
Sick Ron

Isshiki Totomaru POV:

After I tiring day, I go over to Ron's place. I knock on the door, patiently waiting for him to open it. Ron had fallen I'll due to the changing wether and I knew he wouldn't have taken care of himself.

I hear a groan before he opens the door. He looked tired. His tired blue eyes widen behind his bangs.

I walk in and put a plastic bag beside the door. I had bought things to make dinner for Ron on my way here.

Ron lays back down on his futon and I close the door behind myself before kneeling by his side.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him.

"Alright..." Ron replies.

"Have you had something to eat yet? Other than brown sugar syrup?"

He shakes his head. I stand up. "I'll make something for you to eat."

Ron slowly closes his eyes and nods.

I head to the kitchen and start preparing omurice for him to eat. Whilst washing the rice, I feel a pair of arms snaking around my shoulders. I jump and tilt my head to look at who it was. Ron. His breath hitting my neck.

"R-Ron? Go back to the futon. Why are you here?"

"I wanted to be...next to you." He says, resting his head on my shoulder. My face heats up.

"No Ron. Go back. You're sick."

He ignores me and plants a kiss on my neck. The pink of my cheeks grows darker. I decide to continue washing the rice.

Throughout the cooking, he had been placing kisses on my neck and cheek. Had he been clueless of my face turning red? It resembled a tomato now. But he kept on planting kisses.

I plate the food for the both of us.

He wasn't eating. "Ron, Why aren't you eating?" I ask, a bit worried that he might not like my cooking. He was the one who mostly cooked for us after all.

"I can't... I'm tired Toto.."

Eh?! What was I supposed to do now. I panic.

"Could you...feed me...please..?" He asks, it looked like his fever was growing worse.

I nod before standing up and heading over to him.

I feed him spoonfuls of the omurice. I was a bit disgusted that he was toping even his omurice with the brown sugar syrup.

Spoonful after spoonful, soon the food was finished. He turns my face towards himself and plants a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you Toto..."

My face heats up and my mind malfunctions (gay panic >A<).< p>

"N-No problem Ron." I say before bringing the dishes to the sink. I had already eaten so I just did the dishes while Ron rested his head on the table.

"Have you taken any pills?" I ask Ron."No."

He replies.

After doing the dishes, I lay him down on his futon and give him some medicine.

I was about to stand up to sleep ok the sofa when he grabs onto my hand. "Please...lay with me..?"

Like before, my cheeks heat up. "Please...?"

"Sure." I say, laying down next to him. It wasn't long before he had dozed off. He snuggled into my side. It was hard for me to sleep with him wrapped around me. I stay up till four in the morning before dozing off myself. Luckily I didn't have work today.

About seven in the morning, I hear light pants coming from him. I slowly crack my eyes open and notice how red his face was. Looks like his fever was high again.

It had been alright yesterday. I stand up and head to the kitchen to get a wet towel.

I lay it on his head and slowly stroke his hair.

Soon, his red cheeks start to turn back into his pale cheeks again.

Now that I thought about it, the years when he was alone, he must have had no one to take care of him... Poor Ron. I sigh before planting a kiss on his forehead.

Now that I was here, I would take care of him.

For as long as we're together.

I sneeze. Looks like Ron would be the one taking care of me tomorrow.

Hii. I hope you liked it. Would love to hear you guys's opinions!


(Not proofread.)

TheOneAndOnly_Hancreators' thoughts