
4 the third match

They enter the ring. And circle each, "( that belt is mined Egypt.) Said, Africa. " (only in your dreams Africa,) they started to fight each other. "(this is not our table Jason,) said. Kaitlynn, " ( and why you in your tux Mitchell?) Asked. Selina, " (what are you up to Scott?) Asked. Scorha, "(it is a surprise Scorha, if we are friends why can you be friends?) Asked. Scott, " ( is our table from now on, we all friends right Kaitlyn?) Said? Jason, " ( we are in our tux because we are trying to be romantic here Selina. ) Said, Mitchell. Egypt delivers a right hook and a jab, "(stay on her Valentina,) Leonardo coach her. " (good Job Blackman focus on the match.) Said, his father-in-law. "(And nothing more,) his mother-in-law said, " (what are you doing, fight back!) Said. Africa. She threw a spin kick and Egypt flip back and land on her feet. " (we have been over this Scott Angel Ryan's. We are sitting at our table now, and go get us a drink.) Said, Scorha. "( just humor me few minutes, please.) Said, Scott. " (we are sitting at our table Mitchell, if you want to remain with your friends fine do not ever force me to be friends with their wives ever again. Or I toss your ungrateful *ss into the sun in the watch you burn! )She walked up to the table and sat down. " (sorry, your plan fails Scott, I love you too.) He walked over and sat down next to her, " (let's go, Jason, put on a tux and buying me stuff is not going to get your way, we have nothing income. You want to be their friends have it your way, ) said. Kaitlynn, Kaitlyn, went to sit down at her table. He rubs his hands down his face and went to sit at their table. "(Move it, Scott, you need to stop wasting your time with mindless stuff and on winning, you can keep your pennies friendship, but leave me alone about it, and keep me out of it do you understand!?) Scorha told him in a deep voice, " (okay, sorry. I wasn't thinking,) said. Scott, Africa throws a right punch, Egypt blocked and left hooked her in the face, she flies back and bounced off the ropes, she spins kick her in the face. Africa hit the ground, she is knocked out. The ring left up, "(let's have an understanding Leonardo, your friends your business, I do not have any means be friends with second level vampires. We will never bring this up again, you will focus on your lessons and training, is that understanding enough for you!?) Said, Valentina, Dexter started the countdown. 10, 9, 8, 7, "( get up! shake it off!) Said, Africa. "(man chill, don't talk to her like that.)-(" L dog ease up, he an Alpha vampire, you are no match for him.) Said, Scott, " (you are in Eygpt Egypt and Africa are mortal blood enemies, ) said. Mitchell, " (they want the stalks and title. that your wife has and what your in-laws have.) Said. Jason, " (other words no are friends here but you four, it be to have them has friends, but I can see in their eyes they are hungry for a title match and the stalks, ) said. Valentina. Africa got to her feet, " you don't win that easy. I want that belt, and my parents want that stalk.) Said, Africa. " you all know what time it is, All or Nothing. Will Egypt still reign as the champ or will Africa gets what she wants, makes your bets now. Have a bet on Africa, and the other has bet on Egypt. "(Please, tell me you three, bet on my wife to win as planned.) Said, Leonardo. " (a course we bet on her to win L,) said. Scott, " (your wife got this man,) said. Mitchell, "(She always does.) Said, Jason. " (thanks, guys.)-(you got this my Egyptian rose,) said. Leonardo, "(you know I do my love,) said. Valentina, her eyes turn red. " (The pride of Egypt!) She yelled out, "(you are going down Africa. That belt and stalk stay where it is!) Said, Leonardo. " ( take her out bring home the belt and stalks to Africa,)-("most definitely. Africa Rage,) shout out Africa, ran at each other starting to fight, their parents finished their game, and now watched the fight. The sun is starting to show itself, "(stay on Val!) Instructed, Leonardo. " (take her down now!) Africa told her. She went in for the shot and failed to deliver the finisher, which Egypt delivers an Egyptian power combo. She delivers right, left, repeating it. Left jab, right hook, the Egyptian uppercut. Africa flies back in hits the floor, she knocks her out. The whole arena is going nuts, Leonardo jumps up and down, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,3, 2, 1. He rings the bell. " the still raining champ and title hold Egypt! said. Dexter, that is the end of the third round. and everyone went into their rooms for the morning, " (well done Valentina, said. Her father, "( that is how you get and hold to a belt,) said. Her mother, they went to sleep. " (could you teach me that Val?) Asked, Leonardo. "(Not only I can teach you to develop your finisher, but I will also train you. I can not force you to train for the tournament you got to want to do it and train for it.) She told him, in Scotland room. " (i guess it wouldn't hurt to be friends with her, you have to see, the irony here.) Said, Scorha. " (title friendship, friendship title, doesn't it depends on what you want more?) Said? Scott. In Mexico City room, "(how you know that she will win?) Asked. Selina, " ( i didn't this is the first tournament, and Italy hand the stalk and belt to Egypt for a reason right. ) said, Mitchell. In America room. "(He did well to pick Egypt and China. Maybe just maybe it wouldn't hurt to get to know them, ) said. Kaitlyn, " (so do you want to be their friends?) Asked. Jason, the next match is Russia vs Hawaii, it is going to be a hot night. As it is already hot morning, as they are asleep in the beds, it is rolling up to the second match, the semi-finals, no holds bars, open ring, the only color Marshall arts. Time went by and the sun is starting to go down, as they are awakened and out of the rooms in the arena. They all sat at the Vip table, "(for their sakes maybe we should try to be friends,) said. Scorha, " (i willing to give it a try if you three are?) Asked. Selina, " (what you say Egypt, don't about the tournament and just have a good time in Reno, NV?) Said? Kaitlyn. "( that would be nice, to do that. So you four want to tell us why you are dressed in your Tuxs?) Asked. Valentina, " (for you.) Said, Scott. "(This is a special occasion for us and you,) said. Mitchell, " ( you turn four losers life's around complete.) Said, Jason. "( we are so freaking lucky to be married to four hot women.) Said, Leonardo. They look at each other, " ( you say that you couldn't get dates ?) Asked. Scorha, " (I find that hard to believe,) said. Selina. " (good looking studs like you, having a hard time getting women to like you, come off it,) said. Kaitlynn, " (you joking right?) Asked. Valentina, " sports doesn't win you a cheerleader or prom queen.) Said, Scott. " (or a date to the movie with the most popular girl,) said. Jason, "(or get you a date to the date with someone you interested in.) Said, Leonardo, their wives looked at them, Russia and China got in the ring, they all sat down at the poker table. " (not bad Italy,) said. Rome, "(thank you, Rome.) The matches are doing well now, and it almost times for the semi-finals, only the ones who make it is allowed to compete in it. " (so what we can get our beautiful wives to drink?) Asked, Scott. "(Long Island iced tea with Russia blood,) said, Scorha. " ( Scotch on the rocks with Irish blood,) said. Selina, "(cocktail with Rome blood, ) said. Kaitlynn, " ( Screwdriver with Africa blood.) Said. Valentina, "(and what do you luxurious women want to eat?) Asked. Mitchell, " (blood savory steak, with blood mash potatoes, blend into a smoothie.) Said, Scorha, " (blood chicken and blood corn blend into a smoothie,) said. Selina, " (blood dipping rib blend into a smoothie.) Said, Kaitlynn. " (blood pork chops and blood rice blend into a smoothie,) said. Valentina. they told them what they want to drink, and they walked up to ordered their wife's drinks, " and what can I get you, boys? Asked. The bartender, " ( blood martini, with China blood.) said,"(Blood cocktail. With Japan blood,) said. Mitchell, "( Scotch, with Africa.) Said, Jason. " (blood tunic with Rome blood.) Said, Leonardo. " coming up, they crossed their legs, "(Egypt, Mexico, and America, we can not help that our husband is friends?) said. Scorha, " (so what do we do?) Asked. Selina, "(what can we do, then that mean our children is going to be friends,) said. Kaitlynn, " (let's give it a try and see how it works out.) said, Valentina, China hits the ground, " (come on upon your feet,) shouted. China, "(good job stay on her,) her husband yelled out. She flips up to her feet, and the cage rises. "(live wire, make your bets mow.) They walked over with the drinks. " can we bet?)-( we be back with dinner.) said, Scott, "(it is a betting fight, ) she gives him a blood betting card. " (what is that?) Asked. Mitchell, "(every husband and wife is getting a blood betting card, where you don't have to use money anymore, ) said. Selina, " ( you can on a bet once, and so be wise who you pick to bet on,) said. Kaitlyn, "( when you bet you give it to Dexter, there is 550k bloodstock on it. ) said, Valentina, they take them from their wives, half bet on Russia, and the other half bet on China. " so who we should bet on.) Asked, Scott, " (Russia looks like it is winning.) said, Mitchell. so they bet on Russia, " (you bounce back quick China,) said. Russia, " ( you don't hit that hard to keep me down. Said, China. Her eyes glow orange, " we will see about that. Russian joker!! she glowed orange, " those that bet on her cheer for her. " (Take her down Russia,) they cheer out. " ( this is going to be great, let's get dinner guys. ) they walked over to the blood bar, to place their orders for their wives, we shall see, Chinese standpoint, ) she glowed green. " another blood chicken smoothies? asked the smoothie king. " (you know us will do you have any special glasses? ) Asked. Scott, " I know what you mean, coming up. no, just know that my smoothie is a hit with the fans. Said, the mixer, they ran at each other swing and kicking at each other, " (it all out blood fight, ) He hand him their blood smoothies and they walk back to the table and sat down, before Leonardo get comfy his father called him, " (what this I heard that you quick!?) said. Samuel, " (I have my own life dad, I not apart of that one anymore. You all need to let go and accepted it, move on. i do not live in Detriot anymore, I lived in Eygpt, I not a welder anymore I am a prince, rightful heir to the throne of Eygpt, move on, this number is disconnected. And he mashed his phone into pieces, " that how you let old life know that you have no, need for it anymore. Said, Scott, the sun is about to come out.