COBRA KAI NEVER DIES. This one were he defies fate and becomes the Dragon King. If you want to make a what if in youtube contact me to send you the files
Time Skip: 5 Years Later
A 16-year-old boy was sparring with a girl of the same age. The girl charged forward, attempting a roundhouse kick. The boy caught her leg and arm, flipping her effortlessly over his shoulder. In an impressive display of agility, she caught herself in a handstand, wrapping her legs around his neck. He gripped her legs and spun, throwing her away. She flipped gracefully in the air, landing on her feet and sprinting back toward him. With a flying kick aimed at his head, the boy caught her mid-air in a bear hug, pressing her down to the ground face-first. He aimed a punch at her head but halted just one centimeter away. Just then, a third voice interjected, "Point, winner Jack!"
I helped Sam to her feet and said, "I can never beat you these days." I replied smugly, "I can't help being the MVP," flexing my muscles for emphasis. With a playful glare, she retorted, "You!" and punched me in the stomach. I bent over, and she swiftly executed a low kick, knocking my legs out from under me and sending me to the ground.
Daniel stepped in to help me up, saying, "You two are the true representation of Miyagi-Do karate. Given how much you've improved over the past few years, you will be competing in this year's All Valley Karate Tournament." Sam beamed, replying, "We are going to destroy them!" I added confidently, "They don't stand a chance." Daniel raised an eyebrow and asked, "What have I taught you?" I responded, "Never underestimate your opponents." Sam started to say, "But we are the" only to be cut off by Daniel, who said, "Anyone can get a lucky shot or fight dirty. So, in addition to our regular training, we will learn how to avoid traps and deal with opponents who play unfairly."
We both replied, "Yes, Sensei," and returned to our training.
Over the last five years, we had mastered countless techniques, including the wheel technique and various kata. Together, we were nearly unbeatable. I had a slight edge over Sam due to my strength and height, but in every other aspect, we were pretty much equal. We had both grown significantly; I stood at about 180 cm, slightly taller than Daniel. My hair had darkened and grown longer, styled like Robby's from Season 5. My muscles had developed substantially. Sam had also grown; she was now 164 cm, a bit taller than in canon, thanks to her rigorous training. She maintained a physique similar to her on-screen counterpart but was considerably stronger, sporting defined abs from her relentless karate practice.
With school starting in a week, I wanted to do one last thing. I approached Daniel and said, "Sensei, I want to fight you." He replied, "That will be interesting. Okay, I accept your challenge." Sam chimed in, "I'll be the referee." We took our positions, and Sam announced, "It will be a three-point fight. I want a clean match, don't harm your opponent beyond what's necessary. Face me and bow; now face each other and bow. Ready? Fight!"
I launched forward with a punch. Daniel attempted to block, but it was a feint, I followed up with a low kick, taking out his legs and sending him to the ground. As I went in for a punch to his head, he flipped back, evading my strike. He aimed a kick at my head, but I caught his leg and flipped him onto his face, delivering a punch to his head without causing harm. Sam declared, "Point, 1-0."
We returned to our stances. Sam called, "Fight!" I aimed a punch at his head, but he ducked and swept my legs out from under me. I fell forward but executed a dive flip, landing on my feet. I kicked backward toward Daniel's chest, but he blocked with his arms, getting knocked down in the process. He retaliated with a kick, and I managed to punch his head. He deflected my arm to the side and landed a punch to my stomach. Sam announced, "Point, 1-1."
We got back to our feet and returned to our sides. Sam said, "Fight!" This time, Daniel made the first move. He kicked toward my head, but I grabbed his leg and pushed it back, causing him to lose his balance. I followed up with a kick to his head, making him fall backward. Sam called out, "Point, 2-1," and we returned to our corners, both sweating from the intensity of the battle.
Sam said, "Fight!" We both charged in for a kick, canceling each other out in the process. I recovered faster and launched a roundhouse kick at his head. He caught my leg with his arm and executed a front kick reminiscent of Leonidas. I was knocked back, and Sam declared, "Point, 2-2." We returned to our positions, and I removed my shirt, my muscles flexing as I prepared for the final round. Sam announced, "Final round, fight!"
I heard "Fight!" and charged forward, executing a flying kick aimed at his head. He dodged, and I flew past him. As I landed, he swung a punch at my head, but I caught his hand and flipped him to the ground. I aimed a punch at his head, but he dodged. I got back up and kicked at his head, but he flipped forward to evade.
We faced each other, both of us feeling the fatigue from the match. I knew I had to finish the fight with one decisive move. I charged in as he threw a punch at my head. I grabbed his arm and maneuvered into his defense. He attempted to strike me with his other arm, but I caught it and spun him around.
In a moment of instinct, I jumped and began to spin. Daniel looked back, but it was too late. I used my momentum to deliver a powerful kick to his head with all my strength. He managed to block at the last moment, but the force of my attack sent him flying five meters back, knocking him down. I sprinted toward him, reaching him in seconds. He was still dazed from the hit, and I landed a punch to his head. Sam called out, "Point, 3-2!"
I helped Daniel to his feet, and we bowed to each other. Sam grabbed my hand and exclaimed, "And the winner is Jack the Killer!" She raised my arm high in the air. I roared in triumph as Daniel clapped, saying, "The student has surpassed the master, ha!" I scooped Sam up in a princess hold, jumping up and down while cheering. Daniel watched us with a smile, thinking, They have gotten really close to each other; I give them a year. Suddenly, a grin spread across his face.
You may be wondering how Jack was able to beat Daniel and I have some reasons. Firstly by the end of season 5 Robby and Miguel are a lot stronger than Daniel and Johny at the age. Secondly Jack has been training for almost a decade now and he has a much better physique than Robby or Miguel. Thirdly Daniel wan't as strong as he was during season 5 because he doesn't know about pressure points.Lastly this Daniel wasn't going all out because it was a spar and he didn't want to hurt Jack.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.