
Code, Guns, and Her

Dominic is the new heir of the Rossi Family, a mafia family that is deeply rooted in Porta Sole, they were one of the first families who built the city’s economy. In the present, Dominic is widely known in the business as the “Shadow” since most of his works are done in the dark and no one knows how he manages to get things done but he does. The story opens with an entrapment operation by the police but they are soon double-crossed almost killing Dominic in the crossfire. Surviving the bloody encounter, he was soon rescued by Isabelle, who had no other choice but to help him despite being a member of the mafia family. Fearing that her generosity would backfire, Isabelle struck a deal with Dominic to keep her away from the petty war between Dominic and Antonio. The Romeo and Juliet plot between Dominic and Isabelle turned from one tragedy to another leaving the two to discover their true feelings for each other and if their love is worthy of fighting for. Will Dominic choose love over family code? Or he will sacrifice Isabelle for the peace in Porta Sole?

nazieewaxhi · アクション
17 Chs

Chapter 13: Three is Fate

Pythagoras believed that the number 3 had its unique significance and was considered the perfect number. Three represented time (past, present, and future), in fairy tales three was regarded as part of the important turning point of the plot just like the three wishes Aladdin asked Genie, and lastly Fates, the three old hags who appeared in Greek mythology sent to send a message to demigods and gods. 


Three signified memory and recognition, it's the perfect number and it was perfect for the two of us. 


I fell back into a deeper slumber when Emily took Isabelle out of our hotel room, Code and I finished our IVs, we were just trying to flush out the horrible hangover by catching more sleep. Honestly, all of the shenanigans we did and caused came back to me after I finished the IV drip. 


Code felt bad for letting me drunk call a woman in the middle of the night and letting loose in the bar, I guess this time Code was finally banned in that bar, I remembered the bouncer pouncing at us. 


"My fucking head hurts, what exactly did they do to us?"


"I remembered being constrained by a catchpole and you hitting your head on one of the tables in the bar."


"Boss, we should never drink without supervision next time." 


My phone suddenly buzzed, Richard was trying to reach me but I was in the dark for hours, usually, he would track me down using the GPS chip he snuck in my shoes and watch. 


[Sir, are you alright? Are you with someone?]


"I had a bad night, Rich. What do you want?"


[I had to call because there were four suspicious charges on your credit card.]


"How suspicious?"


[You have two charges for a presidential suite and one double room in the hotel 3 miles away from the HQ. Also, you have charges in a local pharmacy, are you sure you are okay?]


"Woah, Emily Carter Rossi you unbelievable bitch! Yeah, no problem, Richard. I am good. What else do you have for me?"


[There's an unusual movement in Antonio's side. He's currently trying to buy off people in the Whale division, he's trying to gain popularity, sir. Do you have any instructions?]


"Right now, we should keep his presence at a minimum level. You can slip that information to my father and secretary Han. You can let them manage Antonio, but still keep him under your radar."


[Understood, sir. Also, we've tracked down Ms. Harper, and her security details are arranged.]




I went downstairs to buy a change of clothes and some food. I dropped by the cafe in front of the hotel and ordered espresso and blueberry scones, it took enough time for me to realize it was freezing outside as the thick winter storm began to pour, 


'Goddamnit this winter.' I was deep in thought when someone suddenly knocked on my table and she smelled too much perfume. 


"Hey handsome, are you alone?"


I did not pay attention so she knocked again and this time her awful perfume stuck in my nostril causing me to sneeze loudly. 


"Lady, if you could please remove yourself away from me that would be much appreciated."


"Hmmf, jerkface!" 


I heard her heels move away from my table and I continued to gaze at the willow tree outside the cafe when it snowed again. The cold winter of Solar City had no significance at this point, my cold heart would never see warm sunlight again, until... 




At this point, I was pissed enough to scowl at anyone who would try to get my attention or my number. I wanted to enjoy my peace and this awful coffee before returning to the hotel. 


"Like I said, stop—" 


I was stopped. 


She was there in the middle of a cold winter day, her hazel eyes looked back at me as I was too tongued-tied to speak another word. 


Isabelle was there, standing in front of me and her eyes were full of concern. I saw her coat was covered with snow so that meant she just came into the cafe and saw me in my section. She knocked on my table again to get my attention, 


"I did not startle you this time, right?"


"No, not at all. Come sit," 


"I'll go get my coffee first. Can I leave my coat?"


I nodded at her and as she placed her coat on the table her body was close to mine I could see her baggy clothes and smelled so nice, unlike the woman who came by just now. My eyes aimlessly followed her figure as she went to the cashier to order her cappuccino. When her order was completed she went back to my table with the same expression she had a few moments ago,


"I was stuck in a snowstorm luckily this place is not that packed, unlike other cafes I passed by. Are you here alone?"


Right now I was trying to process the smell of her perfume and did not pay attention to my reaction, 


"Are you okay?"


"Kayali 21?"


"You're weird, Rossi. But it's right. It's Kayali how did you know?" 


I knew someone who liked Kayali Parfum; Emily, and my mom. 


"There's this person. And yes, Code is sleeping back in the hotel room. So, what are you doing outside?"


"I need to get away from Emily somehow, she has been crazy these past few days since the two of us met. I'm not sure what's wrong with her but she kept forcing Marcus and I to get together. Do you know how crazy that idea is?!" 


I listened to her talk but I knew I did not have any right to ask her back until she sighed and unintentionally swirled her finger on her teaspoon. 


"Marcus and I grew up with Emily, although, I grew up in the orphanage I play with them frequently but for me, I just see Marcus as a brother figure nothing else. If she wanted Marcus to be happy she could date him. I can't turn down the guy, he saved me,"


I could feel my nails dug into my palm as I listened to how the story went, and how I was removed from her memory. 


"You might not know this, but I almost died months ago. Luckily, Marcus and the officers were able to save me from exploding into pieces. So, I feel indebted to him and that's it."


"Marcus saved you?" I asked. 


"Yes, that was weird because if Marcus was there I would eventually remember him, right? But all I could remember is peppermint, although my vision is still fuzzy and the selective amnesia is in the way all I could remember was the smell of peppermint which doesn't help me at all."


"Peppermint, if you smell it again, will you be able to remember more?"


"Maybe, but I was truly having a hard time, especially seeing you again. I mean, you literally are the reason why I was kidnapped and you never saved me. That's some jerk-ass move, Rossi." 


My clenches relaxed and I was back again in hollowed white-grey walls with a mirror inside the big empty room. I could see my reflection screaming at me and mocking me but all I ever did was to look back at it as if nothing was up. 


"Earth to Dominic, earth to Dominic, do you copy?"


Her slim hand was waving directly at my face and her smell was excruciatingly intoxicating, she waved it again until I grabbed hold of it and she was startled by how unpredictable I was, 


"Do you want to remember?"


Releasing her hand from my grasp, she took her cup and a quick sip, 


"Naah, Emily had a point though, I should not bother myself from the lost memories. Maybe there's a reason why it stayed lost, like the Atlantis."


"Ahh…" Too bad, I was willing to help her no matter what.


No one could imagine my disappointment at this time. I could not bring myself to give her a fake smile so I just gave her an acknowledging nod. 


"You smelled peppermint though. Maybe that's why I was drawn to you."


We bid farewell. 


I went to one of the clothing stores in the hotel, I bought clothes my size and grabbed some tees for Code. Absentmindedly, I paid for the purchase I made and this time I was on autopilot. I did not even bother grabbing the receipt and walked towards the entrance door where I was cornered by Emily. 


"Nice stunt, cousin." 


"I'm not in the mood, Em. I know your lies and honestly, I don't care what you say at all."


"I said you must leave her alone!"


"I did! I left, didn't I? I did what you asked and it's out of my control if she remembers the smell of peppermint!"


"You reek peppermint because you want her to remember who genuinely saved her. I know you Dominic, you will do anything in your power to manipulate people. I know what you did Dom, you bought the building, arranged security for her, and even bought her working place. Is this what you meant by leaving? Because for me this is obsessing on someone you can't have!" 


"Stop! Look, I don't want to argue with you. We can't reach any agreement if we are both on top of our emotions. So please, just leave me alone. Leave Solar City." 


"And now you own this place?"


"Emily, can you be reasonable for once in your life? I came here to do business and not to follow you. I wasn't even aware I would see you here. Solar City is considerably huge. We don't need to cross paths. And yes, the security details are needed, Antonio is alive. You get the picture, right?"


With us screaming at the top of our lungs in the back alley, I did not know or care who was listening. I was literally jaded from work, the family, and that fucking promise. I went to Solar City to repurpose my future plans and not to be distracted by Isabelle. Our first Obsidian will be tested on Monday and I wanted to prioritize that as much as I want to prioritize forgetting Isabelle. 


I did not wait for her to react all I did was walk away from Emily and go back to the hotel room. 


Code and I checked out from the hotel and walked back to the HQ. It was a long walk but I did not care, Code did. We could ride cabs or the electric tramp but I was too occupied with my Isabelle thoughts. 


The next few days were crucial to the company, the first testing of the Obsidian was set. We had the McConnells on Rayfield for observation. If Obsidian X was proven to be marketable the McConnells would like a piece of it - hence more potential investments. 


"Yes!" Code finished rewriting the program and finally moved from his seat and conducted a virtual demo of the product. 


"Finally, that worked! You did it, bro." 


"Nah, you're too humble. You did the calculations I just did the program." 


I poured him a drink for celebration and the good thing about working with Code he would not grab credit or place his name on the pedestal of bloating. 


"Richard wants to teleconference, I need to borrow your meeting room." 


He nodded as I went out of his office when I saw a distressed, brunette, clothes too thin running at the HQ's lobby demanding access inside. I almost dropped my phone when I saw some thugs following her in the building. 


The security would not let her in, of course, it's the weekend and visitors were not permitted during the testing week of the new weapon. 


She was banging the glass doors to let her in. I was on the third floor but I could see what was happening since this whole infrastructure was made of glass walls. 


"Let her in!" I shouted in command and this time the security let her in.


In distress, she ran towards me and hugged me in desperation, she was out of breathe as I caught her in my arms, 


"Shhh…shhh…sh…" I tried to coax her, "You're safe. Everything will be fine." 


In a split second those thugs chasing her were caught by the security I arranged for her and one of the guards saw me so they immediately disappeared in the Shadow. 


"What happened?" 


"I was…"


I handed her a glass of water the receptionist prepared before carrying her to one of the couches in the lounge area. 


"I was in the store, I was picking up chocolates and chips when… when this tall white guy passed me like some jerk and almost tripped me over. I was caught by one of the guys in the back when he tried to cover my mouth. I conjured all my strength and both hit them in their private parts and ran away from the store."


"The guy in front of me managed to grab my coat so I let it loose and ran faster. I saw Code's company so I ran here."


"Shhh, shhh, shhh, everything's fine now. You did well. You were great at handling them."


Her breathing and her pulse were still in shock, the adrenaline must still be activated and by the way she clung to my dress polo, she was scared and having different emotions at once. 


"Can you get me a chamomile tea, please? And tell Code to check on Emily Carter as soon as possible." I asked the receptionist as I carried Isabelle to the meeting room. 


The receptionist nodded and I brought Isabelle to the meeting room while Richard waited for me on the other line. 


[Sir, is everything alright? Should we turn on your camera?]


"No!" Right now, Isabelle was on my lap unsettled and scared to let go. "We can reschedule the meeting for now. If there's a document you need for me to sign, just send it over email and I'll over it. Also, let our people know in Solar City I need to talk to them later. When everything is settled."


Her chamomile tea came and she was still on my lap, it was awkward - I was in an awkward position and I couldn't brush her off, could I?


"Do you need help, sir?"


"Just let someone clean the cabin I owned, get the address from Code." The receptionist kept her eyes on us before saying, 


"Should I call 911?"


"No, Ms. Garner, I got this." She gave a reassuring smile before she left us. 


Soon Isabelle gulped down the chamomile tea, and I brought her back to the cabin I owned. It was located in the forest and by the lake. Code knew the place since he formerly owned it. I bought it months back and spruced the place. It was my retirement place when I became old and grey and alone. 


Isabelle was still sleeping on my bed and her smell intoxicated the whole place. I brewed some coffee and resumed the call I missed hours ago. 


"Any update?"


[No sir, but your father made his move two days ago. The Ivanovs had sent people to Porta Sole so Sir Anthony called a meeting on how to deal with them. Antonio was silent throughout the meeting. Secretary Han seemed to be monitoring his movements. Also, your father has requested your return as soon as possible.]


"I'll be back in two days. Does he know what I am doing here?"


[All he knew was you were taking a breather from the business.]


"Did he buy it?"


[No, sir. We've extended our intelligence system to Solar City if his people would come and sniff out we will definitely block it.]


"Good. Also, Richard, tell Hans (Isabelle's head of security) they can clean up the mess."




Grabbing the new book I was reading, I went to Isabelle's room and sat on the rocking chair where I read the book as I waited to read, I did not know I fell asleep on it. I felt someone touch my face and awaken me. This time I knew it would be Isabelle so I did not move after opening my eyes, 


"Am I that handsome?"


"Did you know, Mr. Rossi, three is fate?"


This time I moved my face away from her and stretched my body before placing the book down on the coffee table. 


"I did not know that."


"No, you know. You met me in the grocery that day, I met you in the cafe and struck up a conversation and now you saved me. Did you know you were always in mind since the day you left ignored?"




"I saw you in the hospital with our CEO, I knew something was going on. I thought you'd come and say hi but you just ignored me."


"That day, I could not bring myself to say hi or bother you because if your co-workers knew our connection you might hate me even more. You hated saving me the first time, did you not?"


"When I was kidnapped, although I said to the kidnappers you won't save me because I'm nothing to you. I hoped you'd save me still! I waited for you, I was scared, hungry, and cold but you never came."


"I'm sorry."


"Oh ghad, Rossi, will you please stop lying!? You and Emily are the same! Your lies did not make any sense at all!"


I looked at her reddening eyes as she continued to rant, 


"I know you saved me that day. When I met you in the cafe, I wanted to confront you but you are too coward to admit it! You even let me choose to forget something so important."


"Saving you Isabelle is not an obligation for you to repay me."


"NO!" She interjected, "No, saving me, showing up for me and silently protecting me, meant something. At least for me. So tell me, did you just do that because you felt thankful for what I did?"




"Then, answer this question, did you do those things without expecting anything in return because you like me?"


The gush of the snowstorm blew in our cabin as her stares dug deeper into my consciousness, our silence enveloped the darkness, and waited for me to answer, 




And her serious face lighted with a smile upon hearing my answer. In a world of chaos, there was only one face that calmed me down, hers. 


As I stared at her hazel eyes, she slowly drew near close to my face and planted a small peck on my lips. She giggled innocently, her hazel eyes twitched while her face turned blush pink after kissing my lips.