
Code Name: Argonaut!

Just a nobody that died got some wishes and livin' that OPMC life I DO NOT OWN DC just my OC This is an AU so things will be different from the original storyline. May or may not be a harem probably not but there will be a love interest! First time writing so things will probably be messed up but oh well I wanna give it a go!!

lawless_last6969 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Author Note

Hello all. I haven't dropped or anything.

The next few chapters I want to take my time writing out and maybe get the word count up while not taking away from the story. I don't want useless filler.

So please be patient, I have some really good ideas I want to put out so don't go removing me from your libraries just yet.

Thank You All!