
Cobra Kai the return of the childhood friend

i have twenty-nine chapters ready to go. may have more when i'm ready to write more chapters

GodSpeed420 · テレビ
2 Chs

Welcome Back To San Fernando Valley

Jason is seen looking out of a plane window while sitting next to Jason's dad, who was asleep with a bag of peanuts in his lap, and Jason's mom was looking at a magazine.

Jason Todd: [voice over] "Jason Todd. That's my name. A name that would earn the respect of adults, kids, and my fellow karate learners. A name that would strike fear in the hearts of all bullies, whether online or in real life. It's one of the first things he can read on my driver's permit. I'm only a couple of months away from getting my license, but that's not the point."

Jason sighs and looks at his phone to see how long until he'd reach his destination.

Jason Todd: [voice over] "I'm a 6-foot-5, 17-year-old guy. Sure, that may not seem extraordinary in and of itself, but I have something very few have at my age. A couple of years of Kata and karate training. My parents loved it when I became one of Mr. Miyagi's last karate students. Miyagi was like a grandfather to me. As a kid, Miyagi and Daniel Larusso, his favorite and most decorated student, would train me and Samantha aka "Sam", Daniel's daughter. Alongside Sam, I became an official student of Miyagi-Do Karate. But soon after Miyagi died 7 years ago, Samantha quit learning, Daniel quit teaching, my parents and I moved to the East Coast, and Miyagi-Do seemed to fade away. Sure my dad stayed in touch with Daniel and my mom's Facebook friends with his wife but, I haven't seen them in years..."

Time Skip

Jason Todd: "But now, I'm back in The Valley. For good." Jason says to himself. So after Jason's family and the movers unpacked everything, he went to the first place he had thought to go. LaRusso Auto Group. As I got out of an Uber and walked in, Daniel LaRusso was out walking on the sales floor and he turned to the door.

Daniel Larusso: "Bonsai, welcome to LaRusso... oh my god. Jason Todd?!" Jason: "Sup, Sensei. It's been a while." His wife, Amanda, walks up to him and raises her eyebrow Amanda Larusso: "Honey? What's going on--" Jason: "Hi Mrs. LaRusso." Jason says with a wave and a smile. "Long time no see." Amanda Larusso: "Jason?!" The LaRussos could not believe their eyes.

Daniel's former karate student, Jason Todd, was standing right in front of him. To Amanda, the son of one of her high school friends and Sam's favorite person to hang out with when they were kids was standing in front of her. He was taller, more well-built, and was becoming quite handsome. Daniel Larusso: "Jason, did you move back into the Valley?" He asks excitedly. Jason smirks and pretends to think. Jason: "Uhhh... yeah!" Jason pull him into a handshake and hug him and Mrs. LaRusso before continuing.Jason: "It's so awesome to see you guys again!" Amanda LaRusso: "We've missed you so much, Jason. *gasp* Where are your parents?" Jason: "They're at our new house probably ordering the moving people around and stuff. I helped a lot but I told them I couldn't wait any longer to reunite with you and so, here I am." Amanda LaRusso: "Oh my goodness, Samantha is going to freak when she sees you again."

Jason smiles warmly and recalls his Miyagi-Do days with Samantha as his childhood friend. He and Sam were practically inseparable. Jason did karate, played, sang, ate, partied, and hung out together all the time. While he was excited to see Sam, he'd be lying if he said he weren't nervous about how she'd treat him. Samantha:"OMG! Is that you Jason?!" Jason snaps out of his thoughts and turns to see Samantha jogging toward him. Jason: 'Wow, had no idea she's become so beautiful.' Jason thought with a smirk and smile. "Hey Sammy--Woah!

Before he knew it, she jumped onto him and gave him the tightest hug she could give. Samantha LaRusso: "I missed you Jason. So much." Jason Todd: *blushes briefly but shakes it away* "Oh I know, because I missed you too." Daniel and Amanda smile at Jason and Samantha's reunion and think to themselves. Daniel LaRusso: 'With Jason back, I'm certain I can convince Sam to join Miyagi-Do Karate now. Soon, I'll have three students instead of one. Mr. Myagi would be proud of me.' Amanda LaRusso: 'I'm so glad these two are friends again. I wouldn't be surprised if they hung out as soon as this weekend.'

still a newbie

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