestling space, having it that they both ran the affairs of the bar, oddly it was their responsibilities to ensure all activities went smoothly. Dylan poured himself some shot, he thought if he wanted to step into this. He did better get his guts high.

The taste of the liquor felt better without a mixer, he just found out this was quiet better than some shot's he mixed.

They didn't seem to want to quit, as both gamblers inflicted malicious wounds on themselves. Dylan sighted a black object, this could end the fight instead but it was far more dangerous.

"Whoa! How about you don't use that? You put that down, we settle this?"

Dylan stepped in between the rivals, the guy with long hair aimed his gun at Negan .

"He's just a coward, real men fight without guns."

If there was one he wanted to remain mute was definitely Negan,he had known for quite some time.

"He didn't mean that, he surely didn't."

Dylan went over to the table, took off the bag of money. Handed it back to the other guy. This should settle it, he believed. Negan was more upset with the sudden change. He was about to attack, when Dylan held him back. Slowly, he withdrew his gun. Signalling his gang it was time to leave.

"What the hell you did that for?"

"He was gonna kill you, you be a dead man my friend."

"I won those god-damned money, and you gave all out?"

Dylan paid deaf ears,he was setting the whole place back to normal, due to the incident, few left the bar.

"Look, Negan, don't you think Cole lost too.",

He said, referring to the the messed up bar

"Your calmness is what gonna get you killed bro."

Negan said, storming out of the bar with his group of friends. He watched him leave, he felt regret. Perhaps he could have left him with his own issues.

"I guess we lock up man"

Dylan looked at the wall clock, it had clocked 11 pm, folding the chairs . Until the door swungs open. That same guy.


Came a bullet from a pointed gun aimed at Cole, it hits him right through his head. It happened so fast. Falling slowly to ground to the bewilderment of Dylan, who stood in shock.

He left, after the shut. Dylan wondered why he had left all of sudden without attacking him. This was barely important as he rushed off to the bleeding Cole.

"Cole, please stay with me"

Dylan watched as he grasped for air, he struggled to live, he held unto him. He watched as his eyes finally closed. He has died.

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