

If you had the power to control the weather, what will be your first mission ? What will happen to Vivian the young lady who grew up with such supernatural power ? will the society battle against her or not ? read up as the story unfolds

Iam_SommyZee · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Stormy flood

What exactly is wrong with the sky. The downfall was beginning to scare people. Some began to think their houses might as well end up flooded. As if that wasn't enough, the wind whistled through the heavy drops of rain. The sky got darker and rain seems not to have the term stop in it's dictionary. The students in school got really scared seeing people's properties being carried away by the flood. Parents made sure to keep their children and wards safe from the rain and flood.

" What exactly is happening to the sky today ?" Sophia asked

" Could it possibly mean that the heavens are having a misunderstandings with the sky ?" Jackson added.

" You guys are disturbing my sleep" that was coming from the popular sleepy head, Vivian.

" Wait , Vivi how can a normal girl sleep on a day like this huh ? Aren't you scared that the roof might be blown off ? " Sophia asked

" Blown off ? What do you mean ? It's not as if the cold breeze is not lovely enough to put someone to sleep" Vivian replied.

" I actually think that person is going to be abnormal. I mean for a person to sleep so comfortably in this situation" Jackson said.

" Why are you guys getting all worked out over nothing ?"

Vivian said this and left as if to do something that is so important.

" Where's she going ?"

" How am I supposed to know that " Sophia answered.

Within two minutes the rain came to a halt as if an umbrella actually stopped it. Soon enough a big smiling sun appeared in the sky to the amazement of everyone.

These three have been best of friends since childhood. Jackson was born with a golden spoon, which means he gets anything at all he wishes to have. His allowance is no joke either, although Jackson doesn't show off, alot people still think he's a spoilt brat even though everyone knows how respectful and caring he is. Even at this, Jackson doesn't seem to care at all. He's always leaving a carefree and cheerful life. His friends Sophia and Vivian have gotten used to giving him what he wants that way he would remain cheerful and live carefree. Jackson is the second son of his parents with an only older brother Joshua. His father is the CEO of an Joshson Oil and Gas Company. The name of their company is basically formed with the combination of Joshua and Jackson's names. In as much as he lives like he doesn't care about the company, Jackson always comes up with an exclusive solution to solve critical issues in the company. Jackson manages a share of the company as a shareholder and Board member, while Joshua on the other hand serves as the manager while their Father is the CEO and Chairman. With that being said one can easily say that Jackson is a kind of a smart kid who lowers his standards and worth to make people think less of him and focus on his older brother at lest to avoid brothers fights and jealousy. Jackson is also asthmatic. He doesn't do everything other kids do, or eat everything other kids eats, still he carries his inhaler around. Every corner of his house, his friends' houses and even his high school has inhaler just in case of emergencies. Jackson is a typical example of pampered child.

Sophia is the oldest of the three and the most responsible. She thinks things through before taking a definite stand. Sophia is known to be a smart girl who's very calculative and outspoken. She's the first of four kids. To Sophia, she has to be responsible and respectful to people around her regardless of age. With her type of personality Jackson dares not mess with the less privileged around, he instead grew sympathy and empathy for them. Sophia is the reason why Jackson is seen as the rich boy who doesn't brag about how rich he is. She is like the time keeper or better still a checker. She keeps Jackson and Vivian in check and makes sure they don't lack sense of humanity. She is in the same school and class as Vivian and Jackson. Although they have a year before their graduation. She studies as if she has her final exams any time soon. Sophia's Father is in the military and has got a high rank. The rank of an Army commander is a rank that barely gives Martin enough time for his family. Her mother own a super market in a plaza and also own a boutique where she sells most women wears.

Unlike her friends, Vivian doesn't really bother about people around her. She is the ' mind your business be let me mind mine' type, in as much as Sophia always keeps her in check, she doesn't really show empathy towards others regardless of who they are. She always give out the ' I don't care' vibe in the air. She always does some things not because she really want to do them but rather because Jackson would continue to bug her until she gives in or when Sophia nags about sense of humanity and makes her do things she never intends on doing. Sophia sleeps alot in the day but barely sleeps at night. People around possibly thinks she suffers insomnia but who cares to know what she actually does every night. She is an only daughter of Marine engineer and medical doctor. She has everything she wants at her doorstep except for one thing. She desperately want a sibling at home but since her parents are always away she gets used to staying alone.

The sun was shining super bright before Vivian came into the room rubbing her eyes as though she hasn't gotten enough sleep yet.

" Here, have some juice" Sophia offered her

" Thank you Magic goddess" Jackson said

" Jack, can you stop calling me that. I really don't get why you guys interrupted my sleep"

" But you said we can interrupt your sleep as long as it worth it, didn't you" Jackson said and stares back at Sophia as if to get a backup.

" But it worth it Vivi, right ?"

" How on Earth is stopping the rain more important than my lovely sleep"

"But I already offered you juice for apology. Just let it slide. I somewhat think you are going back to your usual self again"

" Sophia, I'm always myself and also get me back to sleep. You might not want to regret waking me up"

" Wait Vivi, why are you taking it out on me. Quick reminder we were two that woke you up or are you being partial huh?"

" Of course, that's because she's loves me more than she loves you"

" Hey Jackson what exactly are you pulling. Come here ?"

With that Jackson runs off while Sophia keeps chasing him until she got hold of him.

" Oh God. Why are they so noisy ?"

" Unfortunately you are stuck with these two noisy people" Sophia said as she drags Jackson to the bed where Vivian was already lying down. It's a double sized bed in their secret room. The room the three rented together to pass out time and to meet up regularly. They spend more time there in the room than elsewhere.

" Guys, I saw this at the school's official website this morning, have any of you gone through it" Sophia showed them the news on the website about an inter- school quiz competition for senior secondary school students.

" Don't tell me you are interested in this now" Vivian said looking at her.

" Its not bad if we go for it though" Jackson said.

" Oh Lord not again, anyway I'm out"

" Vivi we..."

" You guys go ahead , I will cheer you up okey"

The three bursts out laughing.