
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billi

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · Fantasy
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104 Chs


The grand hall was circular, with large golden tapestries covering its inner walls. Its whole internal rim had huge hexagonal benches with countless bees sitting eagerly on them, some with little jars of honey snacks. They all awaited the trial to begin.

Queen Golden had recently arrived herself. She was known as a just and fair ruler, always abiding by the Kairwan accords. These were a set of rules created by a legendary figure of the past for magical societies, and they were followed with utmost importance everywhere.

No one personally knew who Kairwan was; his time was eons ago, and some theorized it was a group of beings instead of one person. But whoever it was, they were just. The accords did not oppress anyone. The accused were not in too much trouble, but it didn't mean they were to be let off the hook easily.

Queen Golden had called upon the general workers, and almost a thousand bees filled the grand hall. It was a sight to behold. Today, they gathered to rid themselves of not one but two menaces in their society.

More than several bees had satisfied menacing grins on their faces looking at the cloud or the demon child. It was hard to say which one was more trouble at this point. But today they were going to pay.

"Let the trial begin."

Soon, an extremely chubby and small bee of white and black uniform and unfit legs started walking towards Qatan. He was appointed a defender by the law, but the defender had too much trouble holding its weight with its tiny legs, falling more than a few times. Queen Golden looked at the bee with an awkward expression.

"#2005, if you're having too much trouble, I can get someone else to speak for you," the queen said.

"No, my queen, I can do this, please. Allow me."

"Okay, allowed."

After what felt like ages, #2005 reached Qatan. Everyone in the hall did not utter a single word and watched the poor fat bee struggle. The defenders in the bee community rarely used their wings as they had more behind-the-desk jobs. They were all introverts, too. But #2005 was even chubbier by their usual standards.

"Let the trial begin," the queen spoke.

It was #2005's turn on the defense first.

"Qatan is innocent. Qatan has helped us water the fields on numerous occasions. He has fought, you know who, for us," #2005 spoke with extreme confidence. So while he was chubby, he was also brilliant.

"Misleading information," another voice rose from Isra's side.

It was a female. Unlike #2005, she was tidy and fit by their standards.

"Qatan never specifically stated that he fought that thing for us," #2006 mockingly said. She was an appointed defender for Isra.

"But he did save us in the end, didn't he?" #2005 replied. "You all may see Qatan as a nuisance, but think for a moment. Qatan has never intentionally caused any harm. The demon child kidnapped Qatan that day. Countless witnesses are present here. Everyone knows. The demon child even tortured him and kept him in a cage. She even tore pieces of his flesh, once with her mouth and the other time with her fingers."

To this, the audience gasped.

"Your highness, I demand that you do justice to Qatan." #2005 bowed in respect. "That's all, your highness."

"Do you have anything to say to that, #2006?" the queen asked in a somber tone.

"The fact that #2005 used the word demon child just shows that Isra is highly misjudged, your highness. All she ever wanted was a cat, and her family had never even once allowed her to get one in her home."

She continued, "Isra is a small human child, and by nature, they are destructive. This may not be her fault completely, but I want you to think about the instances. Isra has never killed a single bee, your highness. She smoked them, and they were all accounted for and safe. It was her sister who had slapped the Nectar#1 squadron down. Isra is highly misunderstood, as the torture she did to Qatan wasn't intentional either. It was to keep Qatan safe from her mother. But Qatan has never once thought about anyone else except himself, your highness."

"Yes, but she did attack the bees, which was in itself a violation," the chubby brilliant bee objected to #2005.

The room had become extremely tense.