
Code Name: Argonaut!

Just a nobody that died got some wishes and livin' that OPMC life I DO NOT OWN DC just my OC This is an AU so things will be different from the original storyline. May or may not be a harem probably not but there will be a love interest! First time writing so things will probably be messed up but oh well I wanna give it a go!!

lawless_last6969 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Get Swole!!!

It's been about a week since my awakening into this universe. The team has been alright, although I do get rather annoyed with Wally. He just has one of those personalities I guess. There hasn't been any missions yet, but I have free reign. Dianna was suppose to show up to spend time with Me and Conner but something came up so she promised to reschedule. She is a superhero so I understand, besides it's not like I'm actually looking for her to be a mother figure to me. I may have a 17 year old body, but I am a grown man in mentality.

I've pretty much just been spending most of my time training and working out with these nifty weights Batman and Red Tornado invented for Conner and me on my request. This is no normal gym equipment, no sir, these weights can simulate the extremes. We had to have a special room made with a special foundation with special tech that could negate us practically working out with what equated to the weight of the moon.

Robin was generous enough to set me up with a phone with music I could download onto it. I had several playlists already made. Like the one I'm currently listening to while benching the moon. The playlist I named "Get Swole!" is my workout playlist which mainly has a lot of rock on it to get me pumped. Right now I'm listening to I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin, I was extremely thrilled when I found out that a lot of music from my past life showed up in this world.

Besides working out and hanging out with the team, I've also made some choices about how I will be spending my time here.


1. Help Conner emotionally connect more in hopes of living a happy life, preferably with M'gann.

2. "Get Gooder" I am already very strong in this world but something I've learned over many manga, anime, and comics, there is always someone stronger... I have to be prepared so no fooling around just yet.

3. Once #2 comes to a satisfactory level, I want to find my own "M'gann" not her specifically I really want my bro to have his martian lover, I just want someone... In my past life I pretty much solely focused on work, leaving no room for a real relationship. Sure, I had plenty of one nighters, but seeing as how that life pretty much got me crushed to death I think I should try to connect too along with helping my brother connect to people.

4. Get Superman to help Conner. I know eventually he will, but I want to speed things along, hence me calling him out that day. A LOT of the teams mishaps would have been handled better had Conner actually known what he was doing. I have an instinctual understanding of how my powers work and what I can do, but I've found I haven't the slightest idea how to teach Conner. Superman will have to do it. I guess even if I'm here its a universal constant that Conner learn from him.

5. There are other teen supers out there that weren't in the show but should still exist. I need to find them and insure they're okay. I know Raven is out there and the poor girl had it rough. There's also Starfire and her sister out there somewhere. Dick.. I mean Robin... is meant to be with Starfire. I know Blackfire was a villain in the comics and in Teen Titan, but I feel she was misunderstood and just angry with her circumstances, I want to try to intervene if I can. There is also Beastboy.... I would rather leave him be though since I think he shows up later anyways, AND almost every version of him that I've seen was annoying as fuck.


So far 1 and 2 are going swimmingly. My presence has done wonders for helping Conner open up and I've even convinced him to ask M'gann out on a date. And seeing as we've been working out a quite a bit and I'm excelling in combat training with the league members that show up to train us, I'd say #2 is coming along just fine.

"Yo, something on your mind bro? You've been quiet and you look like you've got quite a bit on your mind." Conner asks me as he sits up from the bench press.

"I'm fine.. Just making goals for myself." I tell him and I can see doesn't understand what I mean. "Come on bro, I'm like brand new here, what am I suppose to want out of life? Do I just follow you around and try not to kill Wally, haha?" I tell him and we both chuckle at that.

"Are.. are you going to leave us Jason?" He asks after sobering up from our shared laugh.

"No!" I tell him. "I'm not going to leave Conner... I just know that this team shouldn't be my only thing in this life... You have M'gann.. Don't look at me like that, she likes you and you obviously feel something very strong for the girl. This is where you belong.. And I will gladly back you up here but... Have you ever thought about other people like M'gann and Wally out there?" I ask.

"Like M'gann and Wally how?" He asked confused.

"They're special. M'gann is an alien like half of our DNA is that of an alien. Wally is from here but he has powers.... There must be others.. What if they're not as lucky to have someone watching out for them? I think I want to help them.. And this team is a perfect way to give them something to work towards." I tell him and I can see some realization setting in and he starts thinking on what I said. "Our team is small compared to the Justice League, and that's okay, but we could be more... We could be doing more with a larger team, breaking into sub-teams to branch out and take on multiple missions and at the same time giving these people a chance not to become what we're fighting against..." I tell him and he just looks me in the eye before holding his hand out to me and I clasp his arm with my own.

"Then, I'll help you brother!" He says passionately. I went to argue that he had more than enough on his plate but he just held up his hand to stop me. "Since you've been here I have gotten to know what having a family is like... You've been helping me get stronger, and helping me with M'gann.." He says that last part in a mumble but I still heard. "All of that and you still want to help more... So let me help you with this.. Whatever I can do, I'll do it. I'm sure this is something M'gann would be more than willing to help with too, probably the others as well." He says looking thoughtful while scratching his chin.

"Easy there, don't blow a circuit with all those big thoughts, haha." I tell him laughing at which he just glares at me but knowing I'm just picking on him. "Besides, we got some time. Another of my goals is to get stronger anyways. What good would it do bringing these troubled kids here and us not being strong enough to protect them with the wolf comes knockin'?" I ask.

"Why would wolf knock? He has access to the whole facility." He says looking over at the over sized wolf laying in the corner of the room, and I just face palm.

"I mean the bad guys bro..." I tell him and he just nods. "I just mean I want to be strong enough to help them especially if there is trouble coming for them or us. Hell even you and me.. We were basically made for obviously nefarious intentions. We were created by villains. Maybe for good reasons maybe for evil, who knows. Don't get me wrong I trust you whole heartily and I know I wont betray you or the team but those people may have something to say about us not playing by their rules or dancing to their tune." I tell him and he just nods. "We have to be stronger to protect our friends and each other." I say before taking my turn at the squat bar turning the weight to 1 and half moons.

"Then lets get stronger. " He says before grabbing some dumbbells.

(A/N: sorry for the info dump. Just wanted to make my intentions a bit clearer with how I want my story to go. I had a few comments telling me to do this or that, and it was interesting and all but I already have some clear ideas on what I want to do with the story.

Now in the synopsis, I said maybe harem maybe not... That still goes. I probably wont have a big harem if I decide to do one at all. probably 2 girls max. just how it is.... My other fic has quite a few harem members planned out so I don't have a problem with it I just want this fic to be different. I want him to have someone he's crazy about sure and Maybe 2 girls he's crazy about but I don't want it taking away from the story or the missions or just the character developments in general. Now I'm rambling... but anyway I plan to take a few days to recharge my creative batteries so it'll be a few days before I update again. Thank you for reading and enjoy!)