
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billli

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · ファンタジー
97 Chs

Unclaimed Power

"There's no log or record mentioned of the power of the tree?" Haniya asked the queen, who was lost in her thoughts after some newfound revelation.

"None that i can... recall" Queen Golden said as her gaze slowly fixated on Haniya. Then she turned towards the assistant bees and called for someone named 'Justuju' to be brought to her at an instant.

The newcomer arrived, it was an elongated bee with crimson wings that curled up at the edges. It bowed and proceeded forward.

"You called for me, your highness?"

"Justuju, what do you have regarding the ancient warrior and Parvaaz in our records?" Queen Golden asked authoritatively.

"Uh.. Well.. We don't have a lot here on earth, my queen. All the authentic scrolls are stored in the grove; we have only the fantasized version of events here made heroic for the kids." replied Justuju; her voice was beautiful and sublime.

Haniya looked at her, and she looked back, and in an instant they connected; without ever exchanging a word. 

Soon, from the far corner of the hive, a shaitoot-bee came gliding towards them, excited and visibly huffing.

"My Queen, good news! The portal will be completely repaired in forty-five minutes. We have successfully identified a device installed deep within the structure that probably aided the assailants to enter—not us; the crow accidentally discovered it; he was continuously twitching against a spot and annoying us. When we went to show him out of the room, we saw the device uncovered behind the wall," the shaitoot said.

He then took a pause to catch his breath.

"Also, the device carries an ominous energy signature with it; Sir Jamun had never seen something like this before; it felt malic-" Before he completed the sentence, Queen Golden shouted,

"Abandon the Gateway Room!" Her voice was so loud that it spread outward in a shockwave. Haniya and all of the other bees near her fainted just from the sheer impact. She then disappeared instantly, rushing to the room herself, but she was a second too late. A loud sonic boom resounded within the entire infrastructure, carrying black wisps of dark magic outward. It originated in the gateway room. Obliterating everyone inside!


Haniya woke up instantly to the loud sound of the explosion. She rubbed her head and looked around. All around her was chaos; there were hundreds of bees rushing towards something. Their continuous buzz made her head feel light as she covered her ears and, with some effort, got up. She started following them, walking towards the source.

Soon, out of the crowd, a particular bee flew to her and started swirling around her.

Justuju tried her best to convey her intentions, but without the understanding, she was struggling.

Haniya regained her senses, and after some moments, luckily, she understood and started following the crimson bee. Together, they reached an intersection where the Queen hovered silently. in deep despair. No one buzzed, the whole community stood still looking at the queen, and some teams who were trying to find survivors in the room were easily given way.

Queen Golden looked back at Haniya.

Then she said it in a loud, assertive tone that shivered Haniya's soul.

"From today onwards, the bees are officially declaring a state of war against the sovereigns and whoever tries to damage our society by any means. This has gone on for too long. Enough!"

The crowd stood silent—thousands of bees—and yet not a single sound was uttered. And just like that, the war was declared.

The crow stood out among the whole crowd. He had somehow survived and was perfectly fine.

The Queen then looked at him.

"Travel to the RaatGarh and tell the snake that I have sent you and that he is to let you use the gateway; remind him of the pact if it comes to that," she said, her voice completely broken and painful.

The crow obediently nodded, and flew away.